Ive seen no invite or talk on board. Are we having one this year? I believe i was in the last 3/4 leagues. Would suck if we didnt have one (Just like my teams)
I will stickty this thread and bump it up next few days until we form the league. Who will be the commissioner?
There was some talk in the fantasy thread and it looks like the league was renewed on yahoo but there is no draft date set and no discussion on a draft date. I'm in if we get a league started.
Finnish Jet was on this site 10 days ago. Not sure if he's going to run it or not. I just checked and the yahoo league was renewed Jul 25th. 11 of the 12 teams are still there, looks like 1 dropped out. If he doesn't want to run it I think the easiest thing for for someone to take over as admin and keep the same settings. I don't remember if there were settings people didn't like, I'll go through them and the fantasy thread to check on any suggestions.
Take it if you are able, just roll the 11 over and add someone. The only stupid rule was points for kick return yards but we nixed that last year I believe.
Thanks my friend. Winner of the League will get the Banner under their Handle as "2024 TGG Fantasy Football Champ"
I checked the rules and they look good, no kick return yards included. I emailed Finnish from the yahoo league. Hopefully we can get a quick response and get a draft date set.
Auto renew can be a bad thing, cuz you as commissioner can sign up everyone from last year without them even knowing. Sent from my genius mind.
I checked and Finnish did set up the league as auto renew. I set up a new league and sent an invite to the 10 teams that were in last year (11 including me). I tentatively set up the draft for Saturday at 3pm as I know some are overseas. I used standard settings but tomorrow I'll print out last years and this years to compare so they are the same. If Finnish responds and wants to run it I can delete the league I created or use it as an overflow league if there are more than 12 that want to join. Let me know what day / time works best if Sat at 3pm isn't good.
check the main jets board.. we haven't heard from finnish so I set up a new league and invited teams from last year.
Sunday is always the best day for people overall I've found. If it's a Saturday then I'm out. Sent from my genius mind.