This is the kind of shit that Woody needs to get a handle on ASAP. There is absolutely no excuse for the Jets, one of the most valuable franchises in the NFL, to have anything less than stellar facilities, working conditions, resources and overall employee experience for their players. Especially today more than ever with social media and with all NFL players communicating, this will give certain teams a major leg up in recruiting top FA's. And of course, the Giants and Fins are right near the top. Get your shit together Woody! Top FA's are watching and evaluating.
Seems like the Jets players aren't too thrilled with Jetsland... The Jets landed 19th of the 32 teams, & here's the Jets report card... .
You're late! Already posted this.
Maybe the reason the Jets are always treated like second class citizens is because they operate that way.
Hope Woody doesn't show this to Carr during the big meeting! He might wonder why a billionaire is a cheap asshole.
I'm trying to figure out who to root for in light of this new "intelligence." I grew up in Northern Westchester County and both my brothers were Giants fans. I now live in CT, on that line where you can be either a NY fan or a NE fan. I'm so torn The Giants seem the way to go. I'm sure their facilities are A++. But then you have NE and the 'Chick. Kraft is a stand up guy especially if you are talking about his Johnson in a massage parlor. I just can't stand being a Jets fan any more. It's like admitting you are total clown shoes. Do you see Woody selling the team any time soon? I don't. So the only option is to look for another team. P.S. I can't bring myself to root for the Jills. I don't even consider them a NY team.
Meh. By this accounting the Texans are a much better franchise than the Chiefs. Having the better nutritionist is nice, but success is nicer.
But not sure what we expected from an owner who was fine building a giant air conditioner for his team to play their home games.
We are stuck with the Johnsons ..the bottom of the bottom barrel Owners They get their Income they improve their Jets "Investment" ...we are no better than Johnson Baby Oil talcum Powder or Q Tips..Get it??? This Team should just have Empty Seats ..let the Owners look like the royal A Holes they are
Where do you think the fans rank if you asked players that played for the Jets and then a other team? I'm thinking F-. And I'm being serious. The days of being a "proud New Yorker" are over. NY sucks. Big time.
Per the article on the Jets: "Their facilities all grade slightly above average, and while there was nothing overtly problematic identified in the results, there is nothing that stands out as excellent either. In general, the sentiment is that the facility is getting old and can use upgrading." Sound familiar? Hey MetLife Stadium, we're looking at you!!! Mediocrity sucks especially when you're paying for first-rate entertainment.
To many of these guys coming from ‘Bama and LSU, etc where their facilities are like castles, the Jets and others probably seem like a downgrade