no doubt, the burning of the timeout to "freeze" the kicker (which rarely works) was idiotic and could've really hurt us in the end.
I think that on the broadcast they actually said that word from the sidelines was that it wasnt a "freeze" but there was confusion on the jets defense. They also said that the Coaching Staff was "very upset" that they blew a time out.
Yes, you are correct. But they never addressed the key issue of the "wasted' time-out call NOT allowing the Jets the ability to kick to ball on 3rd down in case of another baad snap. Hel it happended once in the game you would think that would be enough of a resaon to address the issue.
Fair enough. Except that on the third down play, they gained 5 yards i think -- and on that field, with wind, every yard closer to 30 helps. I would think that if they were at the 10 they would have kicked on third down.
Im happy some announcers had the balls to say it. He throws these weak floaters. One throw was great out of how many. Are you kidding me? Cmon we are all jets fans here but lets be real. Chad is a joke, he will win u a couple of gamse but watching him throw two yards is a joke. He threw a 2 yard screen pass to leon, leon made the plays. Just like in one of Chad first 300 yard games this year, it was coles and cotch catching a ten yard pass and run for 60 but everyone was like see Chad can throw for a lot of yards. What a joke
The Jets weren't set up for a FG-Protect-Safe , which essentially protects against the fake. The broadcast team made me absolutely sick. Given the weather, coupled with no running game to speak of, Chad gave us a heroic winning effort and yet was mocked all gm by these fools. The real problem is that Cable Vision High Definition is on delay, precluding you from turning on the radio and turning off these two dick weeds
Did anyone see Hassleback's performance against Sanfran in the rain? How many points did Tom (the God) Brady put up against that Dolphin Defense last week? He's carried us and will continue to carry us when healthy. chinopec please become a Giant fan
The Jets had 1 timeout left. Presumably they didn't kick on third down so that there would be virtually no time left on the clock for the Fins to come back. In a tie game, I would say that that was exactly the right decision. You could argue that they should have said that on the air, but your scenario was not relevant.
He got the job done, Chad that is. Theisman is a schmuck, very tought to listen to. All that matters as a QB is "W's", and we have a lot more of those with Chad under center. Look what they did to T. Brady two weeks ago. His throws were sailing, but he made them when he had to.
Mnf MNF is a poor production. They would rather have the camera on the talent in the booth then on the action on the field. Jets were penalized last night on a punt return, and the clowns kept yapping with Young.
Thanks for clearing up the time out issue. I still firmly believe that we should have kicked on 3rd especially in light of the fact that the weather conditions helped cause the fumbled snap earlier in the game...and if it wasn't potentially still an issue that why did Graham wear gloves on the game winning FG?? I'll be interested to hear if anyone addressed this with Mangini in today's press conference. I'll listen tonight.
Theismann makes me want to vomit. That jackass was just on the Dan Patrick Show. Not only does ESPN give him a broadcasting job, but he's always doing spots on the radio and everything. He's an incompetent.
Believe it or not despite us disliking the way they do their's their job. They're not the ones who invited Stallone up there a couple weeks ago, or the ones who WANT to plug such and such or criticize this or that. It's the same with music, "Selling out" isn't the same as it used to be because most have to sign that deal just to get the opportunity to be heard...unless they think myspace music is enough to spread the word.
Graham wore gloves all night after the botched hold. I think that they were correct in thinking that the chances that the Dolphins could get a shot at a tying FG or winning TD were higher than the chances that Graham would mess up another hold.
Originally Posted by ToddtoBarkum Yes, you are correct. But they never addressed the key issue of the "wasted' time-out call NOT allowing the Jets the ability to kick to ball on 3rd down in case of another baad snap. Hel it happended once in the game you would think that would be enough of a resaon to address the issue. Actually, the Jets TO prior to the Miami FG was their first TO. Anyway, why would you want to kick the FG on third down? Kicking the ball on third down would have just left more time on the clock. As it was the Jets played it perfectly. The real issue is that Miami had to call a timeout prior to their FG and therefore (with the blown TO on the review) only had one left. Therefore, the Jets were almost able to run the clock out prior to the go ahead FG. The fact that the Jets called the timeout isn't a big issue in my book. With 2:00+ minutes left and two timeouts (and the two-miute warning) that is plenty of time left to get into FG position.
The ESPN crew is a disgrace. I just signed up out of the rage that broadcast team caused me and this is a great thread. The shame of it is with two idiots (ThighBone and Tony Korn), an average play-by-play guy (Tirico) and TWO annoying sideline reporters (Kolber and Tafoya-who looked not too bad yesterday-), endless cross-promotional garbage and a commercial break every few plays, this broadcast is almost UNWATCHABLE! MNF used to be a fun event and actually pretended to at least be about the Football game. What they did to Chad was inexcusable yesterday. Seriously. Chad couldn't defend himself against their CONSTANT insults...because guess what. He was busy winning a game to send his team to the playoffs! While two Disney Hacks Thighbone and Kornhole were stroking each other about Chad's weak arm. Shame on ESPN for ruining a great tradition and for brining these two idiots into our homes. BTW, hello all and go Jets next Sunday!