Congrats my friend. This year I am on full financial lockdown mode. I have twin boys in their senior year at high school. They will head to college soon. Bastards did a number on me. One got 1560 on SAT the other 1580. They both got 5 on their 4 AP tests and 4 on their 2 AP Tests. Their GPA is thru the roof and they are targeting expensive schools. Brook is seeing financial nightmares. I will still come to a few games this year. First one is the Patriots game. Will do a great tailgate that day. Hopefully @KingRoach can make it too. If we can convince @dawinner127 to join us as well we will be golden. Enjoy your season tickets my friend and see you soon!
Brook, can’t you send the little angels overseas to university? I’d explore that option very seriously.
Just came back from College Tour in New England. Last 3 days I was on the road. We did Columbia, Upenn, Princeton last month. Last 3 days we did Yale, Brown, MIT and Harvard. The Admission Officers gave me some relief. MIT officer said 85% of their students graduate debt free. 100% financial aid for all demonstrated need. So if both end up in competitive schools at least I have a chance to get decent financial aid. Full disclosure. They both got their driver licenses 3 weeks ago but no new car. I will give them my car and I will take shuttle to work every day I am at work. Gotta save money. D One will apply to London School of Economics and Cambridge. The other will apply to Oxford and Imperial College. So if UK schools accept them and we can't find secure decent financial aid from US colleges then they will head to Europe most likely. We shall see. Sorry to hijack @Jetsfansince95 thread. I will now move these messages to BS Forum,
You and your wife need to learn the word “scholarships” and marry it with Google’s search engine. There are millions upon millions of dollars in scholarships that are left unpaid every year. It goes far beyond whatever you hear at schools. Sometimes you need to write a 15 page essay and submit 80 documents. Sometimes you need to write a one page double spaced page letter equivalent to an email and you can win $2,000 toward “expenses.” You should also sit them down and figure out what they want to do in a serious conversation. Make sure they learn skills at college and don’t graduate with a bullshit degree like I did.
Thanks JV. Merit Scholarships are in our radar. First FAFSA and other options then the colleges need based scholarships and at last we will hunt merit scholarships. In terms of major, they are both set on what they want. One will do Pre-Law and aiming Upenn to study Philosophy, Politics and Economics if he can get in. If not, aiming Oxford. The other wants to work at Wall Street so he is dead set on studying Finance and Math. Will apply Princeton Early Action and also will apply London School of Economics and Cambridge. Back up plan for both is doing Honors College at Rutgers. So they agreed on one thing. If we can't afford to send both to a private college then both agreed to do Rutgers Honors College together. They don't want us to send one to expensive school and other to Rutgers.
Congrats Brook. Your boys will have an excellent shot of having their choice of top schools. Don’t be afraid of the big boy Ivy League and schools like Duke and Stanford, They all give need based financial aid. My daughter went to Cornell and paid a small portion of what Full tuition is. My brother had 2 kids go to Ivy League schools as well. Edit - just read the last couple of posts. It seems they have a good plan. Early Action will definitely up the chances at Princeton but that is definitely one of toughest to get in. I know nothing about Oxford and others overseas.
Thanks guys. I apologize if any my posts felt like bragging. That wasn't my aim. You guys know me. I like to share my personal stuff with you guys. Be it good or be it bad. Not sure where they will end up but thanks for your encouraging words. Much appreciated.
Cambridge, Oxford and LSE are 1,2,3 in the UK...that'd bloody impressive. You could try St Andrews in Scotland, too... they *may* have a better system of grants (I'm not sure on Uni funding, sorry). Good luck though!
Thanks donkey. I will look into that as well. One of the kids is also in love with University of Tokyo in Japan. I said no effing way. Stick with USA and England. But will have them look into St Andrews too. Yea man. After we got their SAT scores and AP Scores, I had to do a DNA test to be sure. Lol
With grades / scores like that, I'd think your kids would definitely get scholarship offers somewhere... btw, your wife must be very intelligent.
Congratulations buddy and goodluck on the college search. Like JV said earlier, make sure you talk with them about knowing what they want to do or focus on. Crazy to ask a 17 or 18 year old to make that decision, but it's so much money for school it really needs to discussed and so many people don't do it before they go into school. You can also go in undeclared and focus on your general education classes in the first semester or two and then pick a major that interests them. I wish I did that instead of wasting a year on Athletic Training before switching out. Also in regards to the Pats game -- tough one for me to go to. Have a wedding to attend the night before.
Yea stinky. Kidding aside, it is mostly her. We both were good students and finished the best college in Turkey. I continued on corporate and tried to earn money but she continued on Academics and did her PhD at Columbia University. But again it is mostly boys not us to be honest. Never helped their homework in my life and my wife says she stopped helping them in middle school. So whatever they did, they did on their own.
If LSE accepted Mick Jagger they’ll accept your Turkish whiz kids. Speaking of turkeys, out here and ‘down the street’ (from 93923) there was the annual 'Turkey Rennisance Fair' this weekend …you’d have liked it...
Judging by their SAT scores, I would guess they competed with each other the entire time. Get one of them to cure aging.