Aaron Rodgers Watch - Clock Ticking

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by NYGalPal, Mar 7, 2023.

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  1. LAJet

    LAJet Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2003
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    So on on hand we can criticize AR and blame it for the hold up, with close to zero reliable facts, and on the other also speculate what we think he wants, or doesn't. If he wants the Jets, or not, based simply on gut feel. Just like speculating that Carr wanted to come here but we delayed the decision so he moved on. Another massive speculation.
    The only fact is this, we don't know what we don't know, and we continue to react positively or negatively, depending on personal like or dislike of an individual, mostly fueled by daily media misinformation.
  2. ColoradoContrails

    ColoradoContrails Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2016
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    I know it's driving a lot of Jets fans crazy, but I respect Rodgers for following his heart and his process, and not bending to the dictates of the media and other pressures. I really hope he comes to the Jets, and will be really bummed if he doesn't, but the fact that we're pinning all our hopes on one guy to salvage the many mistakes made by this team over the years isn't his fault.

    I believe Douglas is trying to rectify those mistakes as best he can, but he's not perfect. He is making progress though, and however this turns out I think he'll pivot to another plan that will have the Jets moving forward and not going backwards as they have so often.

    Being a Jets fan isn't for pussies.
  3. BroadwayAaron

    BroadwayAaron Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2008
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    You can take some very educated guesses though based off reliable sources of information, things we already know to be true and flat out common sense . I think that’s what most people are doing.
    NY Jets68, jets_fan and Cman68 like this.
  4. LAJet

    LAJet Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2003
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    i think some is an educated guess, most is an over reaction to every single tweet fueled by one personal bias. Lets face it, if he was a darling loved by the masses, the criticism right now would be with JD and Co for not getting it done. There should be no doubt in anyone's mind that with AR you get a totally different and much larger set of baggage to deal with, but on the field, he will immediately elevate this team to a level we haven't seen since like ever. I sure hope everyone in the Jets leadership goes forward with that in mind and their eyes wide open..
  5. ouchy

    ouchy Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2007
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    I expect Rodgers will confirm the trade today (probably at the last minute to soak up more headlines) and look forward to seeing what deal we hammered out.
  6. LAJet

    LAJet Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2003
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    What make you think today?
    KingRoach likes this.
  7. ouchy

    ouchy Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2007
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    Because teams can start talking to FA's on Monday and I think Rodgers wants to get exclusive media for his decision.
    Brook! and LAJet like this.
  8. Snatch Catch

    Snatch Catch Well-Known Member

    Apr 28, 2006
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    Putting aside my personal feelings about him as a human being, If Aaron Rodgers is the Jets QB next year I don't think any of us are prepared for just how massive a difference it will be watching the offense next season - even if he is about to be 40.

    It will most likely be the best QB play we have ever seen from a Jets signal caller. I know we all talk about this possibility and can analyze it on paper, but if it actually happens it's going to hit in ways we can't fathom. Forget difficult throws and genius reads, just being able to hit the open man, and proactively attack a defense will feel like a spiritual awakening - without the need for darkness or hallucinogenics. If all goes well, I suspect a couple of you will even cry unexpectedly. :D

    The QB position for the Jets has been so depraved for so long that we've somehow become jaded to it - even if we still rant and rave about how terrible things are. If it happens, having a well-above average guy with a HOF resume taking snaps next season is going to be flat-out jarring to most of us - even if we think we're ready for it.
  9. Jets79

    Jets79 Well-Known Member

    Sep 20, 2020
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    I would think we need to go into tomorrow knowing

    tomorrow we can start talking to free agents and we can’t afford to sit and wait and miss out on another QB for him to say no

    I do think it’s bullshit with how he’s dragging this out if it is indeed him…honestly doesn’t give me a warm fuzzy feeling…you either want to be here or you don’t…but it is what it is
    Since1969 likes this.
  10. NY Jets68

    NY Jets68 Well-Known Member

    Sep 6, 2010
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    I'm looking forward to no-bounce-in-the-dirt screen passes.
  11. BleedJetsGreen1981

    BleedJetsGreen1981 Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2010
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    NFL Network now showing Rodgers winning his first Superbowl with Green Bay.

    His second Superbowl victory is coming with the New York Jets.
    Acad23, BradysTornACL, LAJet and 3 others like this.
  12. RevisIsland18

    RevisIsland18 Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2011
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    lot of folks here and on media who bring up ar12’s age forget he didn’t play for first 3 years. So he has less wear and tear for a normal 40 year old. He can play until 46-47 barring serious injuries.
    ColoradoContrails likes this.
  13. RevisIsland18

    RevisIsland18 Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2011
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    So you just keeping negative things happening? What if they never get injured? What if they get better with more experience? Seriously so much negativity….
    BradysTornACL and KingRoach like this.
  14. Bills over Jets

    Bills over Jets Well-Known Member

    Apr 29, 2012
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    I have to think that if Aaron actually wants to play for the jets, the deal would be done today because he’d want it to be done so he could recruit free agents tomorrow. You want to hit the ground running, not prejudice your run. If he still is undecided by noon tomorrow that is a red flag imo.
    Jets-N-Terps, Brook! and ouchy like this.
  15. BroadwayAaron

    BroadwayAaron Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2008
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    All of this is undeniably true. I don’t think anyone is under the impression that making this move would be a minor step up. It’s a massive step up. There’s a few caveats which is why I am stopping short of calling it a grand slam or even just a home run.

    first off it’s a one-year window. If we are extremely lucky, a two year window. That’s where the second caveat plays in… Are we better than the Chiefs or Bengals? Are we even the best team in our own division? I understand it’s the best chance we’ve had since God only knows when but that doesn’t mean anything when the rest of the conference is loaded.

    Third issue is the fact that Aaron Rodgers loves to make headlines and doesn’t really care what it means in the process. I love me some pat McAfee but I feel like every time he ends up on that show something bad comes of it and we haven’t thought twice about it because it doesn’t affect the Jets.

    And playing along with the “doesn’t really care what it means in the process“ issue is everything we are experiencing right now. Are we ready to go through this next offseason? Do we have a plan in place at quarterback so that we can comfortably rest while he soaks up some more attention and make some more headlines?

    I can totally agree with the notion that he would be probably the best quarterback in our franchise history and potentially set records up and down but is it really worth it if we end up with a second round exit and even more drama than before? It’s a chance I’m willing to take but I can’t make myself completely ignore it just because I’m excited about the potential.
    Since1969 likes this.
  16. JetFanInNE

    JetFanInNE Well-Known Member

    Apr 29, 2022
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    How about the playoffs? When does he stop avoiding those?
  17. ColoradoContrails

    ColoradoContrails Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2016
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    With all due respect, if you can't allow yourself to be excited at the prospect of contending with teams like the Bengals, Bills, and Chiefs for a shot at a SB, when exactly will you allow yourself to be excited? Sure, my ideal would be for the Jets to have a young FQB (and yes, I'm still hoping ZW can be that guy) that ushers in a decade+ of SB contention, but frankly I don't expect that to happen even in the next few years, after which I may well be on the other side of the EZ already. You can react however you want to, but I really am curious why you continue to be so negative and doubtful - I'm sure you haven't followed this team as long as I have, and if I can retain some hope I imagine everyone should be able to.
    Acad23 and KingRoach like this.
  18. BroadwayAaron

    BroadwayAaron Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2008
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    Brother, my last sentence literally says I’m excited. What I’m not doing is letting my excitement negate the other end of the spectrum just because I don’t want to acknowledge the potential issues.
  19. Snatch Catch

    Snatch Catch Well-Known Member

    Apr 28, 2006
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    Oh, I don't think it's a grand slam or homerun, that's not what I was insinuating in my post at all. There are a tremendous amount of pitfalls involved in this situation, spread all across the problem spectrum. I was leaving all of that to the side.

    My only point was that if this happens and Rodgers is healthy, I suspect the reaction to him leading the team on gamedays is going to be overwhelming even in the face of us all coming into the situation with the understanding that it's a massive upgrade.

    Whether we realize it or not, we've been so damaged by the QB play of this franchise that to see a guy in a Jets uniform repeatedly and proactively dismantling another team's defense is going to feel really...f*cked up if/when it happens. I feel like there's no way to prepare for it. There are going to be forum members looking like Matthew McConaughey in Interstellar next season if this trade ever happens.

    ColoradoContrails likes this.
  20. Jets79

    Jets79 Well-Known Member

    Sep 20, 2020
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    Yeah…so I get the cost and the uncertainty of how long AR will play. But if the question is “do we win a Super Bowl in the next two years?” And if that’s the only reason you do this, then what’s the alternative? Do nothing? Try to draft a QB this year? Go after one of Garrapolo, Brissett, Dalton, or trade for Tannehill or Lamar? Pray that Zach somehow “gets it” in year three?

    lots of options I guess but none of them great and none of them guarantee us a Super Bowl anyway…

    And not for nothing, from Woodys standpoint Rodgers is far and away the best business decision when it comes to putting butts in seats. The only one that comes close to him would be Lamar, but to trade way more draft capital and spend that kind of guaranteed money on Lamar makes no sense at all.

    At this point, Rodgers is the best option in terms of getting a legit star QB who gives us a chance to compete for a title…doesn’t guarantee it obviously but he gives us a shot.
    ColoradoContrails and hornblower like this.
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