I'm already losing faith In this CS. Rookies or not, you can't allow a fucking delay of game take points off the board there. Jesus. How incompetent do you actually have to be In that situation? They have ONE job at that point, make sure you don't get a delay of game. Literally, inexcusable.
The Johnsons should pick fans to coach and GM every week like it’s a fantasy team. We might luck into a win here or there.
I’m afraid the Jets think they are done adding to the offense for this off season. basically every pick should be used on offense and that’s scary considering the holes in the secondary and LB crew.
the drop was MUCH worse than the penalty on the FG. I doubt those 3pts are going to make a difference in this game.
wins this season are meaningless. Its all about improving. We are not going to win more than 5 or 6 games at most.
How about a shout-out for the D... They're looking solid considering how much time they're on the field every week since 2017..
No. It wasn't. You have to understand that the CS has to be on the money there. It shows just how incompetent that CS Is there. That's a horrible and inexcusable look. A timeout, literally saves points there. You can't do those kind of things on top of the talent stinking up the place. It's just inexcusable.