I have a great nephew that has it. He's a very smart kid, but he has struggled horribly with ADHD as have his grades, which is going to affect where he is able to go to college. The adderall has helped him, but he still has difficulties. I've also had numerous clients who have had it who also struggled to focus even on adderall. It can be a serious impediment to learning and developing.
Honestly you not caring about me making a horrible mistake doesn't exonerate you from saying the things you do. I was completely wrong about what I said but that doesn't mean it's free reign to dismiss other ailments. C'mon JV. Do better.
Is it unrealistic to want a 40-10 Jets win? The Dolphins put up 70. For as improved as Zach appeared last week, the offense still only put up 18 points and the defense gave up 17 in the first quarter. If Zach and this defense are for real, it's time to put it all together and stomp someone. One can wish...
Looking at 24-17 to be honest. I don’t see this offense capable of putting up that many points unfortunately.
ADHD, yes. ADD? Meh, that's doctor speak for can't pay attention for more than 2 min. I've seen kids with intense ADHD and they are uncontrollable. I don't Zach is at that level he is just a kid who grew up with the Internet. For the record, I played the ADD card for Adderall in college. It's bullshit, but I did have a direct family member become basically addicted to Adderall so it's also shitty.
That’s pretty much the point I was making until the morality police showed up. Thank you for saying it better than I could.
I think the Jets win today. If they don't, my time on Sundays here on out can be given to family if necessary.
I'm heading out to watch the game. My local Sports bar here has happy hour all day on NFL Sundays, so the pints will be flowing. Cheers to a Jets victory!
yep, I'm going to hop on my beach cruiser and head to Hurricane Wings in a bit.... $3 domestic bottles on football sunday. (was $2 last year.... damn youtube/google ticket price hike Asked my old man if he wanted to go, and he declined.... not too upset as last time I felt like I was in a Progressive "dont become your parents" commercial...
Mecole Hardman inactive. Damn, what do they have against this guy? Is he too fast and versatile for this offense?
Game thread now open. https://forums.theganggreen.com/threads/2023-nfl-season-week-5-jets-at-broncos.99445/