Looks like Zachy has broken up with his girlfriend. Will this hurt or help his development? https://brobible.com/sports/article/zach-wilson-girlfriend-erase-pics-instagram/
Perfecto. When Seinfeld started I liked all the other players except for George Constanza. By the end of the show he was my favorite by far. Something so ridiculously human about him. In a ridiculous way of course.
I'm not privy to any details but I find it more likely that the new NFL QB broke up with his girlfriend than the girlfriend breaking up with the new NFL QB before marriage. $$$
He's going to have to expose himself that way to somebody. They were a long time item. Usually it's the woman who breaks things off in that situation. However she definitely was still traveling for him at the end of the season so maybe it was him after all.
Same main writer so that just tells us that Larry David learned from his time writing for Seinfeld. Not to mention it is much easier writing a lampoon of yourself than trying to do it about somebody else. No potentially hurt feelings involved and everything is a go.
Don't forget that's he's too short and his teammates hate him. Apparently you can add his ex girlfriend to the list
George Constanza was based on all of us. All members of the male gender who have ever thought even for a passing moment that having some great pastrami under the pillow for afterwards was a logical response to that much energy expenditure. Although at least one of us was probably thinking more along the lines of a chicken parmigiana hero.
Different format really... but it is good. I worked with Larry David once. He is exactly who he is on Curb... just a bit less tsuris.
Yep. I have a friend of a friend deal that met him through one of his kids about ten years ago and relayed this same message.