Why is this woman still asking the same stupid and obvious questions every week on the Jets post game show? She clearly doesn't understand the game, she offers nothing but the same old shit every week with the same old questions, I mean, I understand affirmative action hires, but can we send someone out to the stadium who actually has some instincts for the game and can ask some relevant questions instead of; 'how disappointing was this loss today?"
This is the best thread of the day. And I’m being completely serious. She spoke to CJ Mosley, Michael Carter III, and Tyler Conklin and as asked the same effin questions over and over. How disappointing is it? How frustrating is it? How deflating is this? How do you come back from this loss? How do you get over this loss? What can the team take from this? What’s the message to the young guys in the locker room? Is there a producer watching her $hit???
"will this team ever have a competent offense?" "when will this team get it right at QB?" "why does this team keep committing such stupid penalties and keep shooting itself in the foot?" "do you guys actually practice?" "do your coaches have gameplans or do they just sort of make it up as they go along?" Would be entertaining at least!
“How long do you plan to bench John Franklin Myers to teach him a lesson for committing such a boneheaded play that arguably turned the course of a game towards defeat for the 2nd time this year?”
Will we ever see you starting threads when Jets win? You seem to show up only after Jets lose to stir shit. Dude I am not a good sniffer of rats but I have serious doubts about you. Take it for what it is.
Along those lines, last week, I was watching most of the players interviews by the Jet media on the Jets website, There was one guy, not sure who, who ask every single player the same exact question, regardless of who he was, how he played, defense or offense, the same damned question to a T. How confident are you with not throwing over x amount of yards in a game?. Half of them looked like , why are you asking me that question, but most politely said if the running game is working more power to us. But that wasn't good enough for This guy apparently. He asked zero questions about each players own performance, or the victory. Blood suckrers.