Cano finally gets a hit, and then gets thrown out at second trying to stretch it to a double. Not only can't he hit, he's also slow as shit.
Went to the game last night. Sat 2nd row behind homeplate near the on deck batters circle. It was absolutely incredible, unfortunately we couldn't get a timely hit. I think we had 12+ LOB? Hopefully we get one tonight and take 7 series in a row.
Big night for Dom just got bigger, but would have been nice if the runner had been able to get in from second.
Lopez called back up and in there, as Reid-Foley has a partially torn UCL. And now they warn him for a couple of inside pitches after Lindor actually gets hit. These umpires are fucking morons, and so are these announcers.
Now Lopez actually hits someone, and doesn't get tossed. I guess the umpire realized that the original warning was idiotic.
I'm becoming a big fan of that young pitcher. Now if he can become the BP ace we need as well as our enforcer, its all good.