How does he say on Michael Kay last night that there is a chance wilson plays sunday and then 16 hours later say out until week 4. This guy has no clue how to handle media or answer questions. Hope some of the reporters ask him that and also how did a 2-4 week injury become 8 weeks? Every time a player is injured this dope puts his foot in his mouth
While it's only a big deal because of reactions like this, it being what he says to the media, I do agree that it can put unwanted pressure on a player when it's all roses and saying they will be back before it's actually true.
Cimini said Saleh was just practicing "gamesmanship", which I assume means trying to get the opponent to have to gameplan for 2 qb's.
this is a major set back and makes me believe the surgery was not successful and this is now a bigger problem. typical jets.
That's a bit of a reach... if the surgery was fuckered up they wouldn't have had Zach going through a workout... however light.
Saleh said he’s fine and doesn’t have a limp or anything. I think they just want him to get more practice reps since he basically missed 3 weeks of time. This is the 3 weeks he can “catch up”
If this was true - why announce he'll be out until week 4 at the earliest? Wouldn't you continue the gamesmanship each week?