I remember he always caught heat for his infamous draft day prediction that Marcus Allen wouldn't be able to hack it in the NFL as a RB and would be switched to WR by the Raiders after they drafted him.
My Uncle always used to say the same thing about him, Matt. He always said Maguire was a "Jets Hater" and that it stemmed from his time as a placekicker for the Bills in the old AFL days, lol.
The official incorrectly announced Number 99 on the personal foul, but this was the classic Marty Lyons "Giving him the business" game: Good times!
the infamous roughing call is at 1:53:42. Looks like Gastineau took 2 full steps after Kosar released the ball and then put his helmet into Bernie's lower back. I think they nabbed him bc he didn't even make any pretense of slowing down after Kosar released the ball, he just continued full steam and plowed right into/through him. The helmet spearing Kosar's back probably didn;t do him any favors either. If you notice too, after the play, Gastineau doesn't even really protest the call, which is kind of interesting/surprising.
LOL so Marty Lyons was the player who draw the flag where the ref stated it was for "giving him the business!" ??? The ref announcing that to everyone is an NFL Films classic clip.
Yeah, it's a classic. Here's what Lyons had to say about it in an interview 30 years later: https://www.theversed.com/10383/giving-business-greatest-ref-call-sports-history/#.UL1qJruWAx Lyons was lucky not to get tossed. He sure would today.
Lance Mehl's career ended in that home game against the Saints I believe. Blew his knee out. He tried to make a comeback the following year but only played in 3 games. Sent from my SM-G986U using Tapatalk
I guess my memory was faulty. Still, it pissed me off. We haven't had a pass rusher like Gastineau since he played, and a QB like Namath since he played. I'm really beyond tired of waiting for this team to solve these problems.
yeah it was a brutal call to take at that point in the game. Really swung the momentum in the Brownies direction just when it appeared that the Jets had closed the game out. Definitely one of the all-time "NY Jets fan gut punch" moments.
I remember KOB couldn't complete a screen pass when he was off. Absolutely horrible. Some NBC reporter named Paul something predicted jets wouldn't win another game. It was all over the TV on Sunday he went into the stadium on week 16? in an armored car or something lol.
That second video run for only 1:36. The penalty happens right away, and the call is shortly thereafter at 1:20. I never noticed this before, but I just saw that Marty gives Kelly a pat on the helmet at the end. I think they are friends today.
haha yeah I deleted my comment. When I saw your post, I assumed that the link you provided was to the entire game, but when I played it I obviously saw that it was just the play itself, so I deleted my question and just said thanks for providing the video.
I've gone over this (too) many times but that Browns loss is still my worst as a fan. A few weeks earlier the media were talking about the Subway Series Superbowl and it ended with being bounced out of the play-offs by fucking Mark Moseley.
No problem. Not at all! I am getting some laughs out of looking at this thread and that season again. That season had everything that being a Jets fan has meant to me from 1968 to today. They played good enough to make you believe they could win it all, bad enough to make you believe they can never win, and managed to do a really dumb thing at the worst possible time.
This is off topic - but - this thread made me think of it. As I mentioned before, Boomer lit up the Jets with 5 TD passes as the Bengals beat the Jets 52-21 in the last game of the 1986 season. As every Jets fan knows, years later Boomer was traded to the Jets. During the press conference to introduce him, the team has him hold up a Jets jersey with his number - 7. The only problem - Ken O'Brien was still on the team, and he was still wearing No 7.
This thread makes me sad but also brings back some wonderful and not so wonderful Jets memories. I miss 1986 and the 80s in general. I miss football at Shea and also Giants Stadium, which IMO despite the name was a great stadium to watch football. But Shea was still my favorite. The smell of weed and stale beer. People would smoke weed in the stands and at halftime where the ramps were. The first time as a kid I ever smelled it was at Shea. LOL On a side note since we're talking about the 86 team. Wesley Walker became a gym teacher in Kings Park Long Island at my twin nieces elementary school. This was around 2010-2015. He loved all the kids especially my niece Reece who was a good little athlete. He had to retire from teaching because I think he had a lot of injuries and was in a lot of pain.