The Return of the Rodgers..

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Cman68, Nov 26, 2023.

  1. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    Well obviously the 2nd scenario is worse which is why that team finished with a losing record
  2. Kronoking

    Kronoking Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2023
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    Pretty sure I've named at least 4 in passing just in this thread, and before even diving in to the more expensive options that were potentially out there like Carr or Jimmy G. Those being further down the list for me due to not being as attractive on the cost vs realistic projected reward scale, but push come to shove I'd still of ultimately taken either of those guys at their acquisition cost/considerations then Rodgers at his.

    I wanted a legit OC hire more then I wanted anything else, and who would ideally be a lot more qualified to make that pick before anybody currently in the building. But discounting the ideally wanting to know who the OC was gonna be first factor (which there was otherwise a 0% chance it would of been Hackett without Woody zero'ing in on Rodgers, so we'll never know who it might of been), if i was making my own preference pick on what option out there looked the most appealing to me overall it would of been taking a flyer on Jameis for $1/4m he signed to be backup elsewhere. He's shown enough in the past and in progressive glimpses over the past few years to make him the most intriguing upside project of the bunch imo. For backup I'm not as hot on Mike White as a lot of other fans were/are, but being as well liked as he was in the locker room (in the event he would of even re-signed here over Miami) would of had to be a consideration. I'd ultimately have preferred somebody like Brissett (1/$8m), Dalton (1/$5m, Minshew (1/$3.5m), or Heincke (2/$14) though, and who'd I personally felt better about falling back on in the event Winston didn't pan out.

    With no Rodgers and his baggage coming into the building the initial plan going in to offseason on the Zach front wouldn't have changed (another timeline logic problem in a lot of the complaining today btw, and easy connect the dot to the otherwise most logical explanation that has been essentially been white washed out of existence to preserve the desired Pro-Rodgers narrative). Lots of positive "we still believe he has a promising future" talk in the media, but the moment both the above options are secure it would then of switched over to operation Make Zach Gone. He never steps a foot in the home side of the building this year.
    #142 Kronoking, Dec 1, 2023
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2023
  3. JetDan

    JetDan Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2008
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    He needs to play. If the Jets win the next (2) games, I hope he comes back earlier than Christmas Eve if the Jets are mathematically still alive in the playoff hunt. I know big IF

    I appreciate all his effort to rehab and get back to the team. If he re-injures himself? He has plenty of time to rehab and get back for 2024.
  4. Kronoking

    Kronoking Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2023
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    1. I don't see it discounting the fact he had a broken thumb as much as it is a more direct acknowledge on when the injury happened, how it again both looked and was being reported to affect him at the time (including comments Rodgers made himself) before then fading out as a talking point in the latter half of the season, and then pointing out the fact that it seemingly is only being resurrected as a major talking point after-the-fact now as a necessary narrative tool to explain away the decline. MVP Rodgers being the much better hype sell, of course.

    2. Answered above. Surface TD totals obviously being subjective to use value. I'd of felt equally as good or better about any of those guys with the added bonus of not having to have made anywhere near the sacrifice that was made to bring Rodgers in. Plus if I was to miss there I not only get the much better do over try not named Zach Wilson i wasn't allowed this year, but worst case i'm not potentially digging myself in any ditches it's otherwise going to take years to climb back out of if/when things go bad.

    3. I mean but he didn't have Adams last year, and in the big picture he was actually trading *down* in surrounding support system he could realistically expect in the move to here. So even if you want to just wipe the 2022 decline right off the consideration board on a QB turning 40, how logical is it really to just assume he's going to do notably better with Garrett/Lazard/Gipson then he did with Watson/Lazard/Doubs (post-Davis retirement) and with a notably better o-line then we knew our's was going to be before we even hit camp? You can't just say "but Breece Hall!" there either since Aaron Jones hadn't hit the age/injury wall yet he seems to be slamming up against this year.
    #144 Kronoking, Dec 1, 2023
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2023
  5. Kronoking

    Kronoking Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2023
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    This also kind of simplifies things down too much btw. While basically leaning in to hard on the surface level assumption that Rodgers' ability to play and produce at peak level was ever directly tied that heavily into some surrounding need for Davante Adams to do it.

    In the previous 3 seasons to Adams leaving GB he missed a total of 7 games Rodgers played. In those 7 games Rodgers posted above seasonal average yard outputs 5 times, and had a 19-1 TD:Int ratio. The dude still balled with no more of a supporting cast then he had last year. Generally speaking, the better QBs still in their prime find a way and you don't typically expect them to morph into somebody who only threw for over 255 yards once in 17 starts last season, and hasn't had a 300 yard game since week 12 of 2021 (Zach has had 2 since then).

    That's before even really deep diving the whole "do better weapons guarantee better production? Or more often then not even cause a significant change?" I mean Lamar Jackson and the popular surface level assumption he was just a better supporting cast away from producing more like that 2019 outlier year is pushing back pretty hard on that right now as an example.
  6. nevbeats319

    nevbeats319 Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2007
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    I’m not kidding when I say this. I can see you just signed up to this board. Your takes are some of the worst nonsense I have read on here since I joined in 2007.

    jimmy G? Derek carr? JAMIS WINSTON ?!!!!!
  7. Kronoking

    Kronoking Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2023
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    Great direct counter debate there. That just argues it all the logic clear away I guess.

    Feel free to steal some of mine a year from now in your rants when you finally catch up though.
  8. Jonathan_Vilma

    Jonathan_Vilma Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2004
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    It defies rational thinking to say that a broken bone would not affects one’s performance. I’m also not sure where you’re gathering that he said it has no affect?

    The idea behind requiring Rodgers wasn’t even that we were seeking MVP performances like some of his ridiculously good seasons. You’d have to like give up three or four first round picks to get him in his prime slinging the rock like that.

    Lamar Jackson is a completely different type of player and has always had a good supporting cast (albeit different type of cast than most) so I’m not sure who is making those arguments.

    So I’m going to go back to it. What would you have done in the off-season? Which QB should’ve been the target? You’re dancing around answering the question because you know your answer will reflect a significantly worse potential player even if it likely would’ve been a better long term solution for the franchise.
  9. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    I don't think there's any way Rodgers comes back with this Oline. If he does, he'll be injured before the end of the season and it will be 1 season and done, and the Jets will be in their worst cap situation since the early 2000s.
  10. mezzavo

    mezzavo Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    This was fantastic! From "The" to "one" at the end. No more need saying...
  11. mezzavo

    mezzavo Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I've decided I'm going to fully ignore your post because Kronoking is kicking your ass...however let's point out that bolded part right there. Isn't it interesting that everyone, still Riding Rodgers jock, keep saying he did what he did last year with a broken thumb and NO WR's. Yet, the NY Football Jets in their infinite stupidity CHOSE to bring not one but TWO of those "No WR's" to this team WITH Rodgers. So, which is it? Did he do what he did with a broken thumb and no WR's or did he have good enough WR's that this team brought them with him? Can't be both...
  12. Kronoking

    Kronoking Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2023
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    Again, nobody is claiming that it never happened. Just debating how much of an effect it really had on his total body of work, and on how much weight it should really carry behind any desire to completely wipe away the massive red flag that was Rodgers' 2022 season. But here, I can play the quote game too i guess:

    The only dancing around happening here is you and a few others going back to ask me questions I've already answered multiple times in this thread, and which you simply don't like the answer to. I mean c'mon......the last time is on this same page and was even quoted 2 posts up by another guy that like yourself seems to hate the fact I refuse to pull any punches on these ridiculous "let's just ignore and/or whitewash anything away that suggests Rodgers was a terrible acquisition!" narratives being spun. I mean I half expect his next reply to me to be a meme of somebody sticking their 2 index fingers in their ears and spamming out a few "I can't hear you!" posts over and over. In all caps of course.
  13. mezzavo

    mezzavo Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I'm good at whining, thank you NY Jets for helping me become the best whiner I can be! However, I also am a solutions guy. It's what I do on a near daily basis so...

    What I would have done is the following:

    1. I would have hired an OC that didn't just come off one of the most epic failures in recent memory. He did his best to "break" a potential HOF QB. It didn't need to be said by Sean Payton but he nailed his assessment of Hackett and the Broncos current situation PROVES that he was right. Just look at what a bit of competent head coaching/offensive coordinating has done for that team.
    2. Stepping in to my Woody Johnson shoes, I would have mandated to JD that, "if you don't build me a championship caliber O-line RIGHT NOW you WILL be gone in 2024. He's had more than enough time to get this done and has, not just failed, but failed on an epic scale. I would have started with calling a guy like Bill Callahan and getting who he would recommend as O-Line coach and go from there.
    3. Me, personally, I would have kicked the tires on Lamar Jackson, realized that it was too rich, and then would have made sure Carr not leave the building when he visited. Again, everyone, down to the last poster in this board, was making the statement, "if we had only COMPETENT QB play this team would be dangerous." Well, the one caveat to that is, "if we had competent QB play behind an honest to goodness NFL O-Line, then this team would be dangerous." Your "competent" QB play really does stem from the comfort of being protected by an honest to goodness NFL caliber O-Line!!!
      1. By bringing in Carr you get "competent" QB play AND you can continue to go hunting for a QB in the draft without "insulting" the incumbent. Is Carr perfect, no, however, when playing the odds, you can reasonably expect Carr to last at least 5 years vs. the 2 or MAYBE 3 Rodgers gives us for a LOT less in compensation and without the whole diva side show. We wouldn't have WASTED roster spots on Turner, Lazard, Cobb and Boyle. THAT's FOUR players or 7% of the roster that is thoroughly useless. (Don't get me started on Boyle who I don't think should have ever been in the NFL let alone on a team, let alone starting!)
    This organization NEVER gets over the hump. Ever. We have no history of getting over any type of rebuilding hump. They were well on their way in this iteration which they decided to shit on by bringing in Rodgers. Other than JD jacking up the o-line this team had enough talent on the O to be competitive. However, there is a REASON every football person on the planet makes the statement, "it starts in the trenches...on both sides of the ball." Well, we have gone off the deep end on the D-line and we haven't dropped a toe in the water on the O-line. The BEST GM's are those that know their limitations. JD still hasn't grown up enough to admit he knows nothing about an O-line and get some help so either that deficiency gets corrected or he is fired and we bring in someone who knows how to employ others to help. One caveat here, the bringing in of Rodgers wasn't the nail in the coffin. It was this team feeling it HAD to hire Hackett to entice Rodgers and then allowing Rodgers to dictate roster decisions that ultimately jacked up this singular personnel decision. Seriously, who DOES that?? Now, if they thought Hackett was a GOOD OC hire and Rodgers wasn't a part of any of that thought process then we need to have a VERY different discussion about who made that decision and "why" they aren't already on the unemployment line.
  14. The_Darksider

    The_Darksider Well-Known Member

    Dec 27, 2011
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    I hadn't really put this together until I saw it in black-and-white, but the Jets have done this three times in my memory. What team goes out and hires other teams failures immediately after those failures? Rich Kotite lost his last seven games with the Eagles, the Jets couldn't wait to get them in here. Different ownership, but … Same Old Jets. Adam Gase was an absolute disaster, Jets couldn't wait to give him a head coaching job. And now this.

    I'm glad it's only December 2, I have time to get over the depression before Christmas.
    Cman68 likes this.
  15. Jonathan_Vilma

    Jonathan_Vilma Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2004
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    I’m conceding that he likely is/was on the decline but what you’re glossing over is the fact that he still represents a significant upgrade over what was here and most other options available on the open market. That includes trade options or free agency.

    Obviously in retrospect it looks like it’s a massive disaster for the franchise and there isn’t much disputing that. At the time I felt like Carr was the best option for QB stability and to keep building up the roster.

    But I want to know what you thought at the time instead of tossing words like value and such out there. And since we can’t verify your opinion from April 2022 because you weren’t here we’ll have to take it at face value.
    #155 Jonathan_Vilma, Dec 2, 2023
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2023
  16. mezzavo

    mezzavo Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    See my last paragraph above. You ARE CORRECT that Rodgers DOES represent a significant upgrade over our QB's. However, Rodgers does NOT represent an upgrade when you factor in Hackett, Boyle, Lazard, Cobb & Turner. Rodgers represents a SIGNIFICANT downgrade and disaster.
    JetFanInNE likes this.
  17. Jonathan_Vilma

    Jonathan_Vilma Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2004
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    Well as I said in one of these threads, there’s also the possibility that all of those moves were made because the Jets were overcompensating and weren’t necessarily anything Rodgers wanted. The Jets also made the decision to rely on Cobb, Turner, Boyle having significant backup roles rather than burying them on the depth chart.
  18. ColoradoContrails

    ColoradoContrails Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2016
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    I hope you're right, but athletes find it near impossible to hold themselves out of things if they can convince themselves they're okay, even if they're not. Of course they're the only ones who know their body so we have to take their word for it, or err on the side of caution. But I think the Jets will likely throw caution to the wind at this point because they're desperate to reverse their current and years losing. I hope saner minds prevail and they thank Rodgers for his effort and dedication, but hold him out for the rest of the year. This would do two things. First, it would save Rodgers for next year when hopefully they have a better OL and weapons. And second, it will likely mean they wind up with a higher draft pick to help them achieve Item #1.

    But who am I kidding?
  19. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    I know Woody has his hopes that Rodgers will come back to a lost season and make the fans happy, but on McAfee this week he (Rodgers) said 3 times in the same sentence that the 2 things that would need to happen are 1) he's healthy enough to play and defend himself and 2) they'll see how the team is playing and if they are still in it. He was rambling, but he said it 3 times.
  20. Borat

    Borat Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2018
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    I understand people just want to say whatever fits their narrative, but can we stick to the facts and then actually make a judgement? Hack was hired in Jan. This was before the Jets could even talk to Rodgers. Hack helped bring Rodgers not the other way around. Jets could not even talk to him, much less fully convince him to come. Sure, they thought if they get Hack, it's a higher probability of getting Rodgers, but that cannot be the primary reason. If it is, they need to be fired on the spot. And I don't think they are good, but they are not that dumb. Hack helped with Rodgers. Rodgers did not bring Hack.

    Also, Hack brought Billy last year to Denver. Why are we assuming Rodgers wanted him? He has been following Hack, who as I explained before was hired way before JD could even talk to Rodgers. This one is not on Rodgers at all. Boyle and Cobb are end of the bench PS level cheap guys. Even if Rodgers did say he thought they are suitable for WR #5/6 and PS QB roles, it's not his fault the GM failed to get guys above them who are better. This is nothing. The only one he recommended for a #3 WR role costing a decent amount that sucked is Lazard. Still it is GM's job to make a decision. He decided to bring in Lazard, he decided to decline to match OBJ, both guys Rodgers recommended. JD could and should have done better this off-season, that's the real problem, not Rodgers.
    GasedAndConfused likes this.

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