While thoughts and prayers don't mean diddly-squat in the grand scheme of things it would stand to reason that it should default to "nobody caring or even taking notice any longer" which actually is a dumbass take wrapped in an attention-seeking opening post. . "Thoughts & prayers DEPARTMENT? . Seriously? AR-10/12/15/whatever: make illegal (you don't need a semi-automatic weapon to hunt Bambi); tighten license regs, stringent background checks, etc.. And while "nobody seems to care or take notice any longer" do note that over this past weekend TWENTY PEOPLE WERE SHOT in Chicago and not one politician or civic leader or political activist or attention-seeking message board blowhard "seemed to care let alone take notice." . To that end, along with "AK/AR" bans and tightened license regs/background checks.....mandatory 10 years in the hoosegow for anyone caught with an illegal weapon, period, no exceptions. . Don't care for NRA "muh rights!" yahoos and care even less about valueless criminals. Brad, you may mean well but whadda ya think?.....a tad eggshells with sledgehammers overkill? .
the instructors in this country are licensed with the NRA. The NRA fights tooth and nail against flagging individuals and/or creating any sort of database. You'd have to start completely new with some sort of government body carrying out the instruction processes. That would be expensive, and IMO, a poor investment. Easier, cheaper, and safer just to make those weapons harder to obtain. The issue isn't that people really need trained on them anyway
Personally after over 3 decades of practice in Forensic and Clinical Psych I am trying my best sir But with all due respect , I have asked Spouses and Family Members of patients I treat who are also ill to go for help and many don't follow my advice FTMR even with the Community Mental Health Centers , Public and Private people still dont go The 25 year old individual in this case in Louisville who was let go by the Bank was a middle class guy, a graduate of the U of Alabama, ie someone which a red flag law or background check would easily pass to purchase an AR15 or another firearm IMO the only way to start to address the Gun Problem in US is to go back to the 1990s law and ban Assault Weapons
Good Post Senator Joe Biden was the one who introduced the Ban on Assault Weapons in the 1990s and it we had peace for 10 years until the Repubs voted against the continuation of the Ban
Thx . Funny but the 'illegal handgun" angle seems to keep getting lost in the sauce, i.e. this devolves into a political partisan narrative. . Nashville trans killer's manifesto: where is it? . Louisville: . tragedy. . Chicago: happens EVERY FRIGGIN DAY and yet no mention of the "long-entrenched 'Republican leadership' of Chicago" lifting a finger to combat it beyond Rohm Emanuel's "never let a tragedy go to waste" political opportunism. . Why is that?
If I was in charge of administering red flag laws joe would definitely be stripped of his guns. Dude's fucking nuts.
Use AI for good, incorporate the technology in conjunction with red flag laws to spotlight potential ne'er-do-wells
I can assure you that someone with a 9mm handgun could do as just as much damage (the Virginia Tech massacre comes to mind). The vast majority of mass shootings (4 or more people wounded or killed) in this country is done with handguns.
You know what I meant. Non-humans also eat their own shit sometimes and don’t debate political topics on computers or cell phones. Do they?
So you complain about mental health problems but decide a red flag law aimed at such things is too much of a problem to work? Is there anything other than simply turning your back on the problem you would suggest? I remember an old saying, "If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem."
If a red flag law only stopped half the people who could be dangerous with guns, how many lives would that save every year? Is there a law on the books anywhere in the world that is 100% effective? "You win some, you lose some" is still better than losing all. The gun problem is much more than just assault rifles.
Aimed at what "such things"? Red flag laws don't solve the widespread mental health problem that exists in this country. Red flag laws merely take away firearms from people deemed dangerous in some way by other people.
I hate to break it to you but humans sometimes eat their own shit also. There's also a lot of evidence that birds debate, although maybe not on cell phones. Chimpanzees have used computers in research projects, albeit probably not very well. Apparently porn appeals to them. Back to the original topic: I think nature and nurture are both involved in the mass shootings that occur.
That’s so fucking dumb and you know it. What percentages of humans eat their own shit compared to dogs? What percentages of dogs have bit or nipped at another creature versus humans who have shot another human? I don’t disagree on the last point, but you’re backing a dumb assertion that most human beings are close to being mass shooters. If that were the case, with 370 million guns in the country, we’d have a lot more than 30-40K gun deaths a year.
I didn't say that most humans are close. I said: What that means is that under the right circumstances almost anybody is capable of great violence and possessing a gun gives that person the potential for great violence. I suggested that if nukes were legal we'd have 104 mushroom clouds a year out of a population of 370 million. You took it a different direction because you didn't fully understand what the two lines I wrote above were trying to say.
Nah it’s a pretty dumb comparison that’s completely irrelevant to the discussion. And then you tried to equate humans shooting people to dogs biting people. I’d imagine nearly every dog on the planet has bit someone even if harmlessly as a puppy. You can’t say the same for humans shooting people.
then why aren’t they? 9mms are cheaper and easier to conceal. But they still use rifles when they shoot up schools. There’s gotta be a reason for that
I'm telling you, just read Br4d's posts as narrated by the voice at the beginning of The Road Warrior and it all makes sense.
Of course they don't solve mental health issues, they're not intended to, and they do take guns away from people deemed dangerous by medical professionals - who else would be qualified?. It's not going to solve all the problems of our society but it's a step in the right direction. The alternative is to take guns away after they've been used to kill people. That's what we do now - how's it working?