Can the Jets TRUST Mekhi Becton in 2022?

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by PennyandtheJets, Jan 20, 2022.

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  1. jcass10

    jcass10 Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2011
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    I definitely don't trust him enough to come into training camp in shape and be the starting left tackle. I understand he just had a baby and its difficult to maintain any kind of schedule in the early stages. I sympathize with him, its a very difficult stretch.

    Having said that, he's seemingly had more than enough time to have lost some weight. I wouldnt expect him to necessarily be in game shape, but I expected him to be a manageable weight.,

    I still think his potential is too high to just cut outright or sell for a mid round draft pick.
    blackssmagic, LAJet and BrowningNagle like this.
  2. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    For sure, good post, you cant cut the man. Physically unable to perform (PUP) list is there for this reason
    LAJet likes this.
  3. Zach

    Zach Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2002
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    If you read the masterpiece "Practical Modern Basketball" by John Wooden, you'd see how this bolded sentence makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

    There is this concept called the "Pyramid of Success."


    At the base level, you will see the traits such as "industriousness," "enthusiasm" and "self-control," which we all have yet to see from Becton. Obviously, if the base falters, the entire structure falters. You could have all the potential in the world but if you don't have the right attitude for it (see Michael Jordan or Kobe Bryant in their respective rookie training camp) then all that potential is but wasted.

    By now, I am a believer of [you are what you do], and people rarely change. I am sorry to break it to you but I see no reason why Becton will change under any circumstance.
    #423 Zach, Jun 21, 2022
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2022
  4. KY Jets Fan

    KY Jets Fan Moderator

    May 15, 2013
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    I've seen you say this a couple of times. Is this your opinion or has this been explicitly stated by someone and I just missed it?

    For reference, Becton wasn't the only person working on the side with the trainers/performance staff last week during minicamp. Lawson & Fant were both working in the area with Becton. Probably others as well but those were the only names I could find.

    Is it not possible that because the Jets staff knew the minicamp was essentially a glorified passing camp that there was no reason to rush Becton back onto the field? It's been documented that the OL and DL basically played patty-cake during the OTAs so what would even be the point of him being out there? Same goes for Fant yet Fant seems to be exempt from this criticism for some reason.

    This was the first time Mekhi had been at the Jets facility during the offseason so it doesn't surprise me at all that they want to ramp him up slowly because that's been their MO this offseason.

    I'm not saying Becton doesn't look heavy, he does. I'm not saying that I'm not slightly concerned by it, I am. However, like I said earlier in this thread, mid-June is way too early to panic about a guy potentially being overweight. Let's see how the guy looks here in a few weeks for TC, then we can maybe start sharpening our pitchforks.
    Ralebird, cval and KingRoach like this.
  5. KY Jets Fan

    KY Jets Fan Moderator

    May 15, 2013
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    Caporoso says it best in this article.

    "Ultimately offseason chatter will not matter. May and June will not matter. It will matter how he shows up and competes in training camp and the preseason ramping into week one."
    Ralebird likes this.
  6. REVISion

    REVISion Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    His potential is too high? Why? Because he's gigantic? It doesn't work like that. Being big as an LT is good but there's a point where it starts negatively affecting performance rather than helping it. Becton is way past that point.

    Most of the best LTs in history have been around 320 lbs, because that's a weight where basically nobody is going to overpower you and you're still quick enough to deal with guys who just try to go around you.

    Potential also involves work ethic, and it seems like Becton has an absolutely awful one.

    Saleh did an interview with Rich Eisen in the last couple days where he essentially confirmed that the knee is fine and Becton's absence isn't related to it. If we combine that with Saleh's refusal to address Becton's weight then I think the picture becomes pretty clear. Saleh is Mr. Positive, if Becton was at the weight they wanted him to be at then I don't see why Saleh wouldn't praise him for it.

    I just don't understand why people are so reluctant to believe that the most likely explanation here is the correct one. Becton has shown a repeated inability to keep his weight down, it's likely that's still the case until proven otherwise.
    blackssmagic likes this.
  7. KingRoach

    KingRoach Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2013
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    You start your post by
    Asking a question
    Giving a BS answer no one implied
    Chastising your own answer

    And end your post by being confused

    Seek help
  8. jcass10

    jcass10 Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2011
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    If he could replicate his rookie season, he'd probably be the best tackle on the team. That alone is enough for me to not cut/trade him for nothing.

    Having said that, there is a really good chance you're correct in that his work ethic is trash. I certainly wouldn't bet on his fifth year option being picked up.

    Cutting him today would result in zero saved cap money in the next two years. I'd rather they give him a chance to get his shit together than outright cut him before training camp.
  9. GasedAndConfused

    GasedAndConfused Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2015
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    nope keep digging until I drop the bomb that even you can't refute (even thought the evidence is already stacked against you and you provided 0 amount for your claims). I really enjoy embarrassing you in front of a bunch of people who you try to claim to be smarter then over and over. I know your mind will never change, but making you the laughing stock to everyone else is worth way more then you suddenly becoming a reasonable person :)
    blackssmagic likes this.
  10. bleedgreen

    bleedgreen Well-Known Member

    Sep 20, 2003
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    So much confusion. So little critical thinking. So much mind reading. So much tea leaf reading.Here are what seems to be discernable evidence.
    1. No lineman has "practiced" yet. Those that are on the field basically play make belive.
    2. Pictures ofbecton show him reasonably shapely, for a guy his size. He doesnt appear to be extraordinarily heavy., like 400 lbs. Course, pictures also lie. NO ONE posting or writing knows his weight.
    3. There has been no panic moves to bring in a tackle. Could be happening even as i post, but not yet.
    4. The only people who have insight into his health and weight are the coaches, and they are the only ones that count.
    5.becton worked out under direct supervision of the team. I saw no comments from anyone in a position to know that becton was in any way "shaky".
    6. Not a single person posting on this board or reporting in the media has any insight into his work ethic. If they do they simply are lying.
    7.There is a month to camp and more than a month after that before the opener. Plenty of time to evalute his playing ability.

    If people continue to post comments like they know something, its time to buy stock in lipton.
  11. bicketybam

    bicketybam Well-Known Member

    Sep 9, 2010
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    I really do![​IMG]
  12. REVISion

    REVISion Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    Well yeah, but I think that's obvious and not really noteworthy. We're on a Jets forum, what we do is discuss the day to day happenings with the information we have available at the time. If it wasn't worth discussing anything other than actual games this place would be completely dead.

    I'd also note that the Becton defenders trotted out a version of this when he missed voluntary workouts. "Let's see what he does when the mandatory part starts." Now that he's not available for the mandatory part the goal posts are shifting again.

    What's the argument for his potential in your mind?
    #432 REVISion, Jun 21, 2022
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2022
    blackssmagic likes this.
  13. bicketybam

    bicketybam Well-Known Member

    Sep 9, 2010
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    I don't know what his argument for Becton's potential is but I would point to his rookie year as a gauge for how good he could be if he is healthy and in shape. There were times when he simply dominated.
    #433 bicketybam, Jun 21, 2022
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2022
    KY Jets Fan likes this.
  14. Stevied

    Stevied Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2018
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    I would have cited parts of his rookie play as well. But now there’s legit concerns about him making it to/staying on the field. That started his rookie year btw. And unfortunately, we run a diff scheme than we did in his 1st year. This one might not be a fit, remember even before he was hurt, he was getting his flocked cleaned by Lawson.
    blackssmagic and REVISion like this.
  15. Stevied

    Stevied Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2018
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    I only joined this party yesterday so I’m still catching up to everyone’s posts.

    But reading yours, what do you attribute the hysteria/concern that we all have to? And the reporters insulating there’s and issue, curious as to if you have any thoughts as well.
  16. Stevied

    Stevied Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2018
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    I’m enjoying our back and forth. So you mentioned in one of your recent responses to m:
    “ I believe his knee injury had nothing to do with his weight. I also believe any estimates of the duration of his recuperation were shot in the dark type guesses.”

    This on the heels of saying:
    “"normal" recovery is irrelevant to an individual situation.”

    So help me understand something. You break your leg and need surgery, the doctor who does it has done it many times before, and your specific surgery has been done countless times across America. The Dr. tells you that based on all of that, the typical person recovers in 3-4 months.

    But since you made the normal recovery comment, there’s just as good of a chance you could take 3-4 years to recover? Not counting complications, just the same recovery that took everyone else months could take years? Because despite a foundation of knowledge that medical expert is really just taking a shot in the dark?
  17. REVISion

    REVISion Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    I definitely factor that in, it was a good year for a rookie. The ensuing 1.5 years have just contained too many red flags regarding his personality though. Guys who don't take their careers seriously usually don't get near their potential. Everyone has talent in the NFL, or they wouldn't be in the league. You need talent+work ethic+some luck to be consistently good. So far Becton's had little work ethic and some bad luck.

    There's also the issue that even if he fixes his mindset and gets in shape, the injuries he's already sustained are a concern to impact him longer term. He's had foot and knee injuries so far, which wouldn't be horrible in a vacuum, but when you're 360 lbs those things add up very quickly because your legs and feet are under such pressure already. Every 10 lbs of weight gain puts an additional 40 lbs of stress on your knees. Becton legitimately has 160-320 lbs more stress on his knees than the average 320 lb OT.
    blackssmagic likes this.
  18. bleedgreen

    bleedgreen Well-Known Member

    Sep 20, 2003
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    Reporters? Good journalism disappeared years ago. Today reporters want clicks, cause that's how they are measured, not by helping sell printed papers. So they have to write anything, every day, in an attempt to get people to read it. not the world I grew up in, and sadly it is for the worse.

    posters? well their motivation is as varied as can be. Some just want to be provoking. Some want to appear knowledgeable, Some are sincere in their thinking, even if misguided. I try never to post unproven "facts". i try and stick to my personal opinions with supporting evidence. i am always ready to admit i am wrong if proven so. the trouble is, "proof" to many is just more made up stuff. Concerns are real if they are justified.

    Now i am old. maybe a dinosaur. I made a very good living helping people understand that most of the things that are happening are just MSU (making stuff up). And concerns...I used to deal with FEAR (False Events Appearing Real). Judging from this and other boards i think it may be ingrained in our nature. In evolutionary terms, We had to fear things cause it kept us alive.
    GreenWhiteandGold and Ralebird like this.
  19. KY Jets Fan

    KY Jets Fan Moderator

    May 15, 2013
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    I watched the interview. Saleh really only talks about Mekhi for a very brief period of time (12:25-13:12) Saleh verbatim says, "Big Becton is doing good. It was great to see him during minicamp. Um, he has no restrictions on his knee anymore which is awesome. Um, so it's just a matter of continuing to get his body right and get his mind right and getting ready to play a football season. Uh, you know all the things that we know of Mekhi, he's freakishly athletic, he's freakishly big, um, and uh he's got freakish talent you know. So we're really excited to get him back in the fold and so these next 40 days are obviously big for him as they are for everybody else." Nowhere does he bring up Becton's absence from the voluntary stuff because he's already addressed that on numerous occasions where he said things like, "Some things are more important than football.", clearly referring to the birth of Mekhi's first child.

    I agree that Saleh would've screamed it from the mountaintops if Becton came in at or under the weight they wanted him to, but what is that weight? Do you know? Is it 360? Is it 350? They ok with 375? I have no clue so I'm not going to act like I know for a fact that he's 400 lbs or that he's X lbs overweight. Maybe he came in 5 lbs overweight, maybe it's 10, maybe it's 15. We'll probably never know for sure because no one that truly knows those numbers will ever say. But not being at the weight they want him to be at is a far cry from being 400 lbs, or being too heavy to practice.

    Regardless of what Saleh said on Rich's show, nowhere does he say Becton wasn't a full participant because he's overweight or too heavy to practice which was the point of my previous post all along. I think this is just your opinion, which you are presenting as a fact. To be fair, your opinion may very well end up being true when it's all said and done but I don't know how anyone can be so confident at this point in time with 0 facts to back it up.

    In my opinion, Saleh's quote from Rich's show lends more credence to the explanation I laid out in my previous post. Regardless of how much he's trained in the offseason, he's certainly not going to be in football shape in mid-June. That, coinciding with the facts that Mekhi hasn't been in the building at all this summer and their dialed back approach to this offseason, isn't it equally as likely that they're just being cautious with him and wanted to let their performance/training staff get a good look at him during Minicamp to better prepare them and Mekhi for TC? Certainly seems likely to me but again, that's just my opinion.

    Of course, this is a Jets message board. We're all free to speculate away to our heart's content. I was just providing an additional perspective on how we present our speculations or interpretations of what is currently going on with the Jets.
    Ralebird and Acad23 like this.
  20. bicketybam

    bicketybam Well-Known Member

    Sep 9, 2010
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    He didn't have an injury history in college which is good. The injury he sustained last year was a fluke and had nothing to do with his weight or his playing shape. Now if you want to point to the extended recovery, have at it. It's a fair point. I'm just not ready to label him injury prone as of yet.
    KY Jets Fan likes this.
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