Gutsy performance by Wilson

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Jonathan_Vilma, Sep 11, 2023.

  1. Ralebird

    Ralebird Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2012
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    How about we just talk about the guy whose name is on top of the thread and understand that nothing anyone on any other team did has any bearing on what the guy here did? How about not giving a guy a break just because he came in off the bench whose job description is to come into a game without warning and look at what he did objectively? Credit where credit is due - criticism where criticism is due.
    SOJAZ likes this.
  2. Pepsiguy5

    Pepsiguy5 Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2017
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    This is the problem and always has been with Wilson. He's obviously tough. He obviously cares. He can obviously throw a fantastic football along with some other impressive physical traits. But the "confidence and control" or reading the D, or command of the offense, feeling the field....whatever you want to call that aspect of it.... oy vei. Aaron Rodgers and Tom Brady he is not. Kirk Cousins and Derek Carr he is not. Even Jacoby Brisset or Sam Darnold he is not.

    I personally haven't felt that there has been any improvement or progression from the first game he played. And that leads me to strongly question what kind of hope there is that there ever will be any improvement or progression. Zach last night looked to me like pretty much the same Zach that trotted out on the field 2+ years ago and that simply isn't good enough for a team with deep playoff aspirations.

    All that said though he's what we got at the moment and all our eggs are now in the Zach basket for here is hoping for a miracle. Not a shred of evidence thus far there will actually BE a miracle but I'm not sure what else to do but hope. The best (only) real move I see here is to all rally around him, prepare for a few ugly weeks as the various liquid/variable things find their level, and hope that he can hold down the fort.
    SOJAZ, stinkyB, REVISion and 2 others like this.
  3. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    Wilson is just a dumb QB. Once we learn to accept that then it makes you understand his game and dislike him less. Geno Smith, everyone knew he was dumb, Wilson is just as dumb if not dumber, they should react accordingly and not hope for miracles

    pound the rock, let him have to make less decisions. Simple one read throws to Garrett Wilson, period
    Acad23 and Nyjets4eva like this.
  4. KY Jets Fan

    KY Jets Fan Moderator

    May 15, 2013
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    Zach wasn't good last night. He made a handful of good plays which was enough to get the win so gotta give credit where credit is due.

    I agree with what a lot of posters are saying though, rookie year Zach or maybe even Zach from last year crumbles after throwing that pick directly to the LB. He responded in the 2nd half and made some big time throws when it mattered most. Hopefully he's improved some but I didn't see a ton of improvement last night. Granted, I'm sure he didn't really expect to be out there, especially so soon, but that's the NFL for ya.

    They'll add another QB, because we have to now, so it'll be interesting to see what direction they go with that addition. Do they swing a trade for Jameis, Minshew, etc.? Go out and sign Wentz? Or do they go out and sign Colt McCoy?

    Guess we'll find out soon enough.
    SOJAZ and dmw like this.
  5. Ralebird

    Ralebird Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2012
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    The problem with that approach is what do you do if he repeats last season's cycle, when there is no White or Flacco around? I hope Douglas was up all night working the phones - there's too much good going on here to let it all pivot on the guy who has shown no "improvement or progression from the first game he played"?
    Nyjets4eva likes this.
  6. Jonathan_Vilma

    Jonathan_Vilma Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2004
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    The comparisons don’t help your narrative dude. Two of those guys have been to Super Bowl’s. All of them except for Pickett (year 2) have been to the playoffs by their second year.

    Them struggling has nothing to do with Wilson. It doesn’t prop him up.
    SOJAZ, stinkyB, REVISion and 4 others like this.
  7. Jets79

    Jets79 Well-Known Member

    Sep 20, 2020
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    Ok you can’t point out other QBs that have already shown they are MUCH better than Zach and say hey look they had bad days too

    ALL those guys you pointed to have already proven they are worlds better. All of them.

    Zach hasn’t yet earned that benefit of the doubt as last night was very similar to what he’s always been. 140 yards. A stupid pick. Running backwards for twenty yards multiple times. He won the game because the defense got us 4 turnovers and Hall balled out and we got a punt return TD. Shit, our D gave him the ball with the game on the line at the 30 and he only managed a field goal. And if you want to pin that on Hackett’s play calling and Saleh’s clock mgmt fine, but the fact is they didn’t trust him with the ball in his hands to not fuck it up by throwing a pick or taking a bad sack.

    he’ll need to do MUCH better if we want to make the playoffs. The AFC is too tough and the season too long to expect to win and make the playoffs with a mediocre QB. He’s going to have to improve.

    melts hope he can
    SOJAZ, REVISion and Nyjets4eva like this.
  8. cval

    cval Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2010
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    It is not about propping him up it is about Unrealistic expectations. Not many Qbs would have played well in the situation Zach was thrust into and week one just makes it harder. It was a gutsy performance (as you said) we will see what he does from here.

    The hate is just unreal. What did people expect he comes in and throws for three hundred yards 3 tds?
  9. Ralebird

    Ralebird Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2012
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    There is no hate; that's just another attempt to derail the conversation; one of differing opinions.
  10. cval

    cval Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2010
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    exaggerate much? He has not earned the benefit of the doubt? He has not practiced with ones all preseason, It is a new system and the team was deflated after losing their star QB. He made some boneheaded plays One time running backward not multiple times and the pick . What did you expect 300 yards and 3 tds. There is not a backup QB in the league that would come in that situation and play much better.

    What I really liked was his team rallying around him. I am not anointing Zach just giving him credit where credit is due.
    ColoradoContrails likes this.
  11. cval

    cval Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2010
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    Yeah, that is it. Again, I ask what was your expectation when AR went down. I can almost guarantee that nobody expected the NYJ to come out with the win especially being down ten at the half.

    The kid played Gutsy and admirably and well for the situation he was thrust into.
    NY Jets68, ColoradoContrails and dmw like this.
  12. IDFjet

    IDFjet Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2014
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    ZW played fine for a backup QB taking over on the 5th snap. He may be in the top 50% of back-up QBs right now which is great.
  13. dmw

    dmw Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2010
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    In the end, ZW had a respectable game including respectable statistics.
  14. Ralebird

    Ralebird Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2012
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    He wasn't "thrust into" anything that is not in his job description and should not be expected at any time in the season. If he wasn't prepared to do the job he should not have been there.

    Since you asked, my expectation was Wilson throwing a limited number of passes - check.

    I expected him to throw for limited yardage - check.

    I expected completions a little over half - he completed 2/3.

    I expected him to not read the field or defenses well - check.

    I expected poorly thrown passes - check.

    I expected him to panic in the pocket and run backwards - check.

    I expected the defense to show up - check.

    I expected more emphasis on the running game - check (and a gold star).

    Your turn - what did you expect and what has you so impressed?
  15. Jonathan_Vilma

    Jonathan_Vilma Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2004
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    Yeah but when you’re historically really good, you get a ton of slack. When you’re not, you don’t get that slack. Just like Allen’s shit game yesterday. He’s built up a bit of slack over Wilson.
  16. cval

    cval Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2010
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    I do not disagree. Zach cannot be protected like they did last night all season. He needs to step up and play good football. He does not have to be AR but he has to be good. We need to bring in a vet who can come in a be a starter if Zach falls on his face. Not being AR is not falling on your face.
    ColoradoContrails likes this.
  17. ColoradoContrails

    ColoradoContrails Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2016
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    I disagree that it was "terrible". Terrible would've been an interception or at least an incompletion. GW bailed ZW out on it no argument there however.

    But there's a saying in soccer: "You can't score if you don't shoot". Also, there are no ugly goals. Zach made a play; Garrett made a better one, but if he had never attempted the pass there's be complaints about how timid he is. Good QBs put the ball in the hands of their best players, which is what Zach did. He gambled that Garrett would make a play no matter what, and it turned out to be a good gamble.
  18. Jonathan_Vilma

    Jonathan_Vilma Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2004
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    That’s a wild argument. GW made the catch of the week across all of football to save his QB on a ball thrown nearly directly to the defender dude. He doesn’t get credit simply for throwing the football lol. Cmon now.
    stinkyB and Ralebird like this.
  19. Pepsiguy5

    Pepsiguy5 Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2017
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    Well to adopt your usual way of looking at things right now at this absolute second he's our best available guy and hope is pretty much the only plan at this very moment.

    Now... WHY he is our best available guy at this absolute second? I guess there is ample room for criticism and second guessing there. I'm going to assume the Jets front office in their XXXX billion offseason meetings war gamed for this very scenario and for whatever reasons decided having Zach Wilson rostered as the #2 and Mike White playing in Miami was the way to go. Hopefully its because they truly believe he's up to it and its not just for financial/face saving reasons.

    Carson Wentz isn't galloping in on a white horse and saving our Super Bowl season. Not saying we shouldn't try our best to get him in here but it'll be weeks or even months at this point before he could be expected to do anything. Zach Wilson is our guy for the foreseeable future as far as I can tell.
  20. ColoradoContrails

    ColoradoContrails Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2016
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    No, Zach wasn't great, or even really good, except in terms of overcoming adversity and getting his team a win. Anyone who expected him to come out slinging it for 300+ yards and a couple of TDs against one of the best teams in the NFL after not practicing with the 1s. not having the game plan in place for him, is either delusional or has a complete bias against him.

    And anyone who says "I didn't see any improvement over the '22 version" is similarly afflicted. He made throws that his doubters have repeatedly said he can't make. He didn't fold after a terrible INT, nor after being under heavy pressure all game, not helped by Hackett's vanilla game plan for him which enabled the Bills to almost ignore defending anything more than 15 yards down field (and I'm not criticizing Hackett because Zach hasn't proven that he can be turned loose, but still it resulted in the Bills being able to clog things up and put the OL and Zach under heavy pressure). Given all of that, if you don't see any improvement it's simply because you don't want to see any improvement. More than a few here are actively rooting for him to fall on his face so completely that the Jets have no choice but to dump him, at whatever cost. That's a strange way to root for a team.

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