Please don't lock this. Thanks in advance. I'm going to find my picture from the Wiener Dog Applebee's challenge. Well, hello there!
Just speaking for myself here, but the only women I've ever shown my dick to were ones that admired me. Kinda by definition. Most of the time I didn't even have to ask.
Not sure you want to take that stance. The only women Louis CK showed his dick to were women who admired him. That’s what got him in trouble. If they didn’t admire him, it wouldn’t be a problem?
My point is that admiration is a pretty piss poor bar for asserting someone has power over someone else.
I 100% agree. Until women can verbalize “no” they are continuing the perception of being inferior. Men and women are different. That’s why when a women makes a joke about sexualizing attractive men, it’s funny.
Agree with all of this especially your last paragraph after his cheating wife embarrassed him in front of the world. . That and Will Smith is a way overrated actor.