this^ like during the jets game with antonio brown at first I was kinda pissed they didn't flag him, then when the nfl rules expert came on and explained it as "at that point don't draw any attention to him, just let him leave and ignore him" I was like yeah that's probably whats best for everyone in the long run
I thought it sounded almost personal. He legitimately called Zach's character into question. Maybe he knows something we don't, but that doesn't sit right with me. I understand these guys have a brand, and maybe Bart is shooting for a full time national TV show. You don't get on shows like Undisputed or First Take without being an over the top character. He's been a huge favorite of Jets fans for a while. My guess is that starts to serious fade. Definitely makes me not want to listen to his radio show.
Shouldn't SNY and Scott be concerned about causing a mess with crap and incorrect takes about the team that's funding them. I'm sure Scott is about half an inch away from saying goodbye to his media career at this point too. Desperation for clicks with this is one way to find yourself on your sofa again. Sent from my M2007J20CG using Tapatalk
I think making jokes about Sanchez's Mexican heritage is the issue here and not so much the middle finger to a photographer.
Maybe frustration many of the fans have following this team. Everyone has their pegged meter point and I guess Bart has hit it.
Last I checked freedom of speech hasn't been abolished. Not liking someone's comment is not a crime. I hate everything that comes out of the toilet mouths of Fox News. The way I get around it is I do not listen or view that channel. Through HR 4310 which made it legal to actually lie in media and spew propaganda without repercussions. Unless you peacefully protest the national anthem or the wrong color then they will apply penalties.
Of course and whoever would bring those issues to court would lose. Just not enforced like it was before Reagan. Ever heard of Curt Flood, Tommie Smith, and Colin Kaepernick. See the results of their peaceful silent protests.
We aren’t talking about a court of law. We’re discussing whether someone is being a piece of shit, which Bart Scott is doing.
If it upsets you that much mute it. The network pays him for views so do you want to go down the rabbit hole of what is offensive and what is truth? It's just not enforceable. Maybe next week he'll apologize and that will be the end of it. But I'm betting he won't and they will not force him to.
So Willie Colon was on with Carton & Evan today and spewed a bunch of bullshit defending their takes as just being emotional fans and what not. But he did say something interesting in that they knew a bit more about Wilson’s character than what they’re allowed to say. Could be nonsense so take it for what you will.