I wouldn’t get rid of the best player on D with so many other holes on team. I don’t think Salehs system is that difficult either. The players we have just aren’t good.
thanks for showing me the Jets were an embarrassment before I was a fan giving the Saints their only win in 1980.
The Jets need a young MLB with some speed who can go sideline to sideline and cover a RB releasing up the middle. Mosley is a lot of things but he can't do those things any more.
Anyone watching this thinking this guy is our franchise qb is delusional. Not that any qb we drafted would be much better, but even setting aside the poor protection and lack of quality weapons, and lack of coaching experience, I’m seeing lots of bad decisions and poor accuracy.
The truth is whenever I see the Saints on the Jets schedule 1980 is the first thing I think of. I think just about every home game vs them has been in December on freezing days….
All I wanted out of these last few games with to see Zach improve and show potential. I'm not seeing a damn thing based on today.