thats just embarrassing horrible pressure...horrible tackling..3rd string qb and they are running the ball easily....front 4 has to got to be better
Unbelievable. We have all the momentum, and play d like that…. What a joke Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Only the Jets can’t take advantage of a team with its rookie 3rd string, 7th round pick, QB at the helm. Our 28 DEs and 1.5 LBs are doing a great job out there.
Is our pass rush statistically good, Asking because my eye test says they have been a great disappointment so far, but not sure if maybe I’m just expecting too much?
I have been watching it off a firestick app all season been brilliant, the premier league football never stuttered at all but the NFL isn't having it today, tried other games as a test and they are all the same. Got one just in time to see us concede a TD lol