I read that after the game also. Hackett had to tell Saleh the kid was cooked, and he was done with him. We'd be rolling him out there again on Friday if someone didn't finally say "enough" because Bob Saleh wasn't going to make that call.
the RPO one or the other one? At least i can admit when i'm wrong. he still can't and has been wrong several times so far and still can't do anything but sling insults
Hackett during his press conference today: "When it comes to stats, there's so many different ways to look at numbers. Good, bad. There are people throughout this league that have been very, very good. There are those that are not as good. That fluctuates. There are so many things that change. That's why this game is so great. So many different things that change. Personnel. Situations. So many different things." Sounds like some people here...
It is not, and the reasons why have been explained many times. There's a reason the only people who say things like this are people whose offenses have consistently had horrible stats across their careers.
has nothing to do with football. has to do with life man. you see it everyday. have you ever been in management? ran a business? managed a contract? numbers can be moved around to make nay point you want. it's been proven that way over and over. i've even posted articles. people just don't want to believe it but then again people believe the earth is flat. the numbers tell you how the team is doing as a whole. it doesn't pinpoint whats causing them to be bad. it also gives you a range. just because a team lets up 5 yards less a game doesn't make them a better defense. I could give you example over example but we both know it won't make a difference in how you think
exactly. and without constants you can't use variables for data since variables against other variables produce incorrect results.
not a single constant from play to play outside of jersey logos and last names lol let me ask you this. why do you think teams switch sides every quarter?
Admitting you were wrong is a first step in the right direction but shouldn't there also be a retraction and apology for making it personal by the insults to those who were right? It's what adults do.
I mean you can make that argument about anything in life. Every second of every day there is nothing that is exactly the same. It doesn’t mean you eliminate math and statistics as a result. Imagine the top-end hedge funds and market predictors didn’t use statistics because variables and constants change? There’s a reason statistical analysis is valid for most things. It doesn’t mean it should ever solely be relied on, specifically in a game like football that is so emotionally charged by human beings, adrenaline, momentum, etc. But the way you’ve setup all of your football arguments about things is that it shouldn’t ever even be considered for one second and only your opinion (or those opinions that backup your own opinion) should be considered.
You couldn't even define "humility," much less exhibit it. I never initiate personal attacks and I apologize when I'm wrong. But you do you.
math and science are done via experiments with constants. there is always a "control" that is used to measure the success of the variable in science if you put 2 chemicals together, the reaction is always the same. in football you call the same play twice and nothing is exactly the same market predictions is made on essentially gambling odds. you take the wins and losses and the idea is to win more then you lose. but like gambling not everyone does. even then when people gamble they account for variables before placing a bet. you loko at a poker hand and go I have a 95% chance to take the hand and am pot committed so odds say to call. and sometimes you lose but it was the right call and do it enough and you'll come out on top. thats where the "even out" people think of comes in. the issue is you always know your odds, then you are trying to figure out of the other person has that 5% or not. in football you don't. analytics have been sued to play the odds but thats only to go or not go. thats why analytics will say go and coaches will tell an OC "give me your best play to get 2 yards" so they take one that picks up 2 yards 80% of the time. doesn't guarantee an outcome. it plays the odds. still with that you are talking success on 1 specific play. stats are just a record of what actually happened without any context, odds , or variables explained.
the issue is you never think you are wrong and can't even grasp the sea lion comic that it's what you do. If you ever understand why people post that about you then you'll understand.
You really don't get it, do you? You finally admitted you were wrong today about something as blatant as ineligible or illegal man downfield on a running play but you weren't man enough to apologize to those you denigrated while digging in your heels on your ignorance. You continue to mention this sea lion thing but won't go near to explaining why it should matter. Clearly it's something you intended as an insult so, considering the source, why should I care in the slightest?
i've admitted being wrong several times. literally the only one on this whole forum who ever has lol then you think I should apologize to someone who's been a dick to me for months and hasn't admitted when they were wrong dozens of times. sorry bro. respect is earned not given. and the sea lion ISN'T an insult. it's a perspective on why people feel the way they do about you. Read it, tell me who in the comic seems like a jerk