I would imagine if they do it will either be worst case (he plays better than Zach) or best case (he sucks). I think JD would feel safer having him rot on the PS.
It's really not that mind-boggling. This is what happens when you have no fear of repercussions, and no accountability. This guy nailed it so hard he broke the board.
I have zero confidence this CS and this roster will beat Buff or Miami, let alone go on a playoff run. The team is a lot closer to imploding than it is to going on a playoff push.
well I do agree with a lot of what you said. there is 1 line I just can't get behind the reason being it completely discounts the other 100 people in the building. the 53 on the roster. the 4-5 on IR, the 16 on the PS, and the 28 coaches on staff and that doesn't include the FO who all want to win. If the players thought the team had given up on the season there would be headlines of it, they wouldn't have had a players only meeting to salvage the season. the players take cues from the team thats why you see good players give up on seasons and half ass it.
This is pretty much exactly what I and others have been saying to you. Just because you don't publicly see an implosion doesn't mean they aren't screwing everybody else.
and I get that it's possible. but there has been literally 0 evidence of it so at this point it's just a conspiracy theory which makes people sounds crazy. not that some conspiracy theories have been proven true over time, because they have. but it's extremely rare and you still sound crazy until it's proven true and even then you still sound crazy because "even a broken clock is right twice a day"
You have a pretty funny idea of what zero evidence is. The players have grumbled a bit. You need to read between the lines. They are frustrated, they are angry, and while we can quibble over whether they are frustrated and angry directly at Zach Wilson or just in general, there's no doubt they are extremely frustrated. My guess is that they have grown to like Zach, but know he's not the guy, and it's the front office and coaching staff that their ire is directed at. That would make much more sense than hating Zach Wilson and it not getting out. ^^^now THAT is a shot in the dark
Agreed. Just because these other teams are losing their QBs and imploding around us doesn't mean that we're still not the biggest dumpster fire out there. This team has about as much chance making the NFL playoffs as a Canadian semi-pro team.
You are making some wild accusations though based on nothing. last time zach lost the locker room it was pretty obvious. this time there hasn't been anyhting of the sorts. If I start seeing tim f-ing boyle shirts then maybe you'll have a point but right now it's more of a case of seeing what you want to see to prove your point then it is in reality. With that said obviously the players are frustrated. all losing teams have frustrated players. Q was yelling at sauce yesterday. sauce body slammed diggs after the whistle, clemens got into it on the field and in the tunnel with a bills lineman. breece apologized to the fans after the game. thats pretty normal for a team that can't move the ball and is losing games. we all know zach isn't the guy. thats no secret. i'm sure the players know it too. doesn't mean we have anything better right now
I don't know how many times you want to do this dance, but better is a pretty subjective term when the guy can't get it done. Did you see Tim Boyle last night? He also sucks, but he was much more crisp in his reads, got the ball out quickly when he wasn't on his back, and the offer offense looked like it had a little bit of life. Of course, he had no preparation, and the line is Basically a bunch of walk on at this point, but it was a noticeable difference for a few plays. Are you telling me that a guy that doesn't suck as much as Tim Boyle can't make this team look better? And you are splitting hair as about losing the team. He doesn't have to have guys angry at him and wearing T-shirts with the other quarterbacks name on it for him to have lost the locker room. It is clearly evident in the fact that the defense is frustrated and committing stupid penalties, getting into scrums after every other play, and the offense is not concentrating at all. They're dropping passes, fumbling - this is not an indication of a team that is behind their guy.
Wilson blows, Hackett blows, my dreams are empty. Speaking of blowing, I wish Vick Blows would make a surprise appearance. Other than PF4, he's one of only a small handful that are truly a loss to the board. I still have his email address, haha, I'm totally gonna do it.
he was decisive but made bad decisions. he did get the ball out quicker but was awful. he played against a soft prevent D in a blowout game and couldn't move the ball and had turnover worthy throws on 1 out of every 5 passes. it's funny how the line wasn't at fault for boyle but it was for zach? and yes the team is frustrated but to say they all hate 1 player and are blaming him is a pretty insane leap.
You are twisting every single thing I or anyone else on here says. Again. 1. Boyle sucks. But he looked better in some (more important) situations, and exactly the same in others. 2. No one has blamed it all on one player, I see a lot of blame going around for the coaching staff and the organization for being dumb enough to let it get to this point. Your whole "he gives us the best chance to win" thing is a complete pile of stinky horseshit. But I'm glad you're not a defender of Wilson.
1) coming in garbage time against a prevent defense isn't an important situation lol 2) no it's mostly been zach as if swapping him out would change anything for the better. All i've said is benching him isn't going to help and likely hurts the offense anyway. all 3 QBs we have suck, zach sucks the least of the 3
So an obvious ability to process what the defense is doing and get rid of the ball in a timely manner is reserved for garbage time when things don't matter? Now you're just being silly. Clearly you are completely incapable of seeing things any other way but your own. I can't wait until someone rips your shirt open and find your I love Zach Wilson tshirt on it.