Long as the Pats need a receiver I’ll assume any receiver of that caliber is getting at worst a second
How about you wait and see if there’s an actual problem before you act like a dick? Maybe someone in his family is gravely ill
We got some real miserable fucking fans on this board. The guy stepped away and he didn't have to on paper. He went on his own terms and the Jets get relief. You have no clue what is going on in his personal life, some real gems in this thread
I hope him and his family are OK don't get me wrong. I just didn't want him on the team anymore. Sue me .... Sent from my IPhone 43 using Tapatalk V.86
We don't know why he chose to retire. He may have a serious health issue or maybe someone in his family does. There could be a very good reason that has just recently come up. It hurts, but it frees up cap spae, and it means that we can keep one of the young players that we may have lost on cut-down day.
Cuz I'm sure you've watched so many packer games right? Dude Lazard is twice as good... Sent from my IPhone 43 using Tapatalk V.86
an injury prone player on the down side who probably wouldn't have made the team. overall a bad signing. wish him the best, but next...
Tough. Go be a dick somewhere else, Mr internet tough guy. Wouldn’t have the balls to say it to his face
You live out there right? Do you think he was literally twice as good or just better? Honest question.
Yes, none of us know what he and/or his family might be going thru. The jets had another WR in the early 1990s named Chris Burkett (former Bills top pick) that retired early. Don't blame either Corey or Chris. I might be wrong, but IMO this may help TE Zach Kuntz's chances of making the roster. Corey was one of our few big receivers for the red zone, and perhaps the jets will now keep Kuntz to help with red zone possessions.
Not for nothing, but Lazard is 6'5. But agree, this should allow a fringe receiver to make the team, including Kuntz.