He's running. It's been rumored since the beginning of June he's gearing up to make his announcement in the summer.
I have voted in every Presidential election goin back to Reagan. If Trump gets the nod, depending on who the Dems put up, it very well might be the first one I sit out. It is a shame that a great number of Americans no longer vote someone FOR President, but rather cast their vote AGAINST someone being President.
Of course Trump is running again. Step aside, let someone else take the spotlight for once, that's not in his DNA. A guy like DeSantis who has been on his knees loyal to him will find out what that loyalty gets him like everyone else Anyway whats going on with this Bannon stuff? Now that he's facing criminal charges he's willing to testify? The idea that he had executive privilege for his actions on January 6th, 2021 when he had stopped working in the executive branch for almost 4 years was pretty absurd IMO to begin with
He wont be doing a live testimony . Taking the 5th all the time will just be a shove it up a.. back to the committee. He wants to show the trial jury I tried to give live evidence but was knocked back.
Interesting Tidbit on today's morning news>>"Biden underwater with most Voting groups but still favored significantly paired against Trump" Bidens got a 33 % approval rating , semi senile, falling off plane ramp stairs and bikes but no one prefers Trump! LMAO
To take it a step further the (trump appointed) judge at his contempt trial both saw through his feeble attempt and also informed his lawyer that none of his proposed defenses have any legal validity and won’t be allowed.
Getting rid of Trump all but guarantees a new president in the next election. I hope they lock him up.
If Trump becomes too toxic, the candidates that he’s been pushing could fall at the midterms. That’s a big problem for team red.
I think the President's approval rating is a huge red flag for the Dems in the upcoming midterms. I guess we will find out soon enough. I just want Trump removed as a possible candidate. He's the only guy that could make people vote for an 80 year old imbecile.
Blockbuster hearing today! Trump calling on the Mob of Oathkeepers and Proud Boys to get ready for Civil War.. The reformed Oathkeepers coming clean ..how they were swayed as dummies for DJP Trump will do anything illegal to stay in power.. ItsTreason plain and simple imo
How long until Trump flees to Russia to avoid prosecution? Only half-kidding with this. There was a compromised German Chancellor Gerhard Schroder who moved to Russia in 2005 at Putin's invitation. He got the Gazprom package through the German legislature, left office 17 days later and moved to Russia to consult for the company.
Trump thinks hes above the law SMH. I guess since the republicans crowned him and dont want to hold him accountable ever he would feel that way, but damn we have laws in this country