you can't deny global warming as a factor. however, i have also read about these "phases" the earth goes through, one of them called La Nina or something, in which the temperature/climate is siginificantly warmer/colder than the norm. cheers
The earth has been worse off than what we are doing at this point in time. Apparently a lot of years ago, a volcano erupted and the earth was covered with a heavy black sutt for 17 years. The earth was able to rebound from that, it will be able to rebound from whatever we do to it.
La Nina (and its counterpart, El Nino) have to do with ocean wind patterns in the Pacific and their affect of moisture and humidity levels in the North American weather pattern. Global warming is a broader and much deeper issue, but related insofar as global warming with make the LN/EN swings much more drastic.
The biosphere of the Earth is warming. Most likely caused by industrialization and the use of fossil fuels. The Earth, including the mass itself, is still most likely cooling. The natural phases of the Earth at present include a rather large chiunk of time that we refer to as "Ice Ages". And, the recent trends prior to industrialization was cooling. Both, in the very short term and extreme long term analysis. It's a problem that should be addressed. But, not here.
La Nina and El Nino are just names given so that there are more things they can Blame on Latinos! They Figure, it's a visual interpretation of Illegals hitting the west coast.... I kid of course :wink: