KO's dept. in 2007 : NO nugent ? ? ?

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by kelly, Jan 8, 2007.

  1. SonofDinger

    SonofDinger Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2003
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    But he proved he can kick long FGs (like the 54-yarder earlier this year), he's got to have some strength, no?
  2. cass2005

    cass2005 New Member

    Oct 10, 2005
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    I'm glad you finally got back in the hating on Nugent game. Your lack of knowledge in the kicking department is comical. Yet you always seem to have an opinion about something you don't understand. I watched every one of Nugent's kicks and they all produced similar hangtime. When he kicks it deep he just got more of it...they weren't line drives. Additionally, if you are saying that a kick to the 25 is the same as a kick to the endzone then why are you bitching about his kickoffs if he has good hangtime??? A "kick right" (which I'm sure you can tell is coming becoming you know so much about kicking) is a good kick when it goes to the 5. But you know that, so why am I explaining kicking 101 to you. Also, why wouldn't we take his side? He has kicked 21 straight in his second season. I should be calling for him to be cut? How do you figure he can do no wrong? This board has started three threads ripping a kid that just went 90% for a season. BTW you don't just wind up and kick a ball hard. Man you really are clueless.
  3. AlioTheFool

    AlioTheFool Spiveymaniac

    Sep 27, 2005
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    Thank you Jason Elam. I didn't realize I was in the presence of someone who knows infinitely more than I do!

    I bow to your infinite wisdom, oh great genius of kicking.

    For the RECORD, I NEVER took Nugent's side. I have DISLIKED HIM since DAY ONE. I gave him EXACTLY ONE WEEK REPRIEVE from my wrath, and that was simply because of a chat room promise I made before a kick he attempted.

    I always have an opinion of things I don't understand, eh? Do you hand out badges from that club yourself? I want a shiny one.

    You watched EVERY ONE of Nugent's kicks!?! Congratulations! Welcome to Jets fandom, buddy! Now get back in line...

    Similiar hang-time? Are you sure? Because I'm pretty sure people from the game chats can verify that I was sitting there TIMING his kicks, and commenting on them. I'd watch what I say if I were you, unless you feel like watching game film, posting it on YouTube, and showing a timer to prove me wrong.

    When he kicks it deep he got "more of it"? Really? That's interesting. You know, if you knew half as much as you seem to THINK you do, you would have done something as simple as watch the ball in the air on kicks. You can tell just from its level in the stadium from kick to kick how much of line drive each is. But I guess YOU already knew that, since you are a self-professed expert on the subject.

    Why am I bitching about his HANGTIME on a kick to the 25 yard line? Because it ends in the same result as LINE DRIVE to the goal line. If the ball winds up out at the 30 either way, it's the KICKER'S FAULT. He is not giving the other 10 guys on our side of the ball ample time to GET DOWNFIELD. But I guess you already knew that.

    Why wouldn't "we" take his side? Maybe because at some point, people around here are going to realize that being the "same old Jets" hanging on to players for far too long, and ruining games for the talented ones we have, is against common sense.

    He went a WHOLE 90%? In a league where it has been documented that FG % has risen LEAGUE WIDE, we have a kicker that can't kick off, and makes 90% of his FG attempts? WoW, call Canton people!

    He is 15th on the list in FGs this year. That translates to about HALF the LEAGUE's kickers being more successful than him. Go ahead, look it up, I'll wait.

    Our kickoff's rank TWENTY NINTH in the LEAGUE. We had a total of TWO touchbacks. Know how many teams had less? One, and that was the Redskins. He had a 21.2 yard RETURN AVERAGE. Given that he can almost never get it inside the 10, that puts opposing offenses at AT LEAST the 30.

    Obviously, you are okay with this. But I am sick of giving our defense less field to work with all the time. But I guess mediocrity is acceptable, if it means you get to defend your point.
  4. cass2005

    cass2005 New Member

    Oct 10, 2005
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    Ahhh where to start...

    First of all, I have watched every kick IN PERSON. Yah, you read that right. I went to every game and watched every kick and its height in comparison to the stadium. It's a little easier to time his kicks in person. You should give it a try.

    Secondly, 15th in the league??? That's seriously your position. He may be 15 in the league based on POINTS...but his percentage is 4th! It's ok. I'll wait for you to go look it up. Go ahead. I'll wait. Also, you do not rank kickoffs based on touchbacks. You base it on average starting position. So go ahead. Go look it up. Make the mistake that your standard starting position includes punts and turnovers. Make the mistake, then come back to me and I'll give you his actual starting position. I guess being Jason Elam just gives you access to this kind of information.

    You say "same old jets". NUGENT IS IN HIS SECOND YEAR. He went 27 for 30. He made 21 straight kicks. You seriously have a problem with him?? Have you ever played football? Have you ever played a sport? Did you graduate high school? All are in doubt if you think a kid is terrible with those stats.

    What else do you want to know? You want to know his average hangtime for the year? You want me to compare that with Mare or Gastowski? Elam? I am not a self professed expert. I am an expert on Nugent and kicking. I am extremely happy to prove this to you in anyway that you would like.

    You are correct on one thing...i do know infinitely more than you about kicking.
  5. AlioTheFool

    AlioTheFool Spiveymaniac

    Sep 27, 2005
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    You are pushing my boiling point to the level where I'll get banned if I continue to acknowledge you.

    You may want to watch yourself when you insult my intelligence tough guy.

    As far as I'm concerned, this conversation is over, and you have proven nothing (except that you are wrong, but whatever. Go ahead, look up the average field position FOR NUGENT. Nuge DOESN'T PUNT. What I posted is NUGENT'S STAT.)

    Thanks for playing. As a consolation prize, have this wonderful set of commemorative plates engraved with your seat number.
  6. Dinobot 2

    Dinobot 2 Active Member

    Jan 23, 2003
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    Hahahah. Alio needs a massage or somthing.
  7. cass2005

    cass2005 New Member

    Oct 10, 2005
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    Oh I'm sorry. Did I hurt your feelings calling you dumb??? I'm sure your mensa group will calm you down tonight. You claim I am wrong? I never said Nuge punted. You make absolutely no sense in your counterarguments. You still think Nuge is 15th in the league in fg %? You never posted nugent's field position stat. BTW i wouldn't look it up. I'd call him and say "mike what was your average field position this year?" It's a hell of a lot easier. Come on. Let's play. I want you to actually teach me something about kicking that Nuge hasn't.
  8. KOWIE

    KOWIE Active Member

    Mar 7, 2005
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    Grahm wont mean another roster spot....

    dude, nugents KO ability leaves something to be desired. i wouldnt mind seeing benny boy whacking the piss out of the football.

    and where are you getting 2 roster spots for kickers? nugent would kick FGs, and grahm would punt and kick off. still only 2 spots, not 3.
  9. AlioTheFool

    AlioTheFool Spiveymaniac

    Sep 27, 2005
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    No, you didn't hurt my feelings, simply because I cannot be insulted by someone I have zero respect for, and you fit the bill quite nicely.

    So I guess you just want me to make you look silly. Okay, I'm game, but only one more time.

    Right there you implied (quite explicitly, I might add) that I determined Nugent's average starting position for KOs by including PUNTS. Now who is making little sense?

    Still don't feel like you're fighting an uphill battle? Okay, fair enough.

    You say I never posted Nugent's field position stat. Strange, I clearly remember doing so...Hang on, wait a sec...

    Oh yeah, I thought so...

    I don't need to teach you anything that Nuge hasn't. I know when someone is uncoachable.
  10. cass2005

    cass2005 New Member

    Oct 10, 2005
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    First of all mensa, you cannot "impl[y]" explicitly. That would be called "stating". Secondly, I STATED that you would make the mistake if you looked at the average starting position. BTW you did not give me the average starting position, you gave me the return average. Finally, it is not an uphill battle. I have the comparative advantage. Thus, feel free to stop and concede.
  11. KOWIE

    KOWIE Active Member

    Mar 7, 2005
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    i dont think he can work on technique. its more about raw power along with great balance. if i remember right, didnt they try benny last year for KOs? i thought they gave him a look, and he wasnt very good at it.

    i think thats wierd, because hes a damn fine punter, i would think he would have wanted to give kicking (FGs) a try...maybe he did and went the tony meola route as far as FGs.

    Nugent has improved dramatically over last year. hes showing that reliability came in the second round....even though it took a year to get there.
  12. AlioTheFool

    AlioTheFool Spiveymaniac

    Sep 27, 2005
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    BWAHAHAHAHA. You are just ridiculous. My bad on the difference between average starting field position and average return. The point still stands that Nuge was garbage. Kicks that consistently hit the returner's hands farther downfield than the 10, with an average return of 21+ yards, leads opponents consistently to the 30 or better. Do the math, I'm not going to do it for you.

    Feel free to debate this all you like. Keep insulting me until you get yourself banned. I won't fall into your troll trap. I'm done with you. You've proven how ridiculous you are to argue with, and I have no need to continue to allow you to provide such evidence.
  13. KOWIE

    KOWIE Active Member

    Mar 7, 2005
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    i agree with alio that nugents KOs have been suspect, but i think the guy is solid. i wouldnt think or call it playing favorited from the fans on his part. if he wasnt doing his job, he would hear about it (hes been automatic kicking FGs this year)...HOWEVER

    dude, who are you to attack alio? you disagree, thats one thing. but to generally attack him because YOU disagree with his assessment is stupid. you should keep all that anger bottled in, that way you'll have a stroke and your brain will hemmorage uncontrollably....just a thought.
  14. KOWIE

    KOWIE Active Member

    Mar 7, 2005
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    is anyone elses bullshit meter spiking?
  15. nyscene911

    nyscene911 Active Member

    Dec 21, 2004
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    Nope. I never question the validity of what any poster has to say. What is wrong with you Kowie, oh yee of little faith! :wink:
  16. Cinvis

    Cinvis New Member

    Apr 21, 2005
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    Actually Nuge isn't as bad as most think. NFL.com has the average KO distance and average returns for all teams. If you do the math, Nuge is a 39.3. That is the average net yardage gained for NY on KO's.

    It would equate to an average starting position of the 30.7 yardline for the other team. Doesn't sound great, its actually pretty average.

    Some teams have a few yards better. Det, Jack, and Chicago popped out after a brief look. (I'm not doing the math for every team). Those teams averaged a start of about the 26.5 yardline.

    However there are much worse. Minnesota, for example, averages the 34 (wow, now that's bad considering they play in a dome).

    All in all, Nuge is a very average KO guy.
  17. cass2005

    cass2005 New Member

    Oct 10, 2005
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    Why would I lie about that? It makes no sense. I am not going to attack someone based on a disagreement. I WILL attack someone when they make up bogus stats to prove a point. For instance, that nuge was 15th in the league in kicking field goals....or when someone insists that he is correct because of these stats. So yes, I will attack Alio.
  18. cass2005

    cass2005 New Member

    Oct 10, 2005
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    You're right. It is your bad. Now I am going to get myself banned for insulting you by proving your "facts" are incorrect? Yet, somehow you consider yourself knowledgeable. Interesting.
  19. AlioTheFool

    AlioTheFool Spiveymaniac

    Sep 27, 2005
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    No, you're going to get yourself banned because you talk like this is a street fight after 4th period. You did not insult me "by proving my 'facts' incorrect." You simply repeatedly insulted me. Debating is not your strong suit. It's okay.

    You seem to think very highly of yourself. Be careful not to dislocate your shoulder while patting yourself firmly on the back.

    Fact is, I don't give a damn about Nugent. I want him gone. Why? Because I do. I don't need a reason. I don't need to explain myself. However, I did put up real stats, but mislabelled them.

    If you were as smart as you obviously want to claim to be, you'd have simply pointed out my errant label, and found some way to actually dispute the statistic. Yet you refuse to do so. Your choice.

    BTW: I didn't get to tell you before, but congratulations on having been at every Jets game this year! You're so lucky. I wish I could be just like you and the, oh, 50,000 other people just like you. Do you feel more loved now?
  20. AlioTheFool

    AlioTheFool Spiveymaniac

    Sep 27, 2005
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