I finally sat down to turn the game on… 3 minutes after he hit it. Congrats to the Al leader, and maybe the overall leader imo
I've seen some phenomenal offensive performances from Yankee players in the past like '85 Mattingly and 2007 ARod, but I think Judge's performance this year is the best I've ever seen by a Yankee.
This is from Sept 23rd. Yanks have already shown they are willing to go 8 years so that shouldn't be an issue. It will come down to if a team offers that 10 year deal that these guys want.
We may have seen the last of him. https://www.espn.com/mlb/story/_/id/34760715/aroldis-chapman-left-yankees-roster-missing-workout I can could see him being "suspended" all the way to a WS birth. He sucks, but the Yankees have too many injuries to say bye forever. That being said, wouldn't be shocked if retires in the off season. Just get the feeling he's not really into the grind anymore