This was always the case. MLF was never the actual fucking problem but the Zach Wilson crew had to pound that table. Somebody but the actual problem Is always to blame, must be the OC!! Fire him, all will be well. Can't get any worse, right?? Fuck this team mannnnn.
That was always going to be the coping excuse for when the Rams offense looked better to our no scoring ass offense. It's bullshit. The dude wasn't a terrible OC, far from It. Now we all get to see what an actual bad OC looks like. Fun.
He definitely wasn't. Stud QBs like Joe Flacco, Josh Johnson, and Mike White proved that. If we had kept LaFleur and then opened up the piggy bank and spent a 6th rounder on Josh Dobbs, we'd be sitting pretty right now even without Rodgers.
Unfortunately, the evidence is mounting that Hack is Gase level coordinator, possibly worse. This is the second year in a row now he has the worst offense in the League with two different teams and QBs.
Someone needs to call the guys who put up the Fire Idzik billboards and tell them their services are needed again.
Both coordinators had to deal with the same quarterback. Both decided it was best to limit him. There's a reason for that, they both saw the same limitations, the same liabilities. But hey, thanks to JD we don't have a quarterback controversy this year.
You’re not bursting my bubble because I’m confident you are wrong. I’m sure you will say the same and that’s fine. I can point to many things that suggest otherwise and I have, even before he was fired. MLF wasn’t the greatest OC In the NFL but he was above average. He was great In comparison to what we have now. It’s night and day. Especially when you seen every single backup find success In a MLF lead offense. The only QB to struggle In both systems Is/was Zach Wilson. That’s not a conspiracy theory. That’s a fact.
It's poor man's thinking to believe we should have stayed with MLF because the guy our idiot franchise chose to replace him is worse.