This may be before or after he was banging Jessica Simpson, but I hate it. EDIT: It auto corrected to Homer Simpson. I should've left it, haha.
I hate this . . . . . . but I LOVE this and every song on this blessed album. Please do yourself a favor and watch this you won't regret it:
"You ask me if I love you, and I choke on my reply", hahaha, and it only gets worse. I hate it! Test the bounds of human endurance and see if you can sit through it. I dare you.
There is no God. EDIT: A+ to @Satan for getting there first (one page back). I overlooked it in my hatred. The live version is shittier for sure, hahaha. Before my oversight I tried to find the original video but only came up with a clip. This song is awful.
I already mentioned there's gonna be crossovers from the 1 - 3 hit wonders thread, so therefore I give you your contribution: