NC, It was a HOF game and the 1st PS game... did you ever consider that they were trying to establish the run... see how the line was blocking with the new CS and scheme... yet you and others continue to beat the drum that ZW play... 5 passes... 6 pts agains scrubs... sound a lot like his production over the course of his NFL career. But hey, he has potential and is being mentored now so there is that. I said and I'll say it again, we'll see how he fairs when the competition gets know, blitzes coming, where he has to process faster...
If the plan is NOT to play any of the regulars before the real games start, we'll find out which may not be the result we want to see. The weakest unit on the roster is the OLine. Even weaker than Specials. I used to think this position would be JD's strong suit. Taking a lot longer than I thought it would.
Yes, I did consider that Hackett was trying to establish the run, and in a a response to someone said as much. I know it was only the HOF game, but I don't like the attitude of just going through the motions and not really trying to play well, just because it's the HOF game. IMO being predictable doesn't help establish anything positive. If anything, it sets your offense up to fail and maybe lose some confidence. I don't ever see the point of running on 1st and 2nd down and then passing on 3rd down. It's boring for the fans, it's predictable and makes it easier for the D to stop you. To me it just says that it doesn't matter if you win or lose. I never want to lose any game. I want all the players, regardless of what string they play on, to respect the uniform and the franchise, and hate losing. If the coaches don't care, however...
Thanks. As usual, good analysis from J.T.. I can only hope that Zach is having these things pointed out to him by his coaches (and AR) and continues to work at improving on them - which I thin he has done. He still needs to improve though as J.T. points out. It seems like one of his biggest problems is the game hasn't slowed down enough, or he's rushing because he doesn't think he has enough time to let the play unfold. This has to get better, but the best way for that to happen is playing more, even if it's in P.S., and hopefully during the season if there's some "garbage time" he can get. Objectively he's still a work in progress, and lost valuable development time his first two years due to the issues I've laid out numerous times, but I think now they Jets finally have things set up right for him, and a big part of that was getting Rodgers here to serve as an example, as well to mentor him. He's made some progress, and I expect he'll continue to do so. His footwork is cleaner, and his reads are better - although they still need work. But the speed of the game is a tough one because it only comes from lots of reps. One way or the other he has to improve on this. Last point. J.T. pointed out - but I didn't really hear anyone do it (except I think Saleh did in his post game) that on his second to the last pass, the one that was way out in front of the receiver, it looked like the receiver was held. I thought this during the game, but again, no one really called it out. In J.T.s break down though it looks pretty obvious, and had the receiver not been held it might've been a completion, or at least a lot closer miss than it was. Anyway, thanks again for the video.
Actually, no one that is the decision making ranks and most fans give two shits about the past narrative, zero, nada, niente.
Does anyone at all really care about any "narrative" - past, present or future? Pretty sure performance trumps narrative every single time.
Zach wilson will never be a starting QB in the league. He unravels too fast. He can look pretty playing at the times, but when lives round start being shot - he folds. He missed an open receiver on the slip btw. he should have fired in the clean pocket. Just don’t think he has it. He looked pretty bad for 3rd year QB when you get thru the full analysis of all the passes. See the breakdown:
You look thoroughly unhinged taking issue with the playcalling in that game in order to defend any singular player.
Seriously, of all the quarterbacks the Jets have trotted out over the last 15 years, who does Zach look better than? Luke Falk comes to mind. Maybe Kellen Clemens, barely. Not Guapo, not Geno, not even Darnold. I'm sorry, they all played with dogshit o-lines and shitty OCs at one point or another. He's just not good.
Zach has played less than all of them. We forget he is only in year 3. He is looking better in practice by all accounts and is improving. If you watched Hard Knocks you hear Rodgers telling Zach if your second read is not open you should be moving. This reaet is good for the kid and by all accounts is playing well. We have Aaron Rodgers and the kid seems to be taking advantage.
Could you see Rodgers sticking around as QB coach for Zach once he is done? He seems to genuinely like him.
Those guys were more likable too. I guess maybe not Geno but Sanchez and Darnold were a lot more likable than this guy. Year 3, preseason, and his mom is picking fights with Jets fans in the stands for being negative about "her boy" time to grow up