He has been above 345 since high school, are you just guessing that maybe he might play better at 330-340 just because? Do you think maybe all his coaches through out high school, college and his 1st year in the NFL would have said something if they thought he was 30-40 pounds overweight?
Anyone around during the Parcells day's would see this whole thing as an everyday occurrence. 'Ol Bill would frequently use the press to terrorize his players. He once referred to a player who was dogging it as a 'she' during a presser. I miss those days...maybe they're back?
Yes, I'm sure if his weight was affecting his game one of the dozens of coaches over the last 6-7 years would have said something and if he game was suffering he would have listened or at the very least word would have gotten out that they thought he was overweight. Since you seem to have some insight into this what do you think would be his ideal playing weight and why?
Ya, I'm not really saying he'd be better playing at less weight. Heck, he's always been huge so no one really knows how he'd play at 340. But we DO know he has struggled this TC moving to the new 'run left....run right' technique that values lighter, faster lineman over bigger, heavier men. Aren't you at least curious to see if he'd dominate even more at at a lesser weight? I bet Saleh is. Edit: I'm not certain Douglas even takes Mechi if he knew we'd be running a Shanahan offense.
Maybe this set of new coaches are saying something? I took the guys original post to say that the new scheme suits a faster OL and a Becton that is a little lighter would by default be a little faster and may well be better at this new scheme, a scheme he is rumoured to be struggling with a little, we will see at game time if this is true or not. Hopefully not
No, I don't think Saleh is curious how a 2nd year player who has played, or should I say dominated, at his current weight for years, would play if 30-40 pounds lighter. He may not be quite as nimble as he may be if 40 pounds lighter but he would also lose strength by losing those 40 pounds. I think it has a more to do with just learning the new system, not actually being able to play in it because of his weight.
I didn't see anything about weight, "Mekhi’s going through some things right now," LaFleur said on Aug. 19. "He’s not playing at his best and he knows that.", I think it was all about picking up the new system. Had Jucsyck, or however his name is spelled, had made it to free agency I think he would have been the perfect pick up to help some of the players get on the same page with the new scheme but that being said I think Becton is going to be fine.
True but as fans and on message boards we try to look between the lines and speculate. For myself, I think I'd like to see him a little lighter if only to stop his feet, ankles, knees from breaking by game 8
yea let him get bent backwards too by another linemen while being engaged, he gets hurts too. That’s just bad luck.
Hope it’s just a sprained knee. This is the concern with Becton is his size and injury potential, and today he’s been shit.
Wirfs was one of the best right tackles in football his rookie year. Becton is simply too big to play this game, bad luck or not. It's not like he avoided injury last year either. Freak plays or not.
Regardless if his projected weight was an issue or not in terms of where he should be, the chances of a 6'8", 380 pound tackle having a long career are miniscule. He needs to live at 340 to sustain an NFL career in all reality and it might just not be possible because of his genetic makeup.
1- let Wirfs play LT, the harder tackle spot 2- guess what, he’s getting hurt if he’s at 340, 320, 360 lbs. silly take to bring his weight into play when he got a defender into his knees.