Can we be the Team that is Wrongly Overlooked?

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by JJBagoose, Jan 5, 2007.

  1. JJBagoose

    JJBagoose Active Member

    Dec 4, 2006
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    I am so sick of all of the Patriot Nation talk about how the Jets suck and they have no chance this week. (even though they won in the last meeting)

    Can we please just this one time be the team that the Pats and all their fans have overlooked? (I guess this would be the second time actually)

    I live in Boston and have been listening to all of the garbage on the radio about how much better the Pats are then the Jets. I cannot stand all of the cocky-ness of the Pats fans (albeit justified) While I admit that the Jets are not the better team on paper, I still think these two teams are alot closer then the Pats fans and the National media seem to believe.

    Nothing would be sweeter then turning on the Boston Sports radio station on Monday, sitting back and listening to the Pats fans call up, wine and wonder how they could have lost to the "obviously" inferior Jets.

    </end rant>
  2. silent scream

    silent scream Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2004
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    The fans up there can overlook us all they want but I guarantee Belichick isn't. He'll have his team ready to play.
  3. Coach K

    Coach K New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    you hit it on the nail. with bellicheck actually calling mangini by first name now, i guess he figures theres no use trying to treat him like a 2nd class coach since hes facing them in the postseason 1 yr removed from Foxboro.

    patriots fans have the right to be cocky, but only if they knew how well aware bellicheck is that he could end up having to give another pussified self defeating handshake midfield come 4pm
  4. GSourJr

    GSourJr New Member

    Mar 16, 2004
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    ON the contrary--I think we're the popular upset pick this week.

    I think the national media was prepared to chase other story lines in Cincy, or Denver, and after the smoke cleared last Sunday, they see that the Jets are their meal ticket (particularly this week with the coaching angles.)
  5. JJBagoose

    JJBagoose Active Member

    Dec 4, 2006
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    You think so?

    IMO Kansas City is definitely the popular upset pick of the week.

    With LJ and the porous Colts Defense the media is latching on to that game.
  6. 85inthehall

    85inthehall Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2002
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    everyone wants to look at the Patriots for what they were 2 years ago -- but this year they are avg at home, have been shut out, and Tom Brady has looked off most of the season. We always plays games tough in the division and over the last 6 qtrs have outscored the Pats 34-14. So to listen to people say we are just a stepping stone for the Pats is crazy.
  7. PatsRule

    PatsRule New Member

    Jan 1, 2007
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    The best thing that ever happened to New England was the Jets beating them in Foxboro...Think about it you guys,the Jets would of been under the radar if we spanked you by 20 in Foxboro.I would be very worried right now if that happened, I know alot of you think that by beating Pats in Foxboro on Nov 12th paves the way for it to happen again,all it did was to wake the sleeping giant.That game had no Seymour,Warren or Maroni you came off a By week the field conditions were awful. The pats were playing like crap the week before and still you won by only 3 and Brady had the ball with a chance to win the game.

    Im not saying it is impossible for the Jets to win , they can
    But you can't get upset when you hear that New England is the better team,look at the spread look at 95% of the so called experts there is a reason for it.NEW ENGLAND IS A BETER TEAM

    Don't be like Yankee fans and think it is a conspiricy, you have to earn respect and until you knock off a New England or go deep in the post season.Your team has far exceeded expectations win or lose Sunday the New York papers will declare the season a success,but not for New England they have to win and I believe they will but it is not a guarantee if the Pats do not play hard or with passion they could lose...I also like what I saw in the Titans Game with all the cheap shots and pushing and shoving,in my opinion this is where the pats came alive and started playing smashmouth football again,ya it cost them Harrison but the fire is back..
  8. JJBagoose

    JJBagoose Active Member

    Dec 4, 2006
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    - Seymour Played some of that game, he just sucked that was all.
    - The mighty Pats who are known for their ability to play in tough conditions can't handle a muddy field?
    - Don't be like a Yankee Fan? Look in the Mirror buddy
    - Cheap Shots, Harrison is the King of Cheap Shots.
    - Who is this sleeping giant you are referring to? Your team is as flawed as it has been in recent years.

    Be prepared to accept defeat at the Hands of Mangenius!
  9. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    I have to agree with you, particularly with Seymour, Warren and Maroni, but please don't pull a Belichick in blaming the "field conditions." The field conditions existed for both sides and in fact, probably favored your Pats, particularly since our ST's are better than yours but were slowed by the conditions. Chad's dink and dunk requires a lot of short passing and a dry ball is far and away better than a muddy one (reference Chad's 1st half of the Miami game in the pouring rain as opposed to production in the 2nd half), so the muddy field worked both ways.

    I am afraid of your "sleeping giant" theory however. Belichick was humiliated by having to shake Mangini's hand after the loss (to this day a curious if not inexplicable attitude on his part), but I also think that's got to be in his head, which explains his 180 this week to dampen it with the press. He actually found it within himself this week to be complimentary, as transparent as it was, in order to soften the distaste should he be required to once again shake hands as a loser in his own house.

    So yes, you may be the sleeping giant, but don't think that all that disrespect by Belichick at the end of the last game isn't still highly motivational in our locker room. We'd like nothing better than to see the look on Belichick's face as he comes across the field as a loser again and has to shake Mangini's hand. The game will be interesting.
  10. patschick

    patschick New Member

    Jan 1, 2007
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    I agree. I am happy the Jets beat us last time. You know the Pats don't overlook anyone anyway, especially in the playoffs, but now they definately wouldn't do that. Which team is going to be more mentally prepared? The Patriots will be. We have a lot of veterans who have been in the playoffs before. The Jets have some younger players who have never been there. Yes, Mangini will prepare them - he knows what it takes, but will the players actually be able to handle it once they hit the field? We'll see on Sunday. This game can go either way - whoever shows up mentally tougher and doesn't make stupid mistakes will win this game.
  11. JUNJOBX2199

    JUNJOBX2199 New Member

    Oct 9, 2006
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    Perfect. The patriots are always going to be portrayed as the team that won 3 super bowls even three or four years from now they will get respect, no matter what their record is. The jets are magically in position to make their mark. Are they too young of a team? Is Chad the man to lead us to the promise land? Brady's first couple of game when he got the chance to start were rocky and the media in Boston was 50% split on this kid. Did the talent level change that year for New England? This is our time to shine and build that same respect that New England is granted and don’t get me wrong it's well deserved but as the poster mentioned they have looked average at time and have been shut out. This is not the New England team from two years ago! Every time I see the stat 8-1 at home in the post season I think of Brett Farve's dominance in Lamboe and realize that all good things must come to an end as they have over the years for the packers at home. Even Chad had one of those really impressive stats of like 40 trips to the red zone with only 2 interceptions (That stat may be wrong) but it all ends at some point. That is the point.
  12. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Still, the Jets have no reason to show up without confidence. Why should they? We already beat the Patriots, and recently too.

    The Jets will be nervous and yes, we have a lot of young players who've never been there. But we can also draw strength from knowing we beat the "giant" and mostly all of our players who participated in that game will be on the field Sunday. It's going to be a huge game.
  13. PatsRule

    PatsRule New Member

    Jan 1, 2007
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    You are so blinded by your own ignorance
  14. JJBagoose

    JJBagoose Active Member

    Dec 4, 2006
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    I smell a scared pats fan! WOOO HOOO

    I hope is doesn't rain on Sunday! Tom Brady doesn't like to get his Jersey Dirty. He becomes too obsessed on his cleanliness and not on the game at hand.
  15. Youth Is Served

    Youth Is Served New Member

    Mar 24, 2003
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    I am a Jets fan and know its Maroney.

    We are blind?

  16. jets1960

    jets1960 New Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Bellychick is forced to give Mangini(ous) so he won't look like a fool when/if his "Flying Elvis" Patsies get beat.
  17. BillyD

    BillyD New Member

    Jan 1, 2007
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    Pats Fan Here

    Can we be the Team that is Wrongly Overlooked?

    No... You are the team that is being :rofl2: correctly overlooked.
  18. JJBagoose

    JJBagoose Active Member

    Dec 4, 2006
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    That hurt.

    You pats fans are Brilliant!
  19. JETfrmWOMBtoTOMB

    JETfrmWOMBtoTOMB New Member

    Mar 15, 2004
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    I keep hearing all this "The best thing that happened to us was that you beat us" and "You just woke a sleeping giant" talk. That's such bullsh!t it's unreal. Sleeping Giant my a$$. We knocked you off your high horse then and we may do it again this Sunday. You should be getting ready phsychologically for this Sunday, so the shock won't kill you if it pans out like we (here) think it will. Rationalize this any way you want. The truth is, on Sunday you are gonna' see a team that is gonna' be taking it to you in a way that you're gonna' have nightmares about. What goes up must come down. Just try to find some way to deal with it and be greatful for the run you had because it may end on Sunday. But you can count on that it will end sooner than later. We cracked the door open last November and we're aiming to kick the door down into your face this Sunday. Remember, remember the 12th of November... Biatches!!!
  20. fenwyr

    fenwyr Active Member

    Jan 3, 2003
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    I watched the 1st meeting on NFL network yestarday, and to be quite honest, the Jets have owned the Pats for the last 6 quarters. It makes the 1st 2 quarters look like a fluke. We shall see.

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