Every. Single. Fcking. Song. By. Foreigner. HATE, HATE, HATE, HATE, HATE, HATE, HATE!!! This is classic. My childhood partner in crime, Mark, saw them in concert when we were in HS. We actually BOTH hated them, but he went with another friend of his because the guy had tickets and he had nothing better to do. So I asked him the following Monday with a flat expression on my face, "So, how was it?" "I did mescaline to dull the pain. I laughed through the entire thing, but if I didn't do mescaline I would have laughed through the whole thing, anyway." Hahaha.
"A Sun article published the previous month had reported that Blobby reduced a young girl to tears after throwing her birthday cake onto the floor during a show in Luton, causing the girl's father to mount the stage and assault Blobby." ^I live for this kind of shit. I think the Christmas record was bought at a garage sale not knowing how bad it was. I'm in the U.S. Anyway, it totally sucks balls.
Surprised this thread has gone 4 pages without any country music. I guess that's too easy? the low hanging fruit?
That was in the 70Ss 1-3 Hit Wonder thread. There's going to be a lot of crossovers because a lot of those songs absolutely suck!
Ohhhhhhhh, I'm going to get killed for this one, but see the Rule in OP. I can't explain exactly why I hate this song, but I hate it. The crap lyrics probably. Yep, Stairway to Heaven. I said it and I'm glad.
Building back my Zeppelin vinyl collection lately and this was one album I got new. I know the song was beaten into the ground being played so much through the years which could be why some don't like it. Played out but i still think it's a great song. Don't let me stand in the way of your hate though.
Would you like to hear Spock singing If I Had A Hammer? Well, I have a hammer and I do not hammer in the morning. I do not I hammer all over this land. There is no need for all of that.