Russia says it may need to 'put the US in its place' for stoking 'disgusting' Russophobia and trying to 'bring Putin to his knees' after Biden called him a war criminal More threats from Russia. Biden and his handlers must be thrilled though. Hardly anyone is talking about their endless foreign and domestic failures, as the news cycle is back to their favorite subject - Russia, Russia, Russia.
By pumping money and weapons... and not negotiating... the war pigs in D.C. are intent on turning Ukraine into the next Afghanistan. Putin playing the victim is laughable on its face. Still... Biden & Co. are fanning the flames with their rhetoric. And it might be intentional.
The Ukranian people have made it very clear that they want to fight Russia, and from their perspective, the US isn't doing enough to help.
Shit.... the first paragraph of my post was not intended... I typed it yesterday on my laptop but decided against posting it. Of course it was saved and included when I posted from my phone.
They didn't want to fight Russia... until they invaded. Remember....Zelensky was telling the U.S. to knock off the saber rattling and was trying to negotiate himself out of a war.
The US wasn't saber-rattling. That's when you threaten military action to get results. Putin was saber-rattling. The US was just reporting it. The Biden administration has done some funky things in the 15 months they have been in power but they have been picture perfect on the Ukraine situation. They've called out Putin every time they saw him angling to do something disruptive and they've been very accurate in their calls. This means that when they talk about Putin using chemical or bio weapons against Ukraine we should be listening to them.
I can honestly tell you most Russian citizens in that country have no clue how bad things really are in Ukraine and how hard these sanctions will be coming at them soon
I agree that the actions taken by the U.S. since the invasion have been measured and apt. They are to be commended for resisting the calls for a 'no fly zone'. That would be a horrible mistake. However... I don't see the advantage of calling the leader of a nuclear super power a "war criminal"... at least not until he's been effectively neutralized. Maybe you can point to the benefit. We have pushed towards a confrontation in Ukraine for years. The same people that brought us the Afghanistan disaster have their greasy paw-prints all over this crisis. I've posted plenty of documentation of our meddling in that country. Our support in the killing of of 14,000 eastern Ukrainians was just the tip of a failed foreign policy iceberg. Now it's all out war and we're all required to get on board and support the effort. Thankfully, the liberal elite have already set the table and started cooking the turkey...
Mearsheimer has a lot of very funny ideas wrapped up in his neo-realism. Among other things he thought it would be better for the US to abandon NATO and Europe in the mid-90's and let Germany and Ukraine among others maintain their own independent nuclear forces. I get that we're not blameless in all of this but Putin has gone over the hill and he's taken Russia and the West with him. The invasion of Ukraine is his fault and his fault alone. He certainly could have offered Ukraine real carrots not to join NATO or the EU and instead he stole the Crimea and backed separatist militias in eastern Ukraine over an 8 year period.
Its not his fault alone. He has been flat out saying for the last 20 years that NATO expanding closer to his border is a huge security concern for his country.
I guess I don’t understand what the paranoia is even if Ukraine did join the eu. It’s not like anyone was going to invade Russia.
Yeah “calling out” Putin has really stopped him in his tracks. The US was late to this game as expected with this administration. It was in the fourth inning when they reacted. Russia started amassing troops a couple months into the Biden administration and they’ve been playing scared puppy in a thunderstorm the entire time.
Nobody believed this administration when they told everyone Putin was going to invade in the 1st place
Yeah, that's how war works duh. You try to avoid it at all costs but when someone punches you in the mouth you punch back
It is 100% his fault. He could have be more open to western policies and negotiate a deal but he always wanted confrontation and decided to ally with China/Middle Eastern and Iran instead. He has been at the head of russia since early 2000. Everything that is happening to Russia it's 100% his fault. In the late 1990, there was opening to western policies from Russia (Gorbachev) but he contested that opening and wanted the old soviet way back. He has been in power for more than 20 years. Sorry but this is 100% his fault, blaiming western countries is playing the victim card. He definately messed up with Ukraine and he will face the consequences.
I think everybody in the diplomatic corps of the various countries in the EU and the UK understood exactly what was going on. The fact that the Pentagon kept emphasizing the facts on the ground made it hard to believe anything else was going to happen. Once Russia moved forces into Belarus it was 95% certain they were going to move on Ukraine in a way that was different than the east only scenario that some media sources were suggesting. Countries do not make the kind of moves the Russians were making over a several month period without having plans to actualize the threat.