and an inability to learn the playbook, run routes, stop giving up penalties and finally and possibly the most crucial catching the damned ball.
No argument from me, although we seem to generate more than our fair share of rare occurrences. But at the end of the day, if he is the 5th or 6th rated WR in the CS list, and they want to keep 5 or 6, then why not keep him unless there is a fair trade out there. That my point. Last year a lot of players shit the bed, not just Mims. Bu selection of the roster should be based on this year effort from OTAs thru preseason all been equal.
People are so weird on the internet. I was comparing their styles of play, situations, and their weaknesses. Not a direct comparison on their talent level or draft spot, duh. I thought that was clear but maybe folks really do struggle with thinking these days. God gave us big brains for a reason tho. (you weren't the only one btw, Revision struggles too) Just a question, if you are watching a youth football game and someone says "that a boy, you stick your head in the pile just like Dick Butkus!" are you the guy who says "OMG, Dick Butkus was a pro bowl hall of fame linebacker and Timmy here is an 8 year old, what a horrible take" ???
Terrace Marshall for Mims straight up seems reasonable. To us internet warriors. But will JD and Fitterer see it that way?
I agree, but it wasn't even glimpses with Keyshawn. He put up 844 yards and 8 TDs his rookie year. That's about twice as many yards and 8 more TDs than Mims has over 2 full seasons. That difference is even more stark because Keyshawn played in an era where teams passed the ball less often than they do today.
Not sure their styles of play are similar either. Johnson was a relatively slow guy with a 31 inch vertical who won with physicality and boxing out DBs. Mims is a speedster who doesn't play physically at all. Mims got by with speed and height in college but apparently never really learned the nuances of the position. Keyshawn was a guy who succeeded despite not being that athletic, because he was actually good at playing WR. The only thing they really have in common is they're both tall and pouty. Regardless, your initial post was clearly comparing the teams not treating Mims and Keyshawn the same way, which makes no sense because their talent levels are worlds apart. Keyshawn went first overall. Mims was the 13th WR taken in his draft. What other teams are changing their offensive philosophy to suit a lazy second round WR?
I get your point about having COVID and food poisoning during training camp, but these are not major injuries. He absolutely stunk towards the END of the year where absolute scrubs we got off the street on the bus ride to the stadium outperformed him. Also, he didn't even know the playbook. COVID or food poisoning is no excuse for that. There is simply no excuse for being as terrible as he was last year. And that resulted in team not being able to rely on him and drafting WR with the 1st round pick and resigning Berrios, who played well. Now he had a decent camp, like others did too who were ahead of him, and he should be with ones? Absolutely not. He needs to work his way up, and I like to have a good 5th WR option. Remember how many injuries we had last year? 5th WR might end up a starter at some point or getting some serious PT. I don't want that to be some scrub, and Mims is perfect for that role at this point of his journey. He will get a chance, and if he proves himself, he could be with 1s next year, maybe taking over Corey. But right now the request to trade saying he should be with ones is a bit ridiculous.
Very typical. He basically lowered his trade value by publicly demanding the trade and is trying to force Jets hand. Teams are calling thinking JD is desperate to get rid of him with some shitty offers. Good luck with that.
If nothing else, I do have confidence that JD won’t get worked in a trade. Now if we still had Terry Bradway as GM? We’d be trading Mims and a 2nd round pick for a 4th round pick back…that guy was an absolute moron.
I think if we trade Mims it will be for a pick, not a player. Unless that player is really good, like a solid back-up OT or something, which won't happen. One benefit of the trade is that we have excess of good players now. There is a special teams ace (plays CB, but not great CB, name escapes me) we signed earlier that could be kept if Mims frees up a roster spot, or a DB, where otherwise we would have lost a decent player. The way I see JD trading Mims is if we get some value in picks and then use his roster spot to keep an additional guy, not trade him for another project WR.
Joe can probably get a lot more for him during the season when teams are dealing with the initial rash of regular season injuries. No need to rush things unless they want to keep 3 QBs.
The food poisoning thing is the most preposterous excuse I've heard in a while from a fanbase that specializes in preposterous excuses. Has nobody here had food poisoning? I've had it twice, it takes you out of commission for like 1-2 days. Also the weight you lose from food poisoning is all water weight, which you regain a day or so later. People act like he lost 20 lbs of muscle and tore both achilles.
Hardee. Lots of good players on the bubble such as Dunn, Smart, Shepherd, Marshall, Cager, and Knight. Where we could use an extra spot from WR6, QB3, TE4, CB6 to create a spot.
If we get the value that JD wants trade him. He has not distingush himself at all and to all those who say he came to camp in better shape, etc. That is exactly what he is supposed to do.... BTW - as others have pointed out including the HC, find a niche and when call ball it...
I think Dallas and Carolina are good choices with an opportunity for a nice draft pick or trade. Squeeze Baltimore and the Browns even more. I can almost guarantee that Mimms will look far , far better and more talented with them than he did last year for us. We have yet to see the best of him.