How long do we have to lob this back and forth? "Nonsense" literally means: makes no sense. Does it really? Because a great number of fans think it does. IDK if it's the majority - it might be - but it sure is a sizeable number, so the idea isn't without merit.
The league goes through extraordinary measures to make sure that the refs are straight shooters. They may suck in your perceived reality... but they ain't crooked.
Perhaps the refs aren't, but maybe they're told to "manage" outcomes a certain way by the league office. Really, do you think all of this is simply coincidence? But even if you think there's nothing sinister going on, the problem is as I said, that many people do. How long do you think that perception will continue before it begins impacting how many fans continue watching?
I never said that there's not a "perception" problem... and I never said that the officiating couldn't be better. I will say that in 25 years of working in & around NFL football... I've never seen or heard any evidence of the league manipulating games through officiating. Why would they do that? It goes against logic.
It's a real problem and you're right that it causes angst amongst us fans but I don't think it affects the more casual watcher. It's more parsimonious to conclude that the refs are making calls based upon instructions on how to call a game and they're not considering enough the ramifications when making the call--they may actually be instructed not to consider ramifications. Also they are paid to make calls--thats a f'd up thing about it. A ref who makes no calls is looking like they're not doing the job. Every positive penalty call should be quickly reviewed imo--that phantom offensive offsides on Philly last night was obvious before the next play was even close to being called--NY or whoever could easily have intervened yet they do not. Also, you should know that bettors can bet at a host of varoius lines for any game and bet on a myriad of outcomes throughout the game. Any call one way or another effects betting payouts and there's little to predict who's going to benefit for the most part.
The refs don't have to make calls to affect every betting possibility, and I don't believe that they do. I'm just saying that the league has made a "deal with the devil" around gambling. I think it's more of the league wanting to make their "On any given Sunday" motto a reality, which perhaps coincidentally plays into the bookies desire to keep outcomes "neutral" on their balance sheets. I just don't believe - and I know I'm not a lone voice - that there isn't something going on that influences referee calls that are altering game outcomes.
If anything I think it was a lot easier to rig games 20 years ago when gambling was illegal and off the books. There’s too much of a paper trail now and the refs are paid very well to work what? 60 days a year maybe? A lot of these guys are also retired lawyers and other such highly educated professions. I think they suck and they’re put in impossible situations most of the time. If anything there should be more refs in the backfields. They have the side judges running 40 yards down field at full speed and somehow can spot pretty accurately where the ball is. It’s impressive when you think about it.
If they were doing this, don't you think they'd keep a very tight lid on it? There was a report - story or book - a few years ago by a former NBA ref who revealed that NBS refs were routinely told how to call games, and which players were "off limits" due to the NBA wanting to maintain fan interest. Why would the NFL be any different? No, it doesn't mean they are doing this, but based on this, it's certainly possible. Maybe you're too close to see it.
Well that’s what the crooked ref in bed with the mob alleged against the league. The FBI investigated and didn’t find a basis for it to be true. I’m not saying it doesn’t happen but I wouldn’t exactly say that out loud like it’s a fact as it was a mere allegation from a guy that went to prison for over a decade for fixing games to line his own pocket.
the thing is, the house always wins. they don't need interference. and regardless of the refs, you can't get the 140 players/coaches involved in each game on board. The reality is the athletes are more athletic then ever, the camera quality and angles we get are better then ever, our access to games is better then ever, yet the NFL still uses old part time refs trying to keep track of 22 players on a field every play where things happen in split seconds. Its more likely then not just human error and not a tin foil hat issue. The NFL needs to use technology better to assist the refs and make sure calls are right, that really is all it is.
I see no reason why every single play shouldn’t be a reviewable play. As long as we’re limiting the number of challenges a team has, it won’t impact game time much more than it already is… And I get that so many calls are judgment calls and harder to overturn maybe, but you have to do SOMETHING…if I’m a Colts fan today I’m SUPER pissed…they got HOSED. Just as badly as the fucking neck chokeholds KC OL was doing on our DL that weren’t ever called. It’s fucking disgusting how many just bad calls are there. To me, I hate the ticky tack shit…just touching a QB sometimes gets a roughing call…it’s crazy. Yet Zach gets his facemask twisted and nothing. Some of these PI calls are out of control…to me, I say let them play…if a DB really alters the WR then fine call it, but otherwise let it go. And when the ball is 7 yards out of the back of the end zone like that ball was against the Colts, you can’t give them a first and goal from the 1. You are literally giving them the game. It’s crazy.
You very well could be right. I know that at least a certain segment of NFL fans wouldn't be willing to sacrifice having team memorabilia or going to games in order to try to help make the officiating better and more consistent, which in turn would improve the quality of the games. It's easy for people to sit back and complain, but some people aren't willing to put in the effort, work, or sacrifice to try to accomplish positive change.
First, I'm not saying that gambling is THE reason the NFL applies pressure to the refs to get certain outcomes, but I believe that's a possible factor. Second, "the house always wins" because they actually get - or manufacture - interference to further ensure their edge. Third, if you can get the refs to interfere you don't need 140 players/coaches involved. Finally, if the NFL really wants to remove all doubt, they could sever all ties with the gambling industry instead of continuing to be in bed with it.
they don't have to manufacture anything. it's just math. they set the odds to be in their favor. just like any card game or dice game.