just think about the police now. they gotta try to find a guy with a better weapon and better training than they have thats why I was hoping he was just laying dead somewhere
I don’t think there’s any denying that there’s a problem with people getting their hands on these weapons when they shouldn’t. I suggested a while back in one of these threads that for these style rifles people need to take a 3-month training course with rotating instructors (to remove bias) that are trained in spotting markers that would worry them for such a commitment.
Worst case is this crazy dude is still thinking methodically and planned an escape. If I lived in New Hampshire I would start getting worried he's traveling far away from Maine to inflict more pain. Really hoping he gets caught dead or alive soon.
I’m going to guess he had a second car lined up where they found his Subaru by the docks. And in all likelihood I’d guess he isn’t necessarily seeking another mass shooting target but definitely would kill to take over a house or shelter or car.
No, but I'm sure you know that by now. If he isn't dead I guess he can be anywhere. Probably in a different state by now. Could be in NY, CT, MA for all we know. Very unsettling thought.
No I don't think so either and I wasn't suggesting that. But way stricter mental health rules and stronger search and seizure laws for guns that are in the hands of possibly dangerous individuals. Magazine limits would help too.
yes, he may very well be dead in a ditch already. A lot of these end this way. Let's hope the killing is over.
Law enforcement had heavy presence at his fathers house. We’re heard saying “we know you’re in there”
They’ll find some fuckin manifesto. An angry man with grandiose and bigoted thoughts probably, fuck him
Gotta wonder what is so wrong in a guys life like this. Multiple properties in a nice state where he can hunt, good job, military pension. Doesn’t sound like too bad of a life.
Remember that guy who shot up the concert in las vegas years ago had some money too. Who knows? Could be a brain tumor, could be psychological, could be a truly empty/evil person just bored, may be it's political. Each of these shooters are so alike yet twisted in their own special way.
I don’t know what happened in the Vegas one but I don’t believe that guy did all that by himself. Limited surveillance video, people randomly missing after it happened like the security guard, media coverage died almost instantly and the police and FBI came out and shrugged their shoulders and said idk he was mad at gambling losses. But I digress, yes I agree otherwise.