Criticize Chad today???

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by John127, Dec 26, 2006.

  1. AMJets

    AMJets Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2003
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    It's not his mechanics being off, or a lack of confidence. It's his first year off his second shoulder surgery, the wear and tear of his first full NFL season with the shoulder is setting in, and the colder temperatures are hurting it as well. That's the reason he's floated balls.
  2. BenGrahamFan

    BenGrahamFan Member

    Sep 4, 2006
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    It's funny people completely ignore the fact he's coming off his 2nd major shoulder surgery in 2 years. His arm is not strong enough yet to handle a 16 game's apparent by his lack of consistency. He hasn't had a normal offseason since 2003-2004...we're going into 2006-2007. I would be shocked if he didn't come back even stronger next summer than he was in Tennessee Week One
  3. slimmjim45

    slimmjim45 New Member

    Nov 15, 2006
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    im a huge chad hater. but i have to give him credit. he showd balls monday in that 4th quarter
  4. Jetzz

    Jetzz Active Member

    Sep 26, 2002
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    A very fair post in my opinion Jay. I can live with people saying they prefer to have a better QB than Chad. There are better ones out there I think. If we can upgrade the position without mortgaging the future I would not object. I might pout some, but any guy that comes in and wins is going to win fans hearts... well some of them at least. :lol:

    But, I think it is unfair to call Chad junk or busted. Like any other player in the league he has strengths and weaknesses. The idea is to build a team that is solid, plays smart fundamental football, limits errors and turnovers. Play to your teams strengths. I would love to see Chad playing with a year to rest his arm and have a solid running game to work alongside. I think we would see a much improved offense.

    I go back to the 1st Patriot Super Bowl. That was a team full of guys that just played solid football. They weren't big names and super stars. Just a group of guys that new the meaning of the word teamplayers. I think EM is trying to establish that same type of mold here. I am also confident he will put the best players on the field to win games.
  5. Rictor33

    Rictor33 Active Member

    Sep 29, 2003
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    You're the type of pessimistic JETS fan that I totally hate. His arm strength is below-par for the nfl, everyone knows that. The fact is that weather affected his throws alot more than people are realizing. Carson Palmer was underthrowing people in lousy weather, too. The fact is, Chad can throw the ball long, just not with any zip on it. Let me ask you what you would rather have: An amazing athlete with a great arm and mobility (like Vick)with no brain or a mediocre athlete who manages a game well (Chad). I believe that if we could get a taller wideout (see Chad/Randy at Marshall) that Chad would be much more effective with his throwing style. The bashing of Chad Pennington, then sudden praise by that MNF crew had me really wondering who the hell put this Tirico (fine, good voice) Theismann (arrogant, stupid, contradictory) and Kornheiser (knows nothing about football, no chemistry with Theismann, not funny like Dennis Miller). I mean one minute Theisman is talking about Chad like he's down 50-0 with 6 ints and how his arm sucks and how he can't make a throw in the nfl to all of a sudden calling Chad Pennington a complete QB and the comeback player of the year... Then of course, Tony goes and picks on brain-less Joe about his random, weak-armed, contradictory, ridiculous comments. I mean I would be happy with tirico/maguire or patrick/maguire over these guys. Anyway bottom line is: Chad wins games when he's healthy. I know he is an underwhelming athlete, but he is smart and he WINS GAMES. I have seen him make plenty-a-throw (playoffs against chargers to moss with a torn rotator cuff) when he has had to. With our offensive line getting better at protecting him and an offseason that should put more talent around him, I look forward to Chad winning many more games in a Jets uniform.
  6. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Yep and they made a whopping 2 playoff appearances in the 10 years pre-Chad.

    No question Montana was a better QB than Young and Chad is in the discussion for best ever Jets QB.

    Oh and Chad is also the only QB in Jets history to win playoff games in 2 different seasons.
  7. jaywayne12

    jaywayne12 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    Makes sense.

    Hey..being a big Knick fan all my life..I called that guy Ewing a loser..a guy that couldnt win etc.

    Want to know something? I would love him in his prime back on the court. Its kind of, be careful what you wish for. As much as I would love to see the Jets go out and get a Tom Brady, once you go down that road...if that guy isnt Brady, it can set back your franchise a half of decade just looking for a guy that can lead the team. Who would you rather have as your QB...Eli Manning or Chad Pennington.

    Well the obvious answer because of age and health would probably be Manning. Lets say Manning gives the Giants another year or two of what we have seen..guess what...the Giants have themselves a big big problem.

    A lot of people, including myself, wanted Herm out. Because of the decent success he had, many defenders said watch what you wish for. Well so far so good. Once you make the split from Chad, you go down a street that can give you Patriot success or Dolphins misery..searching for a replacement.

    Its a tough call...I just still feel you have to make the move..but could easily be wrong.
    #147 jaywayne12, Dec 27, 2006
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2006
  8. Coach K

    Coach K New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    im not here to throw fuel on the fire, but these in your face pro or con chad threads are ridiculous.

    but ill throw a con in for you, chad almost got our WR's murdered the whole 1st half. not just the thomas hit on coles.

    that being said he was phenomonal in the 4th, although Leon basically won the game for us.
  9. 3rdAnd15Draw

    3rdAnd15Draw Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2004
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    I think Manning is a good name to bring up as his year last year and Pennington this year are kind of similar. The 05 Giants were coming off a 6-10 year and there were major questions about Eli given how horrible he was in his rookie year. The team didn't have great expectations and although Eli was very up and down all year long the Giants were winning games and people were happy. Then comes the playoff whitewashing and we've seen what has gone down this year where a couple plays here or there have turned into L's for the team and everyone at his throat.

    While I'm thrilled that the Jets have a shot at the playoffs this year I'll admit that I'm hoping that Clemens trounces Chad in TC next year and wins the starting QB job.
  10. jaywayne12

    jaywayne12 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    Both solid arguments. He makes a DC's job much easier..thats for sure..and makes safteys and db's look like hall of fame hitters at times.

    Then you have the 4th quarter..and that defines Chads legacy. The highs and lows are so extreme. Which brings upon all the major disagreements on this board and with all Jet fans.

    Some will say you can describe any NFL qb the same way. Thats so untrue. Chad is the weakest armed QB in the NFL..and at times you think the Jets are part of some experiment whether a QB that cant even be picked up on a radar gun can survive in the NFL.

    Then Chad has a 4th quarter like he had in Miami. Just more fuel to a fire that will last as long as he is in the NFL.
  11. jaywayne12

    jaywayne12 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    And in a perfect world 3rd..Im with you..Clemens shows up in training camp and just throws darts. I hope thats the case but if it isnt...what do you do.
  12. 3rdAnd15Draw

    3rdAnd15Draw Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2004
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    If Clemens can't unseat Chad after 2 seasons then you have to hope that the CS is looking in other directions to improve the QB position.

    While it's certainly the best option for this season I think tailoring your offense around a mediocre QB is a dangerous proposition, and hope the Jets don't fall into this trap.
  13. Cman68

    Cman68 The Dark Admin, 2018 BEST Darksider Poster

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Why not take the Raven route to the SB. Build a dominant D and a adequate O and ride that into the big game. Chad is a known quantity like him or loathe him. Since we know what we have at the Qb position, why not stock up on the oline and the defense?

    If Clemens doesn't get to play, he won't unseat Chad and he won't get to play unless Chad gets hurt. Nasty situation for Clemens to be in. Kinda like being drafted by Green Bay as a Qb during Farve's best years..
  14. jaywayne12

    jaywayne12 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    Again, I agree with you totally.

    You seem teams like the Chargers, Saints..even the Ravens (not crazy about that one..but the tried to address it) that have the balls to make the moves at that position.

    Then you seem teams like the Dolphins for example, that pussy foot their way around the problem throwing crap up against the wall to see what sticks.

    Sometimes I think orgs. like the Dolphins (there are many around the NFL..just using them as an example) that feel you can win by building an entire team..and then putting a QB in there to manage the game. It has worked in the past.

    Wont list the teams again..but you know who Im talking about. Which way the Jets go if Clemens isnt the guy, who knows.

    History tells us that the chances he is are slim. We have no idea about this guy. Im sure the coaching staff does and what they do this offseason will pretty much answer the question whether or not what they have seen is good..or bad.
  15. jaywayne12

    jaywayne12 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    Exactly...totally agree cman. That could be the way. The Bucs are another good example. Teams have been so strong in one department that they just need a qb not to make mistakes..and manage.

    The only problem with that theory is when the wheels come off even slightly...(Ravens and Bucs) and you dont have that franchise guy at QB, you are hit or miss for the playoffs. Unlike the Pats or the Colts etc, you get to the dance pretty often if not every year with a great QB.

    Now I understand they dont grow on trees. Thats the problem with the second theory.
  16. 3rdAnd15Draw

    3rdAnd15Draw Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2004
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    I think there's a misconception about how teams like the Ravens were built. These teams poured basically all their money into the defensive side of the ball and skimped on the offensive side. The Jets have money tied up in the offense that would make it difficult if not impossible to build such a unit.

    The Ravens QB in 99 was Tony Banks, their RB was Eric Rhett and their top WR was Quadry Ismail. The only talent they had to speak of was Ogden on the OL. In 2000 they added Lewis through the draft and Shannon Sharpe via FA and were able to add Dilfer and stick him in there because they had nothing invested in the QB position.

    I don't see how the Jets are going to be able to build such a dominant unit when they're paying a mediocre guy like Pennington like he's a franchise QB, and Coles is not cheap either.
  17. jaywayne12

    jaywayne12 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    True 3rd but the success, if thats what we want to call it, this year wont fool this front office or coaching least I dont think so.

    These guys are going to be here for a long time. As contracts expire, they will make their moves accordingly. Its not like the previous regime where you have a Curtis Martin contract..or a Wayne Chrebet contract..that has no light at the end of the tunnel. Now if they go out after this season and extend Chads contract for 3 or 4 years..Im with you and I wouldnt be sure what they are doing.

    Just doubt thats the route.
  18. 3rdAnd15Draw

    3rdAnd15Draw Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2004
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    I know he took a pay cut with incentives this season, but after a year of being healthy and the teams general success do you really think Pennington is going to stay here as the starter for Tony Banks or Shaun King money?

    I don't know the exact terms of his contract but aren't most back loaded? The contract situation will have to be addressed in a year or two at the latest I would think.
  19. jaywayne12

    jaywayne12 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    No he wouldnt take that money..totally agree.

    I guess my point is..will they ever offer whatever fair market value is? Do they see the severe limitations concerning Chad?

    We see them. Do they believe whatever type of team they are building just needs a QB like Chad? I just cant believe that this new regime..which has been so on the money on player personal to date, feels that Chad is the QB to handle the reins the next 5 years.

    EDIT: At the sametime, you have a 3 to 4 year window as GM and Coach. For all the praise they have had thrown at them, go 7-9 next year and "we" will feel it was a mirage. So putting the ball in the hands of a kid after having a QB that at best, keeps you in games, is risky business. Some of us, the number is pretty small, would willing take the hit..and have all the Chad defenders throw their arrows for one season (the "bet you wish Chad was still the QB!!) with no problems at all.
    #159 jaywayne12, Dec 27, 2006
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2006
  20. york61

    york61 Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2006
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    Knows how to win

    I will give Chad credit and that he does seem to have that knack for pulling it out and his winning percentage proofs that. On the other hand, and I have said this so many times on other posts, his limitations will prevent him from ever becoming an elite QB. I really wonder what will happen next year as his arm will be a year older with even less zip then now. I personally hope Clemens will get a fair chance to fight for the job in training camp. Yeah, Chad will be able to take us to the playoffs but I personally want to win a superbowl and I don't think Chad has enough in the tank to do that. It really is a shame because if he just had an average arm he would be great.

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