This one quote from @NCJetsfan - "At least I'm not ready to give up on a player with great potential before giving this CS a chance to work with him" jumped off the screen at me until I was sure he was talking about Becton and not about SD.
Kind of misleading article. He missed games due to a shoulder injury that was never allowed to he’s because Gase put him back in when he shouldn’t have. Planter fasciitis has nothing to do with weight. This s is being over blown
Not strictly true that... Plantar fasciitis OVERVIEW SYMPTOMS TREATMENTS Main results Description Description Plantar fasciitis is inflammation of the plantar fascia, a part of your foot that connects your heel bone to your toes. Symptoms of plantar fasciitis include pain around the heel and arch of your foot. It may be worse in the morning. You can usually help plantar fasciitis with things like rest, ice packs and comfortable shoes. A foot specialist can help if it does not get better. You're more likely to get plantar fasciitis from exercising on hard surfaces, wearing shoes with poor support or being very overweight.
Those skinny ones are probably running on pavements (sidewalks for you lol) my wife has it, though in our 15-year marriage she has covered all sizes from 8 to 14 lol
I know...hez HUUUUGE! Can you imagine if YOUR only job was to grab Becton by the shoulder pads and toss him aside? Or to charge into him and push him back 5 yards? Man o man....I wouldn't have a job too long!
'itis' is greek for inflammation. Meningitis for example inflammation of the brain. So essentially Becton has inflammation of the tendon near his heal that runs up to the ball of his foot. I can see how weight is unrelated to inflammation, but it's got to hurt WAY worse when you have 363 pounds pushing on it every step.
@Footballgod214 excellent point, but there is a connection between obese individuals and those carrying significant excess weight (but not technically obese, although people often underestimate just how many people are obese by the medical definition of the term, it isn't limited to 500 lb shut-ins with their own reality tv shows) and increased inflammation throughout the entire body. Weight, bodyfat % and nutrition can all play a role in reducing inflammation throughout the body. Per the CDC and NIH, there is a proven association between increased weight gain and increased inflammation. More weight can mean more inflammation. However, reducing excess weight also tends to mean less inflammation. is an association between,tends to mean less inflammation.
Thanks @patleahy I never knew the connection to obese/inflammation. As far as the medical definition of obese, that's what got me my covid shot early!
If you look at your diagram of the foot and apply more downward force, what ligament is stretching the most as the foot flattens out, what way can a downward force be applied, 365lbs of body weight thumping it into the turf/ground every step you take.
true. Basic anatomy of the foot 101. K'OB knows this because in addition to being a licensed and practicing podiatrist in Yorkshire, he also has quite the foot fetish, much like Rex!
@legler82 good to see you again, Legler. A few of us had begun to wonder where you had disappeared to. There was a rumour floating that you were at Bears OTA's checking out how Fields was looking.
Draft and games is when you’ll see me generally. Besides any comments made about a particular Mormon will be viewed as cause for a fight at this point so I’m not interested in discussing OTA 7 on 7 stats or Cimini being a hack.
This is one of the reasons I hate artificial turf. I much prefer real grass fields. I think turf has caused LOTs of injury issues for players or made them worse. They might as well just play on bare asphalt or cement and paint it green.