Anyone else hope Darnold fails in Carolina?

Discussion in 'National Football League' started by Jets-N-Terps, Apr 16, 2021.

  1. Snatch Catch

    Snatch Catch Well-Known Member

    Apr 28, 2006
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    I want the Jets to be a good team and do well. If the Panthers had been willing to part with this year's 2nd and 4th, I'd be all about cheering for Sam, but they didn't. With the value of future Jets assets now tied directly to Sam's performance, I'm actively rooting against him.

    Not against him as a person, because he seems like a good soldier who got a raw deal from a franchise in the gutter, but as someone who has a primary influence on an important Jet asset. It's nothing personal, it's purely a matter of wanting the Jets to get the best possible result.

    If he plays well this year I'm not going to be upset or anything, but every poor performance he turns in helps the Jets' rebuilding cause, and I'll have a rooting interest in Carolina's opposition every weekend - much like I did with Seattle this past year.

    In 2022 I'll happily join the "he was a good guy, I wish him well" brigade.
    jixxjr, REVISion and Losmeister like this.
  2. Losmeister

    Losmeister Well-Known Member

    Nov 6, 2011
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    onlyreason would be if yer bitter that we sold the farm and it didnt work out..

    he was drafted cos thay thought he was THE GUY... he hasnt been. so we move on.

    good kid who played badly. sally forth and such....
    matt robinson 17 and REVISion like this.
  3. Losmeister

    Losmeister Well-Known Member

    Nov 6, 2011
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    there is already chirping about PJ Walker

  4. bicketybam

    bicketybam Well-Known Member

    Sep 9, 2010
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    Is he having a bad camp? I haven't been following.
  5. CotcheryFan

    CotcheryFan 2018 ROTY Poster Award Winner

    Jan 15, 2018
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    I'm not rooting for him failing, but his flaws just might not be correctable. If Brady can't get the best out of him, I'm not sure anyone can.
  6. FJF

    FJF 2018 MVP Joe Namath Award Winner

    Feb 29, 2008
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    I’m rooting against the panthers because it benefits the Jets. Really don’t care one way or the other how they lose.
    Savatage likes this.
  7. GREG

    GREG Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2007
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    What Darnold does in Carolina means nothing except week 1 where I want him to fail obviously. After that who cares. The Jets won't see the Panthers for another 4 years. I do hope Allen fails with the Bills (that is looking doubtful), Tua with the Dolphins, and Jones with the Pats.
  8. K'OB

    K'OB 2021 TGG Fantasy Football Champ

    Oct 18, 2016
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    We care because if he shits the bed we have 3 better draft picks, if he lights it up we have 3 poorer draft picks.
    0-17 would be great :D
    Leicester Jet likes this.
  9. GREG

    GREG Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2007
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    I forgot about that. My bad, you are correct.
    K'OB likes this.
  10. GasedAndConfused

    GasedAndConfused Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2015
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    I'm only rooting against them week 1. outside of that I hope sam turns it around. He was very professional here and never threw anyone under the bus and was put in a shit situation
    jetstopgun, Aero and Savatage like this.
  11. Savatage

    Savatage Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2013
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    That's my take, too. I hope he plays well, but, as a team, they suck.
  12. Losmeister

    Losmeister Well-Known Member

    Nov 6, 2011
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    From what I have seen he looks like a game manager, b/u level NFL qb
    Nuthn against him. Seems like a decent young fellow.
  13. JetsAreBadForYourHealth

    JetsAreBadForYourHealth Well-Known Member

    Nov 4, 2019
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    I just grew tired of his constantly making the same mistakes over and over. Looking straight at wide open receivers...checking down. Trying to thread risky needles (and not doing so) instead of checking into a safe gain. The poor footwork, the slow delivery and the "I just gotta get better...have fun, play well" relaxed California cool from him. He's not a savage. He's not a killer. Sure he may have SOME success in the league here and there...but he will never become a good QB in the league consistently.
    NYJetsO12 and Losmeister like this.
  14. Bills over Jets

    Bills over Jets Well-Known Member

    Apr 29, 2012
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    It’s weird for some of you to hope he fails. It seems like your anger/frustration for how the last 3 years went is being pushed off on Sam, when in reality, it should be directed at the jets organization. They screwed Sam’s era up, not Sam. The kid did everything he was asked, tried his best, and never said dick about the disaster of a roster he had to work with.

    I don’t think I ever root for players to fail, I do sometimes root for them to be humbled. Those are usually the outspoken, disrespectful jackasses like a Richard Sherman or a jalen Ramsey. I don’t want them to fail, but I do want them to get burned a time or two so they get some humility.

    Wilsons preseason made me a fan of his. I loved what I saw. If he looks like that in the regular season it would fun to have 2 young qbs dueling it out the next 12 years.

    I am conflicted on Mac Jones because I really like him as a player, but I also want pat fans to be humbled. Maybe I just listen to too much of that jackass pat fan on mcafees show, but they could use a nice decade of mediocrity to bring their egos back down to earth. I don’t want Mac to fail though, wish he was on another squad.
    papapump and abyzmul like this.
  15. JetsAreBadForYourHealth

    JetsAreBadForYourHealth Well-Known Member

    Nov 4, 2019
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    The Jets made a lot of mistakes but a lot falls on Darnold's shoulders. And the film shows it. Bad decision receivers down the field and he hesitates on the throw (or just doesn't see him) and checks down. Inaccurate throws which should be easy. Poor mechanics, needless risk taking, staring down receivers. He never really grew from college, still too much sandlot/poor ball security stuff. Some of it is on the Jets regarding the o-line, lack of weapons, poor choice of coaches, but Darnold has to take responsibility for a lot of things as well.
    Acad23 and REVISion like this.
  16. Losmeister

    Losmeister Well-Known Member

    Nov 6, 2011
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    thst is some soft shit
    NYJetsO12 likes this.
  17. REVISion

    REVISion Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    We've talked about this ad nauseam here so I'll just say this -

    If you don't think Sam himself played a massive role in him playing so poorly then you weren't paying close enough attention. Sam wasn't surrounded by greatness here but he did plenty of things to make the team suck that were his fault and his fault alone.
    NYJetsO12 likes this.
  18. Bills over Jets

    Bills over Jets Well-Known Member

    Apr 29, 2012
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    No ones saying he didn’t make mistakes. But his mistakes are like #78 on the list of reasons as to why he was not successful. If he would’ve played the exact same (as he probably will this year in Carolina) but with a real organization who correctly built the roster around him, he’d still be playing for the jets
  19. REVISion

    REVISion Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    I just totally disagree with this and I think most Jet fans who watched Darnold closely would disagree too.

    You have to remember that all of us Jet fans watched Darnold's entire career with one question in mind - is this the QB for us? We knew he was surrounded by poor talent and poor coaching, so we watched with those things in mind. We specifically watched him to look for things that he couldn't help and things which were truly his fault.

    Darnold didn't have a great OL during his time here. However, it wasn't awful, and his numbers even from a clean pocket were the worst in the entire NFL. He didn't have great receivers but we all watched Darnold not see tons of open receivers and miss them consistently when he did happen to see them. We all saw him feel phantom pressure in the pocket when there was none. We all saw him throw into double and triple coverage after refusing to give up on plays, causing tons of horrible turnovers. We all saw him run out of bounds for -5 yards instead of just throwing it away time and time again.

    Again, you have to keep in mind that we all watched him for 3 full seasons with all of the excuses about his surrounding environment in mind. We specifically watched to see what was his fault and what was mainly the fault of those around him. A huge amount of Darnold's problems were his own doing.
    NYJetsO12 likes this.
  20. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    I think Pats fans will be humbled some, but their HC still has tricks up his sleeve. He's using the Parcels formula now. Mauling power run game with a mostly mistake-free game manager QB and playmaking TEs as a security blanket.

    I don't think he really wants to find the next great QB because he has rings at home won by guys named Simms and Hostetler, so he knows full well you don't need Mahomes or Brady to win, it just makes it much easier.

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