Can the Jets TRUST Mekhi Becton in 2022?

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by PennyandtheJets, Jan 20, 2022.

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  1. joelip

    joelip Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2013
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    If Becton's issues continue (and I'm afraid we don't have much reason to believe they won't at this point), I think locking up Fant for 3 more years becomes important. Then we just have to get a solid right tackle.

    I believe we don't need to worry that no great right tackles will be available in the first round of the 2023 draft; we just need a solid right tackle and those are often available in rounds 2 or 3. Not to mention that we might be able to get a solid right tackle in 2023 free agency.

    In the meantime, maybe we should consider Riley Reiff or Brandon Shell as emergency stop gaps if Becton fizzles in 2022. (My guess is that Mitchell will end up as our future swing tackle.)
    Nyjets4eva likes this.
  2. Ralebird

    Ralebird Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2012
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    Actually I think LaFleur walked back, or Saleh walked back or otherwise clarified the comments LaFleur made regarding Becton's weight. The Jets are in a position where they could be fining Becton daily for being too heavy but there has been no indication they have done so. That is what a reprimand would look like if anyone was serious about it. That is also not to say there is no concern but let's not get carried away. Chiding, scolding, ribbing, goofing, teasing are far from being reprimanded.

    Have you ever heard of athletes not recovering at all and being forced into retirement by an injury that typically is healed in a couple of months? It happens because there are no ironclad standards for any of this. For you to imply that there have been no complications is simply your unsupported opinion and the general public has never been exposed to any such information.

    Regardless of how frustrating the situation may be I'm not willing to assume in the absence of evidence that the player's injury or recuperation has been typical, there were no complications or that the team has disciplined him in any way just because it would simplify the situation.
  3. Acad23

    Acad23 Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2008
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  4. REVISion

    REVISion Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    They walked back the comments because they realized you shouldn't bad mouth your own players for a variety of reasons, not because the comments weren't true.

    Nobody is teasing Becton about his weight. He is literally too heavy to practice. If that's not enough evidence that he's too heavy then I don't know what to say.

    I love how we have like 8 things indicating Becton has a recurring weight problem and essentially 0 things indicating there were complications with his injury yet you've chosen to believe the complications thing is the real story here.

    Even if there were complications, what complications turn a 6-8 week injury into a 6-8 month one?
    blackssmagic likes this.
  5. Ralebird

    Ralebird Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2012
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    Lots of people have been fanning the situation for many months now but the smoke has still not erupted into fire. If a single reporter, out of dozens, reports something without specifics, I'm not willing to take the claims at face value especially a year later.

    A combine drug test is irrelevant to his recuperation from a knee injury and I believe there are limitations on what a marijuana use test result can be used for since the widespread legalization of its use.

    I don't, and no one here does either, get to decide how much weight is "too much."

    Same with reporting to camp a year ago - if no one can say how much he actually weighed or was supposed to weigh, how much wight (!) does any of that carry?

    Got hurt? It's football - it happens every game; "normal" recovery is irrelevant to an individual situation.

    Everyone here has their own opinion of what is "apparent" but that doesn't make any of it accurate.

    Parsing the words of his nutritionist don't tell us when he was over 400 pounds or when he got under that mark, nor is it particularly telling without knowing what guidelines he was given.

    I'll continue to give the guy the benefit of the doubt and believe that if and when the player does not fulfill his obligations to the team the team will take action that we'll all know about.
    Mogriffjr likes this.
  6. Stevied

    Stevied Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2018
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    Regarding the team being concerned with his weight, there’s been a ton of smoke from numerous sources. One of which was Bectons own nutritionist who said he was 400lbs. Yet despite that, and correct me if km wrong, you do not think the weight is a problem? Or not a real problem?

    it ain’t just me saying there have been no complications, the fact that nobody-including him-have said it confirms it. You said it yourself, he’s talking on Twitter (which doesn’t bug you) and engaging ppl insulting him. Given he’s doing that, plus saleh being a players coach and wanting to give him the benefit here, wouldn’t that have been revealed if there was one? Especially one that’s DOUBLING his recovery time anywhere from 4-7 months??!! It would silence a lot of ppl wouldn’t it?

    And yea, we’ve all heard of folks who have tk retire due tk injures, however, that’s certainly the exception-small exception-to the rule. That happens what, 2% of the time, maybe? And that ain’t happening here.

    So please enlighten me, and again I’m being g legit. If I’m reading you correctly, the Twitter stuff ain’t a big deal. And the team isn’t frustrated/hasn’t done anything to him about his weight. And the 2x recovery period? You chalk that up to a phantom complication? Let me know what I got right and wrong because k really do wanna believe. Very much happy to come on you side of you present something-evidence/pT of view- I missed
    REVISion likes this.
  7. Ralebird

    Ralebird Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2012
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    Yep. I deal with facts, not Tweets, memes, rumors or other unsubstantiated BS. And I make no apologies for doing so.

    You wouldn't know a fact if it bit you on the ass.
  8. REVISion

    REVISion Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    The combine drug test isn't related to his injury, but it's absolutely related to his lack of discipline which is absolutely related to his inability to maintain a healthy playing weight. It's also not really a stretch to say that weed and an overeating problem might just be related.

    Of course we get to decide how much weight is too much. He can't practice because of it. That's a problem. Even at 364 lbs he'd be one of the heaviest guys to ever play in the league. That's because being that big is more of a detriment than a benefit. It makes you too slow and it makes injuries more likely and harder to recover from if they do happen.

    Why will you continue to give the guy the benefit of the doubt when all he's done at every single turn is provide more evidence that he should be given none of the benefit of the doubt?

    I'm going to find it really funny when we cut or trade this guy and half the board acts like it wasn't entirely predictable.
    blackssmagic and Stevied like this.
  9. Ralebird

    Ralebird Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2012
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    If they had to walk back comments because they suddenly realized they shouldn't be making derogatory comments about their own players than I might suggest they are not qualified to be in their positions. If your opinion is that the comments were or weren't true, that's your privilege; mine says I don't throw stones without some kind of evidence.

    In the same vein, I don't have a problem not excoriating an injured player for a slow recovery without proof he did something wrong. I don't jump to unsupported conclusions. You do you, I'll do me.
    KingRoach likes this.
  10. Ralebird

    Ralebird Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2012
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    I, like everyone else here, am not in a position to know how much Becton weighs or how much the team wants him to weigh; I don't how much he has been able to train due to his injury or if he has worked to the highest level he can. Therefore, I don't know if his weight is now a problem or ever was in the past with regard to his performing his job or prolonging his recuperation. I have no problem waiting to make the decision you're asking for when I have adequate information. The team cannot divulge specifics about a player's medical condition due to HIPAA regulations; if that cause them frustration, who am I to say?. On the other hand I question how so many here are so sure of their positions without any evidence.

    And you are quite correct - Twitter doesn't mean shit.
    BradysTornACL likes this.
  11. Ralebird

    Ralebird Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2012
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    To clarify - you do get to decide how much anyone should weigh - in your own mind. That, of course, means absolutely nothing in the grand scheme of things.
    Mogriffjr likes this.
  12. Stevied

    Stevied Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2018
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    This will probably be my last go around-so you said something earlier:
    “Yep. I deal with facts, not Tweets, memes, rumors or other unsubstantiated BS. And I make no apologies for doing so.”

    However, sometimes you don’t get 100% eye test stuff. I.E. you’re right, you and me will never see Becton on a scale. However, when reporters who cover the team + have sources, and the coaches strongly hint there is something-albeit not expressly saying so-that holds no water? Every reporter has hinted at what we’re saying + sallah’s tepid answers-+Bectons own nutritionist, if these things ain’t evidence,what are they?

    And regarding HIPAA, I dont believe your argument about it applies. Not when coaches give updates on players to the media all the time-including Becton btw! How do you think we know the 4-6 month time frame? There’s also nothing preventing Becton himself (legally) from telling us there’s something off. We’ve seen guys do this before. Curious as to how you answer this one HIPPA wise.

    Lastly, just your opinion is all, this ain’t court and I’m not gonna brand you forever, what do you personally feel at this moment is the deal? Why isn’t he practicing and why is saleh and him being asked about the weight almost daily of it isn’t an issue? Looking for the alternative theory you seem to be buying.
    #412 Stevied, Jun 21, 2022
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2022
    blackssmagic likes this.
  13. Acad23

    Acad23 Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2008
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    Gawd he's a big man...

    Noam likes this.
  14. Stevied

    Stevied Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2018
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    Good pic, reminds me of the fact that even if he came back in great shape, supposedly he ain’t a scheme fit. Lawson beat him like a drum last year
  15. Ralebird

    Ralebird Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2012
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    Here's an article regarding HIPAA that explains a bit of the situation. While a team physician may discuss a player's condition within the team setting it does not appear that information can legally be shared with the public. Think about it, if your job requires visual acuity and your eyesight is failing they can take you off the job but have no basis for telling the public you're going blind.

    Do HIPAA Laws Apply to Athletes? (

    Of course, we all process the information we get through our own filter and we all have different filters; that just illustrates how two people can get the exact same information and reach different opinions. You talk about "reporters who cover the team" but it is rare that we see the same information from all of them. Hughes reported Becton was overweight but of the other dozen or so who are around only one or two repeated the story and did so, not as having sourced that story themselves, but simply as what Hughes said; hardly a consensus of what happened. Hughes remains the sole source of those claims.

    And, thanks for asking - my opinion on the Becton situation, based on almost nothing concrete but a lifetime of observing human nature and picking up a wealth of generally useless information along the way, is that Becton is a fat guy who would be 450 pounds or more if he wasn't an athlete, but he's no Walter Hudson. I'd say he has a genetic and societal predisposition to easily become morbidly obese and incur those medical conditions that come with it, including a shorter than average lifespan but that's probably not what you're asking for.

    I believe his knee injury had nothing to do with his weight. I also believe any estimates of the duration of his recuperation were shot in the dark type guesses simply because I have no idea of precisely what his injury was, the extent of that injury or any complications to the base injury. I believe that in his pre operation and early post operation periods his weight probably went up because he had a sudden curtailment of virtually all physical activity while not immediately adjusting his diet or metabolism which, at the time, was supporting the activity level of a professional athlete in season.

    I believe there probably came a time when his caloric intake was reduced and a time when his activity level was increased and he began to lose some of the weight he had gained during the early stages of his convalescence. I have absolutely no way of assigning dates to those points or quantifying any gains or losses. I have no way of knowing if his reconstructed knee is capable now of supporting the demands of an NFL lineman and also do not know if any changes he had made in his rehabilitation would have changed his condition or his recovery timeline. I am just not privy to any of the information necessary to make those calls.
    Mogriffjr likes this.
  16. Stevied

    Stevied Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2018
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    So you summarized the article to read that a team physician can share a players injury with the other ppl within the team setting. Well the NFL has long since circumvented this, as evidenced by the injury report and coaches answering questions during press conferences. Specific questions about specific players, in public and occasionally in writing. If HIPAA were truly an issue, would there be an injury report? Think about it, if a player wanted to sue a team for leaking an injury/complication, they would go to who made the press aware. In this case Saleh. They would then ask saleh how he know, and he’d point to the doctor. Yet, no player has ever sued ANY team -maybe one guy nobody heard about- this I ain’t buying HIPAA is preventing the Jets from revealing what’s going on. And even if it was, nothing is stopping Becton.

    Take it one step further, things get leaked, I find it hard to believe a complication exists as it would have been out there by now. Especially given the 2x recovery time.

    Cimini, Costello and DJ have all had similar reporting to Hughes pertaining to weight. That’s in addition to his own nutritionist. I dont think anyone necessarily said the play against Carolina he got injured on was due to his weight. But remmeber he did have something with his foot heading into/during camp last year, the same foot he later hurt. I know some of the beat said that it was due to weight.

    And “shot in the dark” is an interesting way to phrase his estimated recovery times. That shot was taken by the same surgeon who performed his surgery.
    blackssmagic likes this.
  17. Ralebird

    Ralebird Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2012
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    The injury report was changed a few years ago and provides almost no personal specifics today - the guy is active, questionable or probable. It is not designed to explain injuries but only to show who will be playing in any given game. A parenthetical remark usually shows the part of the body involved but doesn't tell you if an arm, for instance, is broken strained, sprained or lacerated. The player has the right to allow the team to give any and all details if they choose.

    It doesn't matter to me one way or the other if you believe it. I filled you in on HIPAA, even linked an article that spoke to it and humored you by sharing my opinion of the Becton situation; I don't care in the slightest if you agree .
  18. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    Ralebird, forget what the coaches say or do, it is just not in their best interest to share information.

    You saw the video of fat, sweaty Becton at the mic last week, did he look in shape to you? did he look like he's ready to play 60-70 plays in an NFL game?
  19. KingRoach

    KingRoach Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2013
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    Ralebird…. I love your links. I really do… but I honestly don’t think you read them.

    Here’s a quote from you in the post above:
    “While a team physician may discuss a player's condition within the team setting it does not appear that information can legally be shared with the public.”

    Here’s a quote from the article:
    “Such regulations do not apply to team physicians or trainers employed by an organization or franchise. These medical officials are not subject to HIPAA, but to their employer.”
  20. REVISion

    REVISion Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    Have you listened to Saleh's recent interview with Rich Eisen? He basically confirmed that the issue with Mekhi not practicing isn't a medical one/isn't related to the injury.
    blackssmagic likes this.
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