At least his idiot little Bro isn't calling shots anymore.. Still not hopeful though to see the original Johnson back to fck things up.
We're now going to get the combined forces of their maladjusted trust fund baby powers, C! Twice the awkwardness! A thing to behold!
You got to believe Woody was heavily involved in the major decisions. He was in the UK not on the moon. The worst ownership decision both of them made was not firing the GM and HC at the same time. At least now Saleh, Douglas, and Wilson can move forward for the foreseeable future.
It looks like there are problems with the J&J Covid vaccine. Yep, Woody's back.
Woody’s jet tweets have been pretty good since he’s returned. A lot of throwback stuff . Fun to see it pop up on the TL.
Which shots? Getting rid of Mac and Gase, hiring JD and Saleh, changing reporting structure to put JD as a final voice? What an imbecile!
I am sure all of Britain was very happy to see Woody leave. I have a feeling there will not be many UK Jets fans after Woody's tenure there.
It is too bad the NFL did not discipline and remove Woody for his racist and sexist remarks while ambassador. But, I guess if they did that they would have to remove half the NFL owners. The problem with Woody is not just that he is a arrogant pig but that he is an ignorant arrogant pig who thinks because he was born with money that somehow that makes him intelligent.
The vast majority of the parliamentary seats in the UK are held by their conservative party along with their Prime Minister. So I doubt it but ok.
I know what the hell. I was really hoping Woody would be forced or pushed to sell after that controversy. It sucks because I think the Redskins issues overshadowed his and he skated on by quietly. Such is Jets fans' luck!!!!
Born on third and thinks he hit a triple. Let them keep their money but sterilize them....fuckin hapsburgs