I still believe

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by NJJets, Sep 12, 2023.

  1. NJJets

    NJJets Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2022
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    Call me crazy, for sure I’m one of the more cynical Jets fans on this site. This is a really great football team. A guy like Aaron Rodgers can change the mentality of the people around him. The true art of the manifestation mentality that Rodgers preaches isn’t some idea that wishes and dreams make reality. It’s falling in love with the hard work of your desires. It’s finding deep meaning in the process, not the results.

    What happened last night was traumatic, but trauma can also galvanize a person. Zach Wilson has always wanted to emulate Rodgers. What I believe he’s learning this season is that while Rodgers is a physically gifted QB, it’s his mental makeup that made him a legend. Not coincidentally it’s been the mental game that’s holding Zach back. If Rodgers wants to do what he can to still leave his legacy in NY with something meaningful to look back on, the story now has to be how he poured himself into building the mental makeup of the team. Obviously he’s done as QB of the Jets this year and probably for good, but I don’t think he’s done trying to lead this team to a Super Bowl.

    As for Zach so much work is to be done still, but that was not the same player we’ve watched in horror over the last 2 years (with the exception of him running 20 yards backwards before barely getting rid of the ball in time). There’s no FA or trade we’re gonna make that takes us over the hump. We need a vet for sure, but our best shot at anything right now is for Zach’s balls to drop so I’m gonna just pray that happens.
    Poeman, LAJet, UK_Chilts and 5 others like this.
  2. Jets-N-Terps

    Jets-N-Terps Well-Known Member

    Aug 23, 2010
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    That makes one of us.
    its over just like '99.
    mezzavo likes this.
  3. typeOnegative13NY

    typeOnegative13NY Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    To be fair, 99 was almost a playoff year against all odds. Start Lucas a little earlier and we were in
  4. sozopol

    sozopol Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Don’t do this to yourself.
  5. dmw

    dmw Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2010
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    The Jets are in 1st place! Remember this while it lasts.

    Jojo, ouchy, hornblower and 1 other person like this.
  6. Nyjets4eva

    Nyjets4eva Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2005
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    People who believe in Zach even after watching him throw directly to a LB over the middle in simple drop back coverage, I have a bridge in BK I would love to sell y’all please DM me…
    tomdeb and heartpumpsgreen like this.
  7. dmw

    dmw Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2010
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    Many NFL QBs never master the mental aspect of being a QB in the NFL. Of course, I hope ZW does...and soon!
    BleedJetsGreen1981 likes this.
  8. Savatage

    Savatage Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2013
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    Call me cynical, but, Zach Wilson and Tim Boyle are our QBs.
  9. Mogriffjr

    Mogriffjr Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2010
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    QB’s gonna throw dumb INT’s. How do you recover and how efficient you can be is the key
  10. Jets007

    Jets007 Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2009
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    is Sanchez better than Wilson ?
  11. hornblower

    hornblower Well-Known Member

    Sep 3, 2010
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    I saw Josh Allen throw some interceptions last night. I saw really bad QB play last Sunday. I'm going to enjoy the season regardless of who the QB is. Go Zach, go Jets!
  12. Yankee6

    Yankee6 Well-Known Member

    Sep 3, 2004
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    I would be surprised if we even make the playoffs. Even if we do its not like we are going to make any noise. The defense is going to win some games for us. MAYBE Zach will win a few for us too. The problem is that he is also going to LOSE more games for us than he will win.
  13. Savatage

    Savatage Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2013
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    No more excuses for Zach. He's got a great D, good STs, and a ton of weapons on O. Yeah, the OL is still suspect, but, it's time for his balls to drop and figure it out. I'll be rooting for him to play well, but, when he F's up, I'll be right there in line to crucify him.
    Hemi, joe and Lon Chaney like this.
  14. heartpumpsgreen

    heartpumpsgreen Active Member

    Jan 8, 2012
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    Fun drinking game played last night... take a shot every time Aikman throws direct disses at Zach Wilson. We counted 9 last night and that was after the first few. Aikman can't stand him. His take on the INT was funny ... ...."he threw the ball at the guy he's supposed to make the read on, that's pretty basic football"
    Pepsiguy5 and Nyjets4eva like this.
  15. NJJets

    NJJets Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2022
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    To be fair, I’m actually not nearly as upset or affected as I thought I’d be. I love Rodgers, I’m a huge fan of his spirituality and his mental approach. Guys like him change the people around them. Our players elevated themselves just on the prospects of what Rodgers brought to the team. On the field Rodgers has actually done nothing for us, but without a doubt our team walked in with a new winning mindset. I think that’s what is going to elevate us.
  16. ColoradoContrails

    ColoradoContrails Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2016
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    The season is far from over. The Jets have a Top 5 - maybe #1 - defense, great pieces on ST - a money FG kicker and punter, and a dynamic return guy who is fearless. They have All Pro pieces on offense. What they don't have is a proven QB who can carry a team when necessary. That said, Zach could still become that guy. It's clear Douglas and Saleh think so. But even if simply plays mediocre, as long as he doesn't make a lot of bad mistakes at critical times, they can still get to the SB. They very nearly did with Sanchez who wasn't nearly the QB Zach is, nor was Rex and his CS as good as Saleh and his. The doubters and doomsayers can try to make themselves feel better by predicting failure so they can at least be able to say "I told you so", which perhaps ought to be the unofficial motto of the team, but I prefer to remain hopeful because as a 60+ year Jets fan I know there are precious few times when you can even have that.
  17. Nyjets4eva

    Nyjets4eva Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2005
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    He’s never shown the ability to do that. Idc how we won the game that’s the truth. If GW doesn’t make that amazing catch like an alien from Mars we lose because ZW can’t
    Sanchez wasn’t nearly the QB Zach is? This gotta be a joke lol. Maybe the best thing that Mark did as a rookie and early on was limit bonehead plays and turnovers. He also let his talented team do the work and then make smart decisions on third down and could actually read a D and make a 5 yard pass. He was a damn good game manager and went to B2b AFC championship games. Zach Wilson runs backwards and prays he has time to throw the ball away every play. Don’t know how you can say that with a straight face lol
  18. Petrozza

    Petrozza Administrator

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Maybe if the Jets had a proper backup QB. Instead, they have this POS named Zach Wilson. He's garbage and doesn't belong in this league.

    P.S. As much as I hated Sanchez, he was on a different level compared to this shite.
    Jets-N-Terps, Wahoo and Nyjets4eva like this.
  19. ColoradoContrails

    ColoradoContrails Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2016
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    Did you actually watch Sanchez play? They had to give him color coded wrist bands and they actually brought in someone to teach him how to slide. And I note these things while also saying that I thing Sanchez got a bad deal from the Jets like all the young QBs they ever drafted by not doing anything to support them. Does the "Butt Fumble" ring a bell?

    As to Zach Wilson running backwards, did you see what Rodgers was forced to do? He was damn lucky he was able to escape a sack by running for his life to the right sideline and then unloading the ball an instant before he was taken down. Yes, Zach ran backwards. out of necessity, and he did what he didn't do in the past: threw the ball away before taking a big loss.

    Given your obvious clear hatred of him you're going to be in for a very long season, no matter what happens. Enjoy!
    ouchy likes this.
  20. Brook!

    Brook! Soft Admin...2018 Friendliest Member Award Winner

    May 11, 2011
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    You and @NJJets give me hope. I am beat down since last night to due Rodgers injury. Hope you guys are right. We need Zach to mature fast mentally and play mistake free. Hope he can do that.
    KY Jets Fan likes this.

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