Not Politics considering both political sides and nearly every country implemented lockdowns: John Hopkins Study:
As someone who lived in a city with the longest lockdowns I dont doubt that all “ Researchers at Johns Hopkins University have concluded that lockdowns have done little to reduce COVID deaths but have had “devastating effects” on economies and numerous social ills.” Was true and mortality rate due to covid hardly changed . But what it did do was to stop people moving about . . If people arent socialising there not getting sick . The greatest fear of any government is seeing there hospital system being overrun and not being able to cope . Other than war natural disasters are usually the main reason hospitals etc cant cope . Bush fires, floods , tornadoes , earthquakes etc . With a pandemic , stopping people moving hopefully stops people getting sick and ultimately dying. Lockdowns also take time to work . It also depends on how many people are vaccinated etc . It was only november last year that victoria got to 90 percent double vaxxed above 12 years. For all the planning governments do , variants like delta which was more deadly than alpha and omicron which was more contagious than delta throw curve balls you cant lay a bat on . I knew no one who got alpha or delta but know heaps who got omicron . Fortunately there not going to hospital .
It’s kind of hard to say… because we don’t know the outcome without lockdowns. I’m in sc, so the “lockdown” lasted about 4 weeks. This was before omicron hit, also nsw went into lockdown after victoria did . They thought they dodged the delta bullet . Also nsw got sent vaccines last year that were due to victoria from the federal government . Which meant nsw got of lockdown quicker This is current state of affairs
I think the study is full of it. The medical infrastructure in every country was overloaded almost from the start but less so in areas where lockdowns occurred. You could still find a bed in an ICU in some of the most densely populated areas of the USA even at the heart of the pandemic. People from areas that did not have any ICU capacity wound up filling those beds in the closest metro area also via airlift or other fast transport. Also, the study conspicuously avoids addressing China, where a total lockdown in affected areas limited deaths dramatically after the first wave of the virus swept through. My guess is the authors of the study had a political point to prove and they went out of their way trying to do that. I'd also love to hear what Johns Hopkins medical school thinks about the business schools report.
You don't think vaccines have cut down on severe illness/hospitalizations and death among this vaccinated?
Was it really a lockdown when you let the big chain stores stay open and then encourage people to go work there if they can’t afford to be out of work?
A bit creative in titling the not peer reviewed "study." Reviewing almost 20,000 papers and selecting two dozen of them on which to determine effectiveness of nonpharmeceutical interventions and labeling them as proving lockdowns don't work is a bit of a stretch, even for economists making medical determinations.
I believe you may be in the Melbourne area so you are no doubt aware that many of the biggest problems there were directly traced to failures in the lockdown system regarding immigrants and those charged with enforcing their isolation. In the US we saw almost no tracing like that which was common where you are and it definitely was effective in keeping people from moving about who may have been exposed.
All I know is I wasn’t messing with it. Still don’t. Wear a mask in customers homes, stores etc. I knew enough people who had it, and a few that died from it… even a few with no known conditions. I’m sure a mask isn’t fool proof, but if it stops larger droplets etc then it has to help some. As far as “lockdowns”, it had to have helped some. But as said above, the problem I had with it is … you have a small business with a capacity of 10, shit down and lose your ass. You have a big box store that holds 200? Sure stay open
This study isn't peer reviewed, and the economists who wrote it are three random guys in the profession. I don't have hours to waste trying to review it, but the odds are very good it's bullshit. Also, it's a coward's way out to post a political thread and then try to pretend it isn't politics.
NZ used proper lockdown effectively, and we have had 53 COVID deaths with a population of 5 million. It was less effective against Delta once it got out, but we bought time to get vaccinations way up. Omicron is going to be our first proper non-lockdown wave. NZ's economy bounced back really well after the first lockdown, since we could open back up fully in conjunction with border restrictions, and people basically lived normally for a year and half until Delta.
It's for the children...