Had the opportunity to purchase several classic albums. I got "Prince 1" and Prince: "Sign of the Times" at BAM for $18. This of course meant I had to purchase a new turntable. I wound up with the Audio-Technica LP120 BT/USB. This turntable is the perfect bridge between past and present. The USB is 1.1 but that's not a deal breaker. The sound was incredible and using "Audacity" as a transition program was a cinch. The MP3 options pretty much covered the range. The higher the bitrate, the bigger the file so I had to reel myself in. Sound quality? Vinyl is still king. You have to have good gear to be able to hear the difference. Now that I can find quality classic LP's, I'll be on the lookout for them. I almost bought "Electric Ladyland" but passed. Looking for Santana 1 and 2, Eagles early stuff, James Gang, mostly what the youngins refer to as "geezer rock" and on my side of the tracks: "Funk and Jazz". You'd be surprised the classics you can find on vinyl if you keep a sharp eye out. I found myself a new hobby.. Covid can kiss my ass!!
I've been keeping my eye out for a decent turntable that connects directly to bluetooth speakers but it's be proving a little tough to find one that doesn't seem like a piece of crap. Most of the time when they say they're bluetooth it ends up meaning they have built in speakers and you can connect your phone to it to play music that way.
Check out the Audio-Technica 120LP BT/USB table. Its not cheap at $300 but well worth the price. It paired with my soundbar without any problems and the sound was pretty good. Not quite as good as the old days with my Cerwin Vegas but ok for 2021..
You'd be amazed at some of the classics I'm seeing in bins these days. FYE, BAM, Best buy.. Many stores have these LP's and in cherry condition too.
I just sold off my 1970's Pioneer set up with a Pl-530 turntable, kept having issues so figured it was time. Kept it on the low end with a Audio Technica AT-LP60X but still has nice output. Set up with a Sony receiver and Klipsch speakers. Nowhere near the sound my Pioneer set up but no more issues so I can listen all the time. I have a good source for vinyl, pawn shop near me has the $8-$20 vinyl but also has a selection with rough looking album covers and sleeves but the vinyl still in good shape and he rolls those out at $1 a piece. Being I'm not worried about the covers condition like most of his customers I get a good selection to choose from.
Nice. I got a small turntable from my daughter for Christmas. Haven’t set out to get any records yet. Need to find Dark side of the moon Wish you were here Are you experienced Deja vu Zep 2 I have an original zep 4 ,
I have a "new in box" old school stereo setup that I won at work 25-30 years ago. I think it is either Panasonic or Sharp and it has a turntable as well as dual cassette mounted with the receiver/amplifier. It also has two huge speakers, three or four feet tall. I have moved it three times and never unpacked it. If I ever do, it will be like opening a time capsule.
Sounds a lot like the speakers I had in graduate school and my first couple of years afterwards (a guy on my hall senior year didn't want to transport them back home and gave me a good deal on them). I enjoyed playing the first Boston album on them very loudly. The turntable and receiver were Technics, however (with an Audio-Technica cartridge for the turntable). The speakers are long gone, but I still have the turntable and receiver in the basement.
I know you guys are probably aware but just in case figured I would mention how much many of those old school systems go for. I had a early 70's Pioneer receiver that was not even working that I sold for almost $400 about 18 months back, I think it was a blown power supply. Guy paid almost $400 and then almost $100 for me to ship it to California where he was then going to have it shipped to Vietnam. Then couple weeks back I sold my turntable for $400, I threw in an inexpensive receiver and speakers which really added no value. New in box dependent upon the model could maybe fetch enough to buy one of the grand kids their first used car. I've seen some older receivers go for $3000-$4000 and those weren't still in the box.
Maybe I should have kept my Pioneer, Sansui and Akai stuff I got back in 1968 when I moved twenty years later. There was a decent turntable too but I don't remember what brand it was. I may have to check the stuff in storage for model numbers.
$650-$1950 based upon Ebay sold listings Edit: Sold my turntable through Craigslist after finding pricing on Ebay but I also made a recording of the turntable playing to email/message to anyone that was interested. That seemed to help sell it quickly though judging by my broken receiver selling quickly also it may not matter.
Look above at what Cman could probably get for his tape deck. Definitely check those model numbers. Facebook vintage stereo groups is also a good source for checking values but Ebay is a lot easier to find pricing.
Wow! I always thought that deck would command some cash down the road. I had a choice back then to get the Z-7000 but that was out of my budget range. Helluva machine though. Only used Chrome and Metal Oxide Cassettes. Mostly TDK. On a side note, I wonder if J&R Music World is still down in the City Hall area Lower Manhattan...
Yes, i was shocked when i first checked the values a few years back. I only had the pioneer set up about 4-5 years but i originally traded a dryak for it which only goes for about $75 so i made out real good on that trade. Sansui and Marantz seem to be some of the highest values for receivers. Turntables there are a bunch of brands i never heard of but see some Technic for up to $18,000. Tape decks there are a bunch of different brands up there.
Just picked up an Empire turntable model 698 for $3 at a yard sale. Cheapest on Ebay right now is over $1000 with one advertised in mint condition for $4500. The one I got is probably good for parts only but still a good find.