No idea if it's the locale but MetLife sits right in the middle of the biggest cancer hot spot on the east coast. This is because of all the industrial waste that gets pumped into the air there on a regular basis. It's because a wetland environment allows chemicals and other waste to get into the water supply easily.
Our injury "bad luck" is beyond coincidence at this point. Given that we just hired this guy specifically to prevent this, what gives? We practice on real grass, right? I'm at a loss as to what it could be. I know the Metlife field is garbage since there are a few different teams who complain about it every year.
Huh? Explain. New Jersey is pretty much dead center in the country at least in cancer death rate
If injuries were a worthy statistic, the Jets would have a dynasty going over the past several years. Maybe now that the Giants were hit so badly, their ownership group will look into a possible issue with the turf? Somethings gotta give, they can't be THAT unlucky.
I'd be curious to look at what % of our injuries happened at MetLife or elsewhere (practice field+other stadiums). There have been too many different players from too many different teams say how bad the MetLife field is to not be highly suspicious of it. I wonder if the numbers back that up.
^The last time the artificial turf was replaced at The New Dump was in 2016 (or 2017?), as far as I recollect. I remember in the 2020 season in Sept the 49rs had a bunch of injuries 2 weeks in a row, vs the Jets and the Giants. A lot of teams complain about it.
A couple of questions for you, Rocky because it appears you have access to this paywalled site. Can you please explain the "Lost-av metric" that determines the size of the circle on the chart. That datapoint appears to show the Jets as one of the least affected by injury teams with Baltimore and Green Bay being the worst and Atlanta Houston the best; MIami does not appear to even have a circle at its location. Is there a table of data that would help explain this? Having gone back to the website and checked the FAQs it appears that the size of the circle is a factor of player games lost and the value of those players. This is calculated on the complete season value from the prior year and looks like for rookies the value will be based on the value of the team for the previous season. As noted in the explanation these numbers get recalculated at the end of the season; perhaps Rocky could give us the updated chart when it is available. All in all, judging by the size of the circle, it does not look like the Jets have been as seriously affected as most teams when injured player value is considered even though they look to be fourth in player games missed. National Football League (NFL) What is Lost-av? Lost-wav? How is it calculated for the NFL? My NFL player-quality metrics now base the quality of a player on their AV (Approximate Value) and WAV (Weighted Career Approximate Value) scores as calculated at AV scores are only available for previous season performances and don’t reflect current season performance. As such, during the regular season, injuries to rookies are adversely affected since they do not have a previous season AV score, and thus any rookie’s AV scores is effectively zero. They will have zero Lost-av or Lost-wav. The absence of an unknown cannot be measured effectively. Lost-av weights the impact of injuries on the previous season quality of players. Lost-wav weights the impact of injuries on the career quality of players. Only at season end do the AV values for all players in the season get calculated. Once they are available to Lost-av values for all players are recalculated, using the season’s new AV numbers available, substituting out the previous season AV values that had been used. A higher Lost-av or Lost-wav number equals a greater impact of missing players to the team. A high Lost-av or Lost-wav value for a player reflects a high number of games missed due to injury, a high WAV or previous season AV value, or a combination of both. The exact number is not as important as the basic range, versus other players. This is the case with most statistics in the analytics of sport performance. Lost AV is calculated as the AV(historic per game from the previous season) x PlayerGamesInjured for each player. At the team level, it is summed from the individual values for each player on each team. NFL Lost-av = AV(historic per game from previous season) x PlayerGamesInjured likewise for Lost-wav NFL Lost-wav = WAV(historic per game from entire career) x PlayerGamesInjured What injury and calculations do you make for the NFL? What are they? DNP/SUS/PRA – The sum of games missed by players for reasons other than injury, including Did Not Plays, Suspended, Personal, or assignment to the practice squad. Total Injured – Sum of Out, Injured List (I.L), Sidelined, and PUP counts for a player/team. It excludes games missed by suspended players. Lost-av – Injury impact to team metric based on a player’s Career Approximate Value (AV metric) from the previous season, and number of games missed. Lost-wav – Injury impact to team metric based on a player’s Weighted Approximate Value (WAV) from the previous season, and number of games missed. I note that only twenty of the 32 NFL teams are clients of this company having access to full information, the Jets are not among them. This could be that they are compiling similar information in house or not measuring such things for any number of reasons. Whatever it is, how has Buffalo lost only about 90 player games while the Giants have lost four times that and the Jets are not far behind?
Bad teams have players more likely to make “business decisions” I doubt this Dr. is anything special like he promised but I also don’t think all the Jets injuries this year speaks to his performance
Sorry bud, I only follow them on Twitter for the last couple of seasons. Maybe they will answer your questions on there - . They usually post a few days after the games, so it should be up tomorrow or Thurs most likely for week 18. This was an interesting tweet with missed games - @ManGamesLostNFL · Jan 5 NFL through week 17, Top 5, most games missed by injured players. Giants 332 Ravens 322 Titans 321 Jets 277 Lions 269
The Titans broke the record for most players on an active roster this year with 88. They lost a perennial MVP candidate for over half the season. Injuries crush teams that are bad from the bottom 31 players on the roster. Every team experienced injuries though some worse than others. The Ravens had an outside chance at the playoffs in week 18 despite being down their top three corners, QB, top three running backs, franchise left tackle, etc.
This. The Jets are a rebuilding team that is very top heavy, as are all rebuilding teams. The only injury that didn't crush the Jets was Becton and that's because Joe Douglas made a nice move with the Moses signing. They need to continue to add depth at every premium position.
during his rant on that podcast last week, antonio brown said something like, "... and everyone knows metlife has the hardest turf ever ..."
This is a good point. One reason we feel like we have the most injuries is because we have the worst depth in the league. Half of our second string are other teams 3rd string.
His first priority is to get that fat load Mekhi Becton into shape. No more triple Bacon Cheese Burgers.
I would think if the Meadowlands was some sort of epicenter of the country for cancer, the state would have abnormally high rates given the dense population surrounding the Meadowlands. But care to provide your Meadowlands source?