the tear down didn't effect wilson though. by that time it was already in rebuild mode. it did affect darnold though. chasman looked to be a steal when he played but was always hurt for us. happy to see him healthy now. Luvu was good for what he was. i mean the jags cut quincy and look at him now for us. guys like luvu and cashman could have been kept but why keep a player who missed 90% of the games he could have played over 4 seasons and guys like luvu are replaceable. you get a new staff in and normally they want their guys for their system
Kind of hard to blame the Jets on Cashman. Fucking dude would rip a hard fart and be out for 5 weeks.
but it's a perfect example of the duality of fans cashman sucks what a bust - fire the GM cashman is always hurt cut his ass - fire the GM how did you let cashman walk - fire the GM
Cashman and Luvu are just two examples of many many ex Jets still playing and starting around the league. I can't turn on a game without seeing one. The point is you don't have to 'tear down', which often leads to comparable or worse players taking the place of at least serviceable players. It also does nothing to elevate young players you are counting on for the future. it did effect both Darnold and Wilson, I don't know how you can say it didn't. i agree it's what a lot of GMs do, because they following the same outdated conservative playbook which they think buys them more time. It ultimately leads to fans hating you for putting them through countless bad seasons while running in place. Build upon what is already in place, 5 years is an eternity in the NFL, and in our case we haven't even improved in that timeframe. I'd make it a pre-requisite that the next GM doesn't take the approach 'of having' to turnover all of JD's roster. But Woody so who knows.
I said it effected darnold. by the time wilson came over we were much better off though. in wilsons 2nd year he had an elite D, a top tier RB and a true WR1. things darnold never had. there were issues on the o-line though and he wasn't happy with our OC. a "teardown" isn't necessarily a complete roster turnover though. it's shedding high dollar older players in exchange for picks and cutting expensive players who aren't worth it while bringing in people who fit the system better. guys like cashman and luvu could have stuck around. we let cashman walk becuase he always got hurt. imagine the fanbase if we resigned a player who played 14 games out of a possible 48 and ended on IR for the 3rd straight year. Luvu could have stuck around. IDK why we let him walk but still the jags cut quincy and we got him and he's a much better player then luvu right now
i mean criticize all you want, it's no skin off my back. just makes you look ignorant more then you think it makes JD look bad. but all fan bases do it and have their "angry ignorant" fans and nothing will ever change that not even winning. the steelers have been a top 5 franchise overall in the past 2 decades and won 2 SBs and their fans want tomlin fired. I even seen 1 complaining how bellichick has won 2 SBs more recently then tomlin has won a playoff game so they should fire him based on that stat. at this point I just use people like that for a good laugh.
I think we need a steel cage match in an Applebees parking lot between Gasedandconfused and some dude from NC....with Big Blocker as a mystery guest...... WHOA.. here comes JUNC with the metal folding chair!!!
I think it would be cool to see a consensus poll for the Jets draft picks in 2024 as they happen, to see if TGG would draft better than Joe Douglas. I'm just not volunteering to do it. Joe Douglas gets way too much credit for drafting great players with great picks. I'll give him Jermaine, but I think many many people would have chosen guys like Sauce, Breece and GW where they were. It wasn't a stroke of genius. His true value has been negotiating, assuming he is the one doing that.
How many games did they play in? Being on the roster is not contributing to the team, it is simply a roster spot with no production.
So getting rid of AVT and Becton is something you think should happen? They've missed close to that percentage of games. And are VERY REPLACEABLE, because they are never healthy enough to suit up.
As long as a NEW GM makes the pick. This putz JD will select a DT and say he was the BAA. That's who he is, he can't help himself.
A department store mannequin could run the Jets better than Joe Douglas, so I would have to assume that a consensus poll could do better as well.
Imagine the Jets somehow ended up 1 overall and got to throw another USC QB into the grinder? He'd be starting behind the worst offensive line in the league with the worst OC in the league by the second month.
Who has been more accurate the past ten years or so forecasting wins and losses? Those you call angry and ignorant or the guys riding rainbows who are constantly talking playoffs and Super Bowls? Is there a better measure of success in the NFL than wins and losses?