Can you provide any proof of this claim? Unless you're inside that lockeroom or know people who are I don't think so. Maybe there are some guys who don't like him for whatever reason, but I've seen no reliable report, backed up by any player's statements that this is true. In any case, if and when he returns, if he leads them to wins all the talk about "lost lockerooms" will vanish. Actually the game had slowed down for him until he ran up against the top defenses and then he began struggling and second guessing himself, leading to more problems. While I agree that he needed a "time out", IDK how you learn how to slow the game down wearing street clothes.
I don’t know if he’s lost the locker room or not but do you watch the pregame shows or the broadcast when they first sign on? Every network sideline reporter has a story about how much the teammates love playing with him and for him. I never heard those about Wilson. Combined with the meltdown the receivers and defense were having about him after that Patriots game. He’s just payed twenty games and he’s literally had three or four good halves of football.
Wilson should be active next week, but only because Flacco looked so bad. Douglas and his staff have a ton of work to do this offseason evaluating the QB position.
Vilma answered this as well as anyone. Watch the interviews, listen to the reports, watch the pre and post-game broadcasts. Not just the network broadcast, the local reporters and players also. Former players; do you think they don't know what's going on in that locker room? They still have contacts, they know these guys even if they can't directly quote them. Read between the lines - Zach is deactivated for more than a few bad throws. The game is too fast for him. Time from snap to throw is still amongst the worst in the league. He's not processing what's in front of him.
I had absolutely no problem with Wilson being inactive the past three weeks. Some people seem to have forgotten just how pathetic he looked against New England, and how rarely he has actually looked good this year (as opposed to "did enough to not lose the game"). He had to be deactivated the first two weeks to stave off the death spiral he was in. And yes, I do believe that that isn't only the physical and mental mistakes and shortcomings, but also includes his standing on the team. He could have been activated today, I suppose, but again, I had no problem with that not being the case. The situation has changed now. Flacco looked so bad, and so unprepared for NFL football, that he is simply no longer a viable alternative. Wilson should be active next week, but explicitly as the backup (unless White can't play). Besides being better for the team, it also has the added effect of making Saleh's prediction that we'd be seeing Wilson again this season come true without actually doing the damage of playing him instead of White when White is by far the better choice.
No doubt, but I think they will go back to one big thing... Putting the 53 over 1 guy, there are so many potentially elite kids in this team and they are probably more talented then the QB on this team. I just want a good qb that makes use of the talent around them. Of course I want a elite qb but maybe we got someone developing into that
Yes, it was smart to deactivate Zach... he was obviously struggling. The whole losing the locker room stuff, is media crap. It's what they do, relish & create controversy, since the current crop of fans, relish & eat controversy. That said, next week will be a great barometer of whether Zach has made any progress. If he's still not active, then we'll know he hasn't shown progress. If he's active, he's at least settled down. I'm hoping he's active, & at some point gets in a game, even in garbage time. I'd really like to see if he's grown up any, & how he's handled the adversity of being benched. I liked how he handled the press conference after being demoted... it couldn't have been easy to go out there the next day, & face the circling media sharks.
C'mon. You know there's a difference between the team really liking one guy vs. the other guy "has lost the locker room". IDK, maybe Wilson has, but there is no verifiable proof of that, it's just an unprovable narrative used to justify benching him. His performance is justification enough.
Dude you don’t get reports like that. Even when it was unanimously known that Rosen was disliked and didn’t want to put the work in to be a pro football player, there wasn’t some glaring report that said Josh Rosen hates working hard and is lazy in practice. You have to read in between the lines. Forget liking one guy over another, a bunch of Jets made it obvious on social media.
Sadly, what Zach needs to fix, will not happen in 3 weeks, not 6 weeks, not anytime this season. If the Jets CS is forced to put Zach in, and he shits the bed again - he's probably done here for good. In my opinion, he needs to ride the pine for the remainder of the year. No matter how you slice this, the FO/CS has their work cut out for them after the season with the QB position. Put Strev in as the backup, he can't be worse than Flacco. At the very least, they can run some goofy wildcat.
Wilson needs to be activated next week. All this locker room chatter is interesting only as long as White is healthy. Jet Players will play hard no matter what. Flacco is no longer a viable option period. He just can play anymore nor is he motivated.
Dude, of course we don't get reports like that. Which is why no one outside the locker room knows for sure what's going on there. That's my point. But if he has lost the locker room I trust Saleh knows it and we won't be seeing Wilson take another snap for this team. I hope that's not the case because I sure don't want to see Flacco ever take another one.
Feel good MW story only goes so far. If ZW gets his stuff fixed, goes about and wins games, everyone still loves MW, but they also want to win.
Rubbish, if we loose White, with Flacco we don’t win another game. We have zero knowledge about Strev readiness level.This is a bunch of wishful thinking based on Zach performance against the Pats
Zach woulda avoid the rush today, that’s for sure. What happened after he avoided it, however, might be a bigger problem.
A very very minor hyperbole. Zach is very, very bad. He was clearly the worst starting QB in the NFL.
I agree, he needs to be active. It doesn’t mean that any of the locker room chatter is untrue though.