Hopefully he’s laying dead somewhere cause they are saying on the news the police don’t know where he is also it was ‘teen night’ at the bowling alley he shot up. Just terrible
Is there a law that says to come get the guns after a mental health incident? Especially an army reserve? That’s what I’m asking
Lawmakers on either don’t want to fix the gun issue regardless of which side they stand on. If they did, a lot of these checks and balances would’ve been fixed. It’s too good of an issue to run on whether pro or anti-gun.
if he threatened to beat up his wife they would fast track a legal order saying he's not allowed anywhere near her. and the police would be ready to arrest him if he did. But he threatens to shoot something and there's nothing they can do about his rifles. we really are a stupid country at times
usually the way that would work is that he’s not allowed anywhere near the military site. I guess if I was to argue the flip side of this, there would be a lot of people that would feel if there was a law to come get his guns , then there would be a slippery slope on what they could use to start rummaging peoples houses. “Assault rifles” has been parroted almost immediately, and this guy being a trained instructor, and Military experience, he could have done a lot with whatever weapon he chose. His choice of weapon with a scope in close proximity actually kind of surprises me.
It probably varies state to state. You'd have to look up Maine's laws and despite being relatively blue they are also gun friendly. Is there a lawyer here? Any legal professional that can shed light on maine gun laws?
They have yellow flag laws I believe where a family member or friend can petition that the guns be taken away if there’s a mental health problem or they’re a suspected threat. That only works if the folks have someone in their life that will do that though and there’s an epidemic of male loneliness in his age range unfortunately. I don’t really know how the Army reserve wouldn’t have tried to have his weapons removed though. He reportedly threatened to shoot up the base which prompted his hospital stay.
On the news they shed some light about the "yellow paper" law in Maine. It is a boneheaded compromise, no wonder it didn't work in this instance. It requires the person to go under temporary police custody until a medical evaluation can occur. And only then after the evaluation can they restrict his gun rights. So even if this dude did have family that cared for him, they woulda had to have had him arrested essentially if they were concerned. Who's gonna do that? no one
Maine's governor Janet Mills says 18 people were killed and 13 were injured in shootings in Lewiston.
100% So what do we do? Get rid of all people with mental health problems? or one type of weapon? Plus in Main no one needs a gun permit and prob no background checks..and he gets to have a weapon too? 100 bucks says they will change the Laws there I hope
Yes..and it has already been stated he had a serious Mental Health diagnosis . As a Health Care provider I would say thats enough to restrict gun use full stop You cant force people to go for help or have a family involuntarily commit him/arrest him. BTW he was already an inpatient for two weeks and prob taking meds. The Nat Guard knew he was mouthing off about shooting people ..I hope there's some accountability for that!! I worked as a Contractor with the Air Force..lemme tell ya no pilot would be allowed to fly or arm up if he was displaying mental issues or homicidal behavior We have a gun epidemic! thats the real problem
If you really believed the real problem was a gun epidemic, then you would be just as vocal with all the rampant gun violence daily in this country. You could focus on dc alone. The truth is ,this very specific type of gun violence brings out the political opportunism in alot of people. Anytime , anyone goes right for the “it’s the guns and only the guns”, i know it’s pure political opportunism. There are more than one ingredients to this problem, and guns are one but not the only. Being military, they should have been on top of this too, especially with his threats.
No, it’s not. Like I said, this very specific type of crime brings certain people out of the woodwork, that dont seem to notice , or seem to care about what happens daily in this country. And calling that fact a straw man doesn’t make it go away.