Probably forgot his login info after bestbuy tech support wiped his computer due to viruses. I remember the guy, hope he's still doing fine health wise. It's pretty incredible to have been in your 20's and seen Superbowl 3.
The poster you are replying to is talking about Champ, the crotchety old barnacle from Texas that only ever had one thing to say and that is that the Jets haven't won the VLT in 53 years. You are talking about Defense Wins Championships. He is the one from St.Pistol, FL that could write a War and Peace length novel of a post but not really say a thing. What is "Hypotactically"? Not something you said but just noticed it in the thread title.
Meant to respond to the poster after him, was on mobile and didn't finish my coffee yet lol.. whoops. I remember both guys, but yeah, I was talking about DWC
Hypotaxis is when a sentence has many subordinate clauses linked by conjunctions. So you wind up with these lengthy list-like sentences, which is what DWC’s posts looked like. I’m assuming that’s the reference.
Sure… the person you’re talking about is Champ…. But the person this thread is based on and people keep referencing is not Champ. I know he wanted to take your place as longest fan; are you trying to take his place as most senile?